
Author: Consumer Choice Center

Das sind Deutschlands beste Bahnhöfe

Die Buchungsplattform Omio hat anhand von vier Kategorien die besten Bahnhöfe in Deutschland ermittelt. Der Sieger darf sich über satte 100 Punkte freuen, der europaweit schönste Bahnhof landet nur auf Platz 3 und die rote Laterne trägt eine Stadt im Herzen der Republik.

Nur knapp geschlagen geben muss sich der Leipziger Hauptbahnhof. Das wird die sächsische Stadt aber vermutlich kaum schocken können, denn sie darf sich mit dem Titel eines anderen Rankings schmücken. Die internationale Verbraucherschutzorganisation “Consumer Choice Center” (CCC) hat den Hauptbahnhof zum schönsten und besten Bahnhof Europas 2021 gekürt. Leipzig stößt damit der Londoner Bahnhof St. Pancras vom Thron.

Originally published here.

UAE ranks first in Arab world in handling COVID-19 pandemic, says report

The UAE ranked first in the Arab world and second globally on the list of the most resilient countries in handling and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the 2021 report of the Resilience Index for dealing with epidemics issued by the Consumer Choice Centre.

The report, which relies on available government data, aims at providing an overview of the global health system’s preparedness for the COVID-19 pandemic.

It mentioned the UAE in particular, indicating that its performance was much better than all EU countries, with regard to the national vaccination programme. 

“The UAE has rapidly launched the vaccination programme and vaccinated more than 50% of the population,” said Fred Roeder, General Manager of Consumer Choice Centre.

The report pointed out that the average of COVID-19 tests in the UAE ranked third after Cyprus and Luxembourg, and ahead of Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary, France and Italy.

The report added: “The pandemic put health systems around the world to an emergency test, and revealed their strengths and weaknesses, especially with regard to hospital capacity, planning capabilities, and the provision of a regulatory mechanism capable of responding quickly and efficiently upon tests and vaccination.”

The report evaluates 40 countries in terms of approval of vaccines, distribution, number of intensive care beds, and number of tests.

According to the report, the UAE achieved the highest ranking, regarding these criteria, ahead of the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany. It added that countries which started tests and vaccination as soon as possible, and provided a sufficient number of intensive care beds, have contained the Corona virus better than others.

Originally published here.

UAE ranked second most resilient nation globally for Covid-19 response

The UAE was named as the second most resilient country in the world following Israel, for its response to the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the Pandemic Resilience Index 2021 which was compiled by the Consumer Choice Centre (CCC), a non-profit organization representing the rights of consumers in more than 100 countries.

The CCC report, using data available on March 31, aimed to provide an overview of global health system preparedness for the Covid-19 crisis.

It singled out the UAE for performing significantly better than EU countries with its vaccination rollout, despite starting just 10 days earlier.

“The UAE is a country that managed to quickly kick off its vaccination program which saw more than 50 percent of its population vaccinated. Its extensive testing also tops the ranking,” said the report’s authors, Fred Roeder, CCC managing director and CCC research manager Maria Chaplia.

They highlighted the UAE’s Covid-19 testing average of 8.29 per 1,000 people each day was third to Cyprus and Luxembourg, and well ahead of countries such as Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary, France and Italy.

“The pandemic has put health systems globally to an emergency test and exposed both their strong and weak sides,” the report said.

“In particular, that concerns hospital capacity, planning abilities, and the existence of a regulatory system that is able to act fast and efficiently when it comes to testing and vaccination.”

The report measured 40 countries on “vaccination approval, its drive, and time lags that have put brakes on it, critical care bed capacity, and mass testing”.

Israel and the UAE were the only two countries to be given the top rating, ahead of the US, the UK and Germany, who were rated as being “above average”.

The country with the lowest score was Ukraine, with New Zealand also named in the lowest section.

“Countries that started testing and then vaccinating as soon as possible, and who had sufficient, or close to sufficient, intensive care bed capacity, managed to better contain [the] coronavirus,” the report said.

Originally published here.

Emiratos Árabes, segunda nación global más resistente por la respuesta a Covid

Los países que comenzaron a realizar pruebas y luego vacunaron lo antes posible contuvieron mejor el virus

Emiratos Árabes Unidos fue nombrado como el segundo país más resistente del mundo por su respuesta a la pandemia de Covid-19. Solo Israel ocupó un lugar más alto en el Índice de resiliencia pandémica 2021, que fue compilado por el Consumer Choice Center (CCC), una organización sin fines de lucro que representa los derechos de los consumidores en más de 100 países.

El informe de CCC, utilizando datos disponibles al 31 de marzo, tenía como objetivo proporcionar una descripción general de la preparación del sistema de salud mundial para la crisis de Covid-19. Y destacó a EAU por un desempeño significativamente mejor que los países de la Unión Europea con su lanzamiento de vacunación, a pesar de comenzar solo diez días antes.

“Emiratos es un país que logró poner en marcha rápidamente su programa de vacunación, en el que se vacunó a más del 50 por ciento de su población. Por la cantidad de pruebas realizadas también encabezan la clasificación”, señalaron los autores del informe.

El promedio de pruebas Covid-19 en Emiratos es de 8,29 por cada 1,000 personas cada día fue tercero después de Chipre y Luxemburgo, y muy por delante de países como Alemania, República Checa, Hungría, Francia e Italia.

“La pandemia ha puesto a los sistemas de salud de todo el mundo a prueba de emergencia y ha dejado al descubierto sus lados fuertes y débiles”, explicó el informe.

“En particular, eso se refiere a la capacidad hospitalaria, la capacidad de planificación y la existencia de un sistema regulatorio que sea capaz de actuar de manera rápida y eficiente cuando se trata de pruebas y vacunación”.

El informe midió a 40 países sobre “la aprobación de la vacunación, su impulso y los retrasos que la han frenado, la capacidad de las camas de cuidados intensivos y las pruebas masivas”.

Israel y Emiratos Árabes Unidos fueron los únicos dos países que recibieron la calificación más alta, por delante de Estados Unidos, el Reino Unido y Alemania, que estuvieron “por encima del promedio”.

El país con la puntuación más baja fue Ucrania, y Nueva Zelanda que también ocupó un puesto inferior.

“Los países que comenzaron a realizar pruebas y luego vacunaron lo antes posible, y que tenían una capacidad de camas de cuidados intensivos suficiente, o casi suficiente, lograron contener mejor el coronavirus”, concluyó el estudio. 

Originally published here.

UAE hailed world’s 2nd most resilient country for its COVID response — report

For its proactive approach towards vaccination programme, in-depth planning and timely intervention, the UAE has been named the second most resilient country in the world for its Covid-19 pandemic response in the Pandemic Resilience Index 2021. 

Israel ranked higher in the report compiled by the Consumer Choice Centre (CCC), a non-profit organisation representing the rights of consumers in more than 100 countries.

The UAE topped the charts for its impressive performance, leaving behind even EU nations, with its vaccination rollout, despite starting just 10 days earlier. 

Israel and the UAE were the only two countries to be given the top rating, leaving behind the US, the UK and Germany, who were rated as being “above average”.

The CCC report has collated the data available on March 31, to give an overview of how prepared health systems have been globally in handling the pandemic.

“The UAE is a country that managed to quickly kick off its vaccination programme which saw more than 50 per cent of its population vaccinated. Its extensive testing also tops the ranking,” said the report’s authors, Fred Roeder, CCC managing director and CCC research manager Maria Chaplia.

The report also highlighted that the UAE’s Covid-19 testing average of 8.29 per 1,000 people each day was third to Cyprus and Luxembourg, and well ahead of countries such as Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary, France and Italy.

“The pandemic has put health systems globally to an emergency test and exposed both their strong and weak sides,” the report said.

The report surveyed 40 countries on various parameters including “vaccination approval, its drive, and time lags that have put brakes on it, critical care bed capacity, and mass testing”.

Ukraine followed by New Zealand got the lowest score in the report.

Originally published here.

UAE named second most resilient nation for Covid-19 response in global rankings

The UAE was named as the second most resilient country in the world for its response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Only Israel ranked higher in the Pandemic Resilience Index 2021, which was compiled by the Consumer Choice Centre (CCC), a non-profit organisation representing the rights of consumers in more than 100 countries.

The CCC report, using data available on March 31, aimed to provide an overview of global health system preparedness for the Covid-19 crisis.

It singled out the UAE for performing significantly better than EU countries with its vaccination rollout, despite starting just 10 days earlier.

“The UAE is a country that managed to quickly kick off its vaccination programme which saw more than 50 per cent of its population vaccinated. Its extensive testing also tops the ranking,” said the report’s authors, Fred Roeder, CCC managing director and CCC research manager Maria Chaplia.

They highlighted the UAE’s Covid-19 testing average of 8.29 per 1,000 people each day was third to Cyprus and Luxembourg, and well ahead of countries such as Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary, France and Italy.

“The pandemic has put health systems globally to an emergency test and exposed both their strong and weak sides,” the report said.

“In particular, that concerns hospital capacity, planning abilities, and the existence of a regulatory system that is able to act fast and efficiently when it comes to testing and vaccination.”

The report measured 40 countries on “vaccination approval, its drive, and time lags that have put brakes on it, critical care bed capacity, and mass testing”.

Israel and the UAE were the only two countries to be given the top rating, ahead of the US, the UK and Germany, who were rated as being “above average”.

The country with the lowest score was Ukraine, with New Zealand also named in the lowest section.

“Countries that started testing and then vaccinating as soon as possible, and who had sufficient, or close to sufficient, intensive care bed capacity, managed to better contain [the] coronavirus,” the report said.

Originally published here.

36 Organizations Sign Coalition Letter Condemning Menthol Prohibition Proposal

Earlier today, Americans for Tax Reform released a letter signed by 36 leading national and state-based organizations representing millions of taxpayers and consumers throughout the United States urging the Food and Drug Administration to reject a proposed ban on menthol cigarettes. This letter adds to a similar letter signed by 27 civil liberty and racial justice organizations organized by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and demonstrates overwhelming bipartisan opposition to this proposal.  

The letter noted the devastating social impact of criminalizing an activity undertaken by over 18 million Americans, primarily from minority communities, asserting “If this proposal were to be enacted, it is inevitable that it would lead to further confrontations between individuals and law enforcement and break down trust even further. In addition, by diverting law enforcement resources to preventing the sale of menthol cigarettes, this policy will reduce the resources available for the prevention and solving of property and violent crimes.” 

The letter continued, “We further draw your attention to the fact that any comprehensive analysis of the data from jurisdictions where menthol products have been banned demonstrates that, while the majority of users switch to non-menthol cigarettes, over 20% of menthol smokers moved to purchasing illicit products through the black market. Not only does this put all parties involved at risk of police involvement, the illicit tobacco market is increasingly been run by sophisticated international criminal syndicates, often with links to sex trafficking, money laundering and even, increasingly, terrorism.” 

For these reasons, as the letter noted, the U.S. State Department has explicitly called tobacco smuggling, “a threat to national security”. 

The letter also recognized the importance of promoting harm reduction over prohibition, writing, “If the FDA wishes to reduce smoking rates, the best way of doing this is not through bans, but rather embracing life-saving new technologies to help smokers quit. The science is now overwhelming that the most effective way for smokers to quit is through the use of non-combustible reduced risk tobacco alternatives, ranging from vapor and “heat not burn” devices, to oral nicotine delivery systems or moist loose tobacco (which the FDA already allows to be marketed as reducing the cancer risk for persons who make the switch).” 

The letter concluded by urging the FDA to “engage in evidence-based policy making and embrace new technologies and alternative nicotine delivery systems that have been proven will be able to save millions of American lives.” 

Originally published here.

Avrupa’nın En İyi 10 Tren İstasyonu Açıklandı

Tren seyahatleri, 1 yılı aşkın süredir devam eden COVID-19 pandemisi nedeniyle hayal olmuş durumda. Trenlerin seyahat için oldukça aktif bir şekilde kullanıldığı Avrupa’da insanlar, trenlere atlayıp uzaklaşmak için gün sayıyor. Neyse ki gün geçtikçe etki alanı artan aşılama çalışmaları, uzun tren yolculuklarının tekrar başlatılacağı tarihi yakınlaştırıyor. Consumer Choice Center, demiryollarıyla örtülü Avrupa’nın en iyi tren istasyonlarını değerlendirdi. Avrupa’nın en büyük 50 tren istasyonunun incelenip sıralandığı ve ilk 10’un seçildiği listede Almanya başı çekti.

İngiltere geçen sene birinci sıradaydı
Consumer Choice Center, ‘Avrupa’nın En İyi Tren İstasyonları 2021’ listesinde farklı bölgelerdeki tren istasyonlarını yolcu tecrübesi ve ulaşım kolaylığı gibi faktörleri göz önünde bulundurarak sıraladı. En iyi tren istasyonlarının sıralandığı liste geçen sene de site tarafından düzenlenmiş, Londra’da bulunan St. Pancras Uluslararası Tren İstasyonu birinci sırada yer almıştı.

Bu seneki birinci ise Almanya’nın Leipzig şehrinde yer alan Leipzig Hauptbahnhof oldu. Birinciliğin yanı sıra beşinciliği de 2 farklı tren istasyonuyla alan Almanya, listeye damgasını vurdu.

Birinci, Leipzig Hauptbahnhof oldu
Önceki sene ilk sırada yer alan St. Pancras, bu sene üçüncülüğe yerleşti. Listeye girmeyi başaran ülkeler sırasıyla Almanya, Avusturya, İngiltere, Hollanda, Rusya ve İtalya oldu.

Birinci olan Leipzig Hauptbahnhof’un başarısı; barındırdığı mağazalar, yeme-içme mekanları ve iç hatlara sağladığı geniş ulaşımla ilişkilendirildi.

Originally published here.

Europe’s Best Train Stations

The Consumer Choice Center has published its second European Railway Index, which ranks Europe’s most passenger-friendly train stations on criteria such as cleanliness, access to destinations and crowd levels on platforms. Leipzig’s impressive Hauptbahnhof, which also serves as a shopping mall, was ranked number one with a score of 116. Vienna’s central station is relatively new, having only opened in 2021, and it comes second in the ranking with 108. 

St. Pancras in London, a hub for Eurostar services to continental Europe, was ranked number one last year and it comes in third in 2021 with a score of 106. It underwent an £800 million refurbishment which was completed in 2008 and it boasts a shopping center, a coach facility and a hotel. Germany has two further stations in the top-10 – Frankfurt and Munich.

Infographic: Europe's Best Train Stations | Statista

Originally published here.

ZELENA ENERGIJA: Dunajski kolodvor med najboljšimi (in najbolj zelenimi) v Evropi

Že pogrešate vožnjo z vlakom? Evropski izbor najboljših železniških postaj je pokazal, da boste eno najprijetnejših izkušenj doživeli, če na vlak sedete na Dunaju.

Glavni železniški kolodvor na Dunaju (Wien Hauptbahnhof), ki je bil temeljito prenovljen v letu 2015, se je na letošnjem evropskem izboru uvrstil med deseterico najboljših, najlepših in potniku najbolj prijaznih železniških postaj.

Izbor vsako leto izvede organizacija za zaščito potrošnikov Consumer Choice Center, dunajski kolodvor pa so v tekmovanju letos postavili na drugo mesto, takoj za leipziško postajo. Med najvišje uvrščenimi lahko omenimo še londonski St. Pancras, amsterdamski Centraal ter Kazaski kolodvor v Moskvi. V izbor je bilo sicer umeščenih približno 50 najbolj poznanih železniških postaj vse Evrope, ki so se tja uvrstile predvsem na podlagi ocen uporabnikov. Nato jih je komisija organizacije ocenila glede na njihovo dostopnost, čistočo, gastronomsko ponudbo, internetni dostop, število sedišč in toalet in podobno.

Ob odlični uporabniški izkušnji tudi ekološka nota

Dunajski kolodvor, izmed najbolje uvrščene deseterice nam najbližji in najbolj poznan, je tako potnike kot komisijo organizacije Consumer Choice Center navdušil s številnimi pozitivnimi uporabniškimi izkušnjami, izjemno čistočo, bogato dodatno ponudbo ter predvsem svojo zeleno, okolju prijazno in ekološko naravnanostjo.

Kolodvor se lahko namreč pohvali s kar 1200 kvadratnimi metri solarnih panelov, ki skrbijo za energijo, uporabljeno za zimsko ogrevanje in poletno hlajenje celotne železniške postaje, ob tem pa se slednja za svoje delovanje poslužuje celo geotermalne energije.

Originally published here.

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