
Author: Bill Wirtz

Le lobby des vélos à Bruxelles veut se faire protéger contre la concurrence étrangère

LES ECHOS: Les fabricants de vélos européens demandent à Bruxelles de les protéger contre la concurrence internationale. Les taxes douanières qu’ils proposent nuisent surtout aux revenus les plus faibles.

Eine Digitalsteuer wäre nur eine weitere Steuer, die dem Verbraucher schadet

PEACE LOVE LIBERTY MAGAZIN: Online-Dienste könnten zukünftig auf ihren Umsatz besteuert werden, nicht auf ihre Gewinne. Neben den Finanzministern aus Frankreichs, Deutschlands, Italiens und Spaniens fordert jetzt auch der Ratsvorsitzende aus Estland eine solche Steuer.

The EU’s war on competition

CAPX: Both the creation of cartels and the further imposition of tariffs makes the European Single Market less competitive, and, in an important way for all Europeans, less accommodating for consumers.

Guerre de Trump contre Bombardier : les consommateurs paient

LA CHRONIQUE AGORA: Trump a déclaré la guerre aux avionneurs concurrents de Boeing. Ce faisant, il pénalise ses propres électeurs qui subiront les hausses de prix résultant des droits de douanes.

Despite End of Sugar Quotas, the European Union Is Still Sweet on Protectionism

PANAM POST: Getting rid of sugar quotas was a good first step. However, the European Union now needs to be consequential and eliminate all market distortions, including those which are irregular payments, in the interests of consumers.

The EU Is Still Sweet on Protectionism

FEE: Getting rid of sugar quotas was a good first step. However, the European Union now needs to be consequential and eliminate all market distortions.

Beware the unintended consequences of plain packaging

HIBERNIA FORUM: Plain packaging is a political act of political virtue-signalling. It doesn’t reduce tobacco consumption and eases the work of a dangerous counterfeiting mafia. It belongs in the dustbin of creative Nanny State policy.

European protectionism steps up a gear

COMMENT CENTRAL: The efforts of European bicycle manufacturers to lobby for tariffs to be levied on their international rivals will dampen competition and hurt consumers, writes Bill Wirtz.

Tariffs on New Planes Won’t Cure Aviation’s Old Ills

NEWSMAX: Ruling in favour of crippling tariffs doesn’t reflect well on the Trump administration, as it neglects both the political and market consequences of the decision.

A ‘digital tax’ is just another burden on consumers

EURACTIV: The idea of attempting to massively tax online businesses is not a promising objective, neither for the states nor their consumers.

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