

Articles and publications written by the CCC about Privacy.

Après le coronavirus, faisons des améliorations à notre cadre législatif

Après des semaines de changements à notre façon de consommer, nous voyons qu’il y a des améliorations importantes à faire, en ce qui concerne nos chaînes d’approvisionnement et les moyens disponibles pour se procurer des produits et services. Profitons de cette phase de lucidité pour faire des changements appropriés.

Plusieurs semaines de confinement nous montrent que tout ne s’est pas
déplacé sur internet et qu’une présence physique est difficilement remplaçable avec une connexion internet. Tout de même, nous voyons aussi qu’il y a raison de se réjouir du fait que cette pandémie nous tombe dessus en 2020 et pas il y a vingt ans. Nous avons la possibilité de rechercher et commander des produits et services, presque sans
aucune nécessité de se déplacer.

Les outils de travail à distance tels que Zoom, Asana ou les outils de Google ont déjà révolutionné le monde du travail. La plupart des réunions peuvent
être converties en appel vidéo. Dans des pays comme le Royaume-Uni, les consommateurs peuvent dire que grâce à des services de livraison de produits alimentaires tels que Amazon Fresh etOcado, nous pouvons constituer une bonne quantité de réserves de conserves, de produits secs et de produits pour la salle de bains, sans même avoir à nous battre pour les
derniers produits dans certains supermarchés presque vides.

Au Luxembourg, où ces services n’existent pas, la question se pose si notre cadre réglementaire n’est pas à l’origine de ce défaut. L’absence de services comme Uber, ou les trottinettes électriques comme Bird, nous indique qu’une législation fautive est à l’origine de cette défaillance. Tant que des villes comme Bruxelles ou Paris bénéficie de l’économie de partage, les restaurateurs et la clientèle luxembour- geoises doivent se contenter de sites web incomplets de restau- rants, et l’HORESCA qui organise un service de livraison à 10 euros par commande (pour ceux qui n’ont pas de service intégré de livraison).

Il s’avère que les applications décentralisées sont mieux préparées pour faire face à des crises et la demande des clients. Un grand changement dans l’approvisionnement de produits et services est celui des médicaments et des services médicaux. Pendant la pandémie, nous voyons l’arrivée des télé-consultations, dont on espère qu’elles ne resteront pas une innovation temporaire. Afin de récupérer leurs ordonnances, les patients ont dû se déplacer en pharmacies — une obligation superflue.

Huit pays dans l’Union européenne donnent le droit à leurs citoyens de commander des médicaments sur ordonnance en ligne : le Royaume-Uni, l’Allemagne, la Suisse, les Pays-Bas, le Danemark, la Suède, la Finlande et l’Estonie. Au Luxembourg, le gouvernement nous informe que “Seuls les médicaments sans ordonnance peuvent être vendus sur internet. Il n’est pas prévu d’autoriser la vente à distance de médicaments sur ordonnance.” Espérons que la crise actuelle donnera la motivation nécessaire aux parlementaires de s’intéresser à une légalisation de ces services.

Au niveau de l’Agence européenne des médicaments (EMA), nous aurions besoin d’un audit pour comprendre pourquoi un fast-tracking des procé-
dures d’approbation n’a pas encore été possible. Dans une situation d’urgence comme celle du coronavirus, il nous faut des recherches efficaces, et une bureau- cratie qui autorise au plus vite les médicaments nécessaires. L’Agence luxembourgeoise des médicaments et des produits de santé (ALMPS) devra fonctionner d’après les mêmes principes : mettre la priorité pour maximiser le nombre de nouveaux médicaments sûrs, en réduisant les obstacles administratifs. En même temps, le Luxembourg doit aussi autoriser et encourager le “droit à l’essai” médical. La loi sur le droit d’essayer ou loi Trickett Wendler, Frank Mongiello, Jordan McLinn et Matthew Bellina, a été promulguée le 30 mai 2018 aux États-Unis. Cette loi est un autre moyen pour les patients chez qui on a diagnostiqué des maladies mortelles, qui ont essayé toutes les options de traitement approuvées et qui ne peuvent pas participer à un essai clinique, d’accéder à certains traitements non approuvés. Les essais cliniques permettent de savoir si un produit est sûr à l’emploi et peut traiter ou prévenir efficacement une maladie. Les personnes peuvent avoir de nom-
breuses raisons de participer à des essais cliniques.

En plus de contribuer aux connaissances médicales, certaines personnes participent à des essais cliniques parce qu’il n’existe aucun traitement pour leur maladie, que les traitements qu’elles ont essayés n’ont pas fonctionné ou qu’elles ne sont pas en mesure de tolérer les traitements actuels.

Au-delà, il faut aussi plus de cybersécurité chez les Luxembourgeois et les entreprises contre les cyberattaques qui se propagent lors de cette pandémie. La sécurité du réseau doit être garantie pour garder l’at-
tractivité de la place financière – pour ce faire, une exclusion de certains acteurs du marché de télécommunication, dont la Chine, ne doit pas être exclue. Et qui dit vie privé, doit aussi garantir une révision de la
Constitution qui met en évidence les idées reçues de cette crise, afin de prévenir encore plus les abus de pouvoir dans des urgences futures.

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org

Consumer privacy must be priority

Nearly every day we hear of more major cases of identity theft, financial crime and other forms of attacks or malicious interference on the internet. Breaches become commonplace and lax standards leave consumers worried about how their information is safeguarded.

The colossal breaches at British Airways and Marriott and Starwood in 2018 compromised the private data of hundreds of millions customers, and dozens more cases have surfaced since.

Such incidents are evidence that consumer data security, and also consumer privacy, are not being taken seriously. The adoption of Internet of Things solutions and the highly anticipated rollout of very fast 5G networks will make consumers’ privacy even more vulnerable in the next few years.

President Trump’s executive order to prevent companies from buying hardware and software from telecommunications firms deemed a national security risk is at least one good step in protecting privacy, but it’s sad to see it had to come to that.

Trump is likely influenced by statements of FCC chairman Ajit Pai, who has warned against using telecom equipment vendors from China on the basis of both national security and concerns for privacy.

In one case last fall, it was reported that Chinese officials put immense pressure on specific private firms to include so-called backdoors in their software or devices, which may be exploited either by government agents alone or with a manufacturer’s help. That only provokes more questions as to the influence of the Chinese Community Party on the Chinese firms that sell abroad.

With that in mind, for the ordinary consumer looking to buy their next smartphone, laptop or WiFi router, how can they rest assured their privacy will be secured?

As a response to threats like this, Australia banned the Chinese network equipment manufacturer Huawei from its 5G network. The United States has effectively done the same. But blanket bans aren’t a silver bullet solution for safeguarding privacy and data security. A mix of solutions is needed.

What we need is a smart policy response that would induce companies to give sufficient weight to consumer data security, all the while achieving that goal without undue market distortions, wholesale bans of certain firms and the limiting of consumer choice.

Healthy competition between private enterprises is the best mechanism for the discovery of the right tools and applications for new tech gear. Keeping new regulation technology-neutral, and thus not deciding by law which technological solution is best, is a very good framework for consumer privacy.

The rules should be focused on outcomes and be as general as possible while still providing sufficient guidance. That means not just the biggest companies who can afford to comply will also have a chance.

At the same time, some kind of certification scheme, or even open source standard,  should be adopted to minimize the risk of any backdoors or other vulnerabilities. That said, perfect security cannot be guaranteed. But ensuring companies use encryption and secure methods of authentication should be on the table.

Ideally, there would also be more supply chain liability for telecommunications operators and infrastructure wholesalers. This would push companies to take consumer privacy and security more into account when making procurement decisions.

Outright bans motivated by security concerns have the same effects as trade restrictions in the context of a trade war. The first victim of any trade war are the consumers of the nation imposing tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade. Unless there is no other workable solution and unless the evidence of a serious security risk is clear, we shouldn’t resort to bans.

The debate around 5G reminds us how vulnerable consumers are in a technologically and politically complex world.

Therefore, smart regulation is needed in order to protect consumers from data breaches and to prevent autocratic governments from spying on them.

By strengthening liability of companies for technological vulnerabilities and by creating good standards, both consumer choice and privacy can be ensured.

Blunt instruments like total bans based on country of origin or regulators picking the technological champions should be seen as measures of the last resort.

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Consumer privacy must be priority

Nearly every day we hear of more major cases of identity theft, financial crime and other forms of attacks or malicious interference on the internet. Breaches become commonplace and lax standards leave consumers worried about how their information is safeguarded.

The colossal breaches at British Airways and Marriott and Starwood in 2018 compromised the private data of hundreds of millions customers, and dozens more cases have surfaced since.

Such incidents are evidence that consumer data security, and also consumer privacy, are not being taken seriously. The adoption of Internet of Things solutions and the highly anticipated rollout of very fast 5G networks will make consumers’ privacy even more vulnerable in the next few years.

President Trump’s executive order to prevent companies from buying hardware and software from telecommunications firms deemed a national security risk is at least one good step in protecting privacy, but it’s sad to see it had to come to that.

Trump is likely influenced by statements of FCC chairman Ajit Pai, who has warned against using telecom equipment vendors from China on the basis of both national security and concerns for privacy.

In one case last fall, it was reported that Chinese officials put immense pressure on specific private firms to include so-called backdoors in their software or devices, which may be exploited either by government agents alone or with a manufacturer’s help. That only provokes more questions as to the influence of the Chinese Community Party on the Chinese firms that sell abroad.

With that in mind, for the ordinary consumer looking to buy their next smartphone, laptop or WiFi router, how can they rest assured their privacy will be secured?

As a response to threats like this, Australia banned the Chinese network equipment manufacturer Huawei from its 5G network. The United States has effectively done the same. But blanket bans aren’t a silver bullet solution for safeguarding privacy and data security. A mix of solutions is needed.

What we need is a smart policy response that would induce companies to give sufficient weight to consumer data security, all the while achieving that goal without undue market distortions, wholesale bans of certain firms and the limiting of consumer choice.

Healthy competition between private enterprises is the best mechanism for the discovery of the right tools and applications for new tech gear. Keeping new regulation technology-neutral, and thus not deciding by law which technological solution is best, is a very good framework for consumer privacy.

The rules should be focused on outcomes and be as general as possible while still providing sufficient guidance. That means not just the biggest companies who can afford to comply will also have a chance.

At the same time, some kind of certification scheme, or even open source standard,  should be adopted to minimize the risk of any backdoors or other vulnerabilities. That said, perfect security cannot be guaranteed. But ensuring companies use encryption and secure methods of authentication should be on the table.

Ideally, there would also be more supply chain liability for telecommunications operators and infrastructure wholesalers. This would push companies to take consumer privacy and security more into account when making procurement decisions.

Outright bans motivated by security concerns have the same effects as trade restrictions in the context of a trade war. The first victim of any trade war are the consumers of the nation imposing tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade. Unless there is no other workable solution and unless the evidence of a serious security risk is clear, we shouldn’t resort to bans.

The debate around 5G reminds us how vulnerable consumers are in a technologically and politically complex world.

Therefore, smart regulation is needed in order to protect consumers from data breaches and to prevent autocratic governments from spying on them.

By strengthening liability of companies for technological vulnerabilities and by creating good standards, both consumer choice and privacy can be ensured.

Blunt instruments like total bans based on country of origin or regulators picking the technological champions should be seen as measures of the last resort.

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We Must Make Consumer Privacy a Priority

Nearly every day we hear of more major cases of identity theft, financial crime and other forms of attacks or malicious interference on the internet. Breaches become commonplace and lax standards leave consumers worried about how their information is safeguarded.

The colossal breaches at British Airways and Marriott and Starwood in 2018 compromised the private data of hundreds of millions customers, and dozens more cases have surfaced since.

Such incidents are evidence that consumer data security, and also consumer privacy, are not being taken seriously. The adoption of Internet of Things solutions and the highly anticipated rollout of very fast 5G networks will make consumers’ privacy even more vulnerable in the next few years.

President Trump’s executive order to prevent companies from buying hardware and software from telecommunications firms deemed a national security risk is at least one good step in protecting privacy, but it’s sad to see it had to come to that.

Trump is likely influenced by statements of FCC chairman Ajit Pai, who has warned against using telecom equipment vendors from China on the basis of both national security and concerns for privacy.

In one case last fall, it was reported that Chinese officials put immense pressure on specific private firms to include so-called backdoors in their software or devices, which may be exploited either by government agents alone or with a manufacturer’s help. That only provokes more questions as to the influence of the Chinese Community Party on the Chinese firms that sell abroad.

With that in mind, for the ordinary consumer looking to buy their next smartphone, laptop or WiFi router, how can they rest assured their privacy will be secured?

As a response to threats like this, Australia banned the Chinese network equipment manufacturer Huawei from its 5G network. The United States has effectively done the same. But blanket bans aren’t a silver bullet solution for safeguarding privacy and data security. A mix of solutions is needed.

What we need is a smart policy response that would induce companies to give sufficient weight to consumer data security, all the while achieving that goal without undue market distortions, wholesale bans of certain firms and the limiting of consumer choice.

Healthy competition between private enterprises is the best mechanism for the discovery of the right tools and applications for new tech gear. Keeping new regulation technology-neutral, and thus not deciding by law which technological solution is best, is a very good framework for consumer privacy.

The rules should be focused on outcomes and be as general as possible while still providing sufficient guidance. That means not just the biggest companies who can afford to comply will also have a chance.

At the same time, some kind of certification scheme, or even open source standard,  should be adopted to minimize the risk of any backdoors or other vulnerabilities. That said, perfect security cannot be guaranteed. But ensuring companies use encryption and secure methods of authentication should be on the table.

Ideally, there would also be more supply chain liability for telecommunications operators and infrastructure wholesalers. This would push companies to take consumer privacy and security more into account when making procurement decisions.

Outright bans motivated by security concerns have the same effects as trade restrictions in the context of a trade war. The first victim of any trade war are the consumers of the nation imposing tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade. Unless there is no other workable solution and unless the evidence of a serious security risk is clear, we shouldn’t resort to bans.

The debate around 5G reminds us how vulnerable consumers are in a technologically and politically complex world.

Therefore, smart regulation is needed in order to protect consumers from data breaches and to prevent autocratic governments from spying on them.

By strengthening liability of companies for technological vulnerabilities and by creating good standards, both consumer choice and privacy can be ensured.

Blunt instruments like total bans based on country of origin or regulators picking the technological champions should be seen as measures of the last resort.

Read more here

Report released on Cybersecurity, Consumer Privacy, and 5G Technology

The Consumer Choice Center announces the release of a policy note on consumer privacy and cybersecurity in Europe. The policy note discusses current privacy threats for European consumers in the light of the emergence of the Internet of Things and the rollout of 5G networks. The authors Mikolaj Barczentewicz and Fred Roeder suggest a multifactorial […]

Congress Must Act On Privacy

MORNING CONSULT: The digital revolution has transformed the way we live. Now it’s time for our privacy laws to reflect that.

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