
Pandemic Resilience Index

Weathering change: why governments must prioritise innovation

Innovation is a fuel that powers the most successful private-sector organisations. Their relentless pursuit of new products, processes and systems in a bid to compete has made private companies synonymous with agility, progression and proactivity. By injecting the same level of innovation into the public sector, governments can drive efficiency, reduce expenditure and navigate crises.

The pandemic has left some countries and governments at sea. It has exposed the need for more resilient government models that can act quickly and decisively. Technology such as big data analytics, drones and artificial intelligence can inform and support decision-making while also helping to implement policies and measure their success.

“Government innovation is the foundation of every development and an engine of creating the future,” says Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, vice president and prime minister of the UAE and ruler of Dubai. “I believe that the UAE has a lot of experience and expertise to share in this field.”

In January, the UAE was ranked first globally for its Covid-19 response and resilience by the Pandemic Resilience Index 2022, which is funded by US-based advocacy group Consumer Choice Centre. And as we emerge from the health crisis, our economy is also demonstrating a solid recovery.

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The new Pandemic Resilience Index is out, what has changed since 2021?

Covid-19 pandemic took the world by storm. Most countries’ healthcare systems proved to be entirely unprepared for a health crisis of this scale. Some countries were able to react and adapt more swiftly than others. Pandemic Resilience Index (PRI), presented by the Consumer Choice Center back in 2021, ranked countries based on their resilience to Covid-19 and other similar crises. 

The PRI examined 40 countries by several factors: vaccination approval, its drive, and time lags that have put brakes on it, critical care bed capacity, and mass testing. Israel came in first, followed by UAE, while Australia, New Zealand, and Ukraine ended up at the very bottom. 

Recently, we updated the PRI. Compared to the initial results, the change in the ranking is primarily due to the booster vaccine rollout delays. 

This year, the UAE found itself at the top of the ranking, closely followed by Cyprus. UAE was a pioneer in booster rollout, having given booster shots to about 42% of its 10 million population. Unfortunately, not all countries were quick to react to new variants and the subsequent need for additional doses. Countries like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Ukraine took five months longer than the UAE – the first country to start the programme – to get booster rollout up and running. 

Ukraine and India are the only countries that hadn’t rolled out the booster programme by November 30, 2021 (The PRI 2022 uses November 30 2021 as a cutoff date). According to the Ukrainian first deputy health minister, they wanted to reach the target of having at least 50% of the population fully vaccinated, before allowing for boosters shot to be administered, a goal that is yet to be reached. At the moment, both countries have acknowledged the need for booster shots and rolled it out at the beginning of this year. 

Israel, ranked number one in the PRI 2021, was demoted to 5th place, mainly due to its delay with vaccine rollout, which started 75 days after the UAE. The UAE started administering booster shots to its residents back in May 2021, while on average other countries lagged 3 months behind. 

Cyprus reached the second place mainly due to its high testing rates. The daily covid test average per capita 128 times higher than in Brazil, for example.

Greece had the most significant percentage change in terms of daily testing. Most countries saw an increase in this aspect, except for Luxembourg and Sweden, where the change was negative. Ukraine, with the second-lowest number of daily covid tests, remains at the bottom. 

When it comes to vaccination rates, Brazil has seen the most impressive improvement in vaccination numbers since the Pandemic Resilience Index 2021 was published. The number of vaccinated people in Brazil increased from 2.4% to 63% by the end of November 2021.

Availability of booster shots is especially important as not only does it provide better protection, but more and more countries are putting expiration dates on vaccines. For example, to visit France, if it’s been more than nine months since your last vaccine shot, you have first to get a booster shot. Despite delays, all of the studied countries (except for Ukraine and India) had already started offering booster shots to their population before the emergence of the new Omicron variant. 

Despite the initial one-year-long shock that everyone experienced, with restrictions getting lifted, scrapping of vaccine passports in some countries and border reopenings, it seems we are finally getting back to everyday lives. While we hope we never have to deal with a pandemic of such size ever again, countries worldwide must learn a lesson from this horrid experience and have their healthcare systems better prepared for any upcoming threats. 

Leading the world in vaccination

UAE tops the global ranking in fighting Covid-19

In early December when South African doctors first reported a new strain of coronavirus spreading very quickly there, researchers and governments the world over feared that Omicron might overwhelm medical services already strained by almost two years of fighting the virus.

Acting swiftly and based on painful experiences from other waves of the virus during this pandemic, restrictive measures were imposed to try and prevent Omicron from doing its worst.

Now, two months one, reality is that the new variant does not seem as severe as initially thought, and while it is far more contagious that other previous variants of Covid-19, those without vaccination are most at risk from its worst effects.

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UAE tops global COVID-19 pandemic resilience rankings

The UAE has been ranked first in the latest COVID-19 global resilience rankings, thanks to its proactive mass testing, vaccination campaign and administration of booster doses to curb the spread of the virus. Followed by Cyprus, Bahrain and Israel, the Emirates was placed first in the Pandemic Resilience Index 2022. The ranking has been compiled by US-based advocacy group Consumer Choice Centre. The original index has collected data up until March last year during when the UAE was ranked second globally in terms of COVID-19 resilience. 

The group recently released the updated index which incorporated new data between the end of March and late November last year. As part of this data, the group took into consideration every country’s booster programme.

Speaking in the matter, Maria Chaplia, research manager at the Consumer Choice Centre, affirmed that the UAE emerged pioneer in terms of its booster rollout. She added that countries like New Zealand, Ukraine, Australia, Spain and Canada took five months longer to implement necessary campaigns.

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UAE is most pandemic-resilient country in the world, say global reports

Two global surveys have placed UAE on top of the list when it comes to pandemic resilience.

The UAE once again has been placed at the top of the Bloomberg pandemic resilience ranking that measures the resilience and response of the world’s biggest 53 economies to the Covid- 19 pandemic.

In November 2021, the company noted that the UAE outperformed Europe in terms of containing the pandemic, naming it as the best place to be with the emergence of the Omicron variant. “Ruling out a return to full lockdown, the UAE economy is poised for strong economic growth this year helped by the rebound in oil prices,” read the most recent report.

Similarly, the UAE was also ranked first globally for its Covid-19 response and resilience, according to the Pandemic Resilience Index 2022.

Published by a United States-based advocacy group Consumer Choice Centre, the UAE was closely followed by Cyprus, Bahrain and Israel in the index.

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UAE tops COVID resilience rankings

The UAE is ranked first globally for its COVID-19 response and resilience.

That’s according to the Pandemic Resilience Index 2022, compiled by the US-based Consumer Choice Centre.

Vaccination, booster rollouts and mass testing were some of the key factors considered.

Cyprus, Bahrain, Israel and Luxembourg round out the top-five spots on the list of 40 nations.

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Résilience face au COVID-19 : Les Emirats arrivent en tête du classement

Selon l’indice de résilience pandémique 2022, compilé par le Consumer Choice Center (un groupe de défense basé aux États-Unis) les Emirats se placent en 1ère position du classement, suivis par Chypre, Bahreïn et Israël.

Ce sont les tests de masse, les campagnes de vaccination ainsi que la politique d’inoculation de doses de rappel qui ont contribué à ce que le pays performe en matière de résilience face à la pandémie de COVID-19.

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Die VAE führen die globale Covid-19-Resilienz-Rangliste an

Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate haben in der neuesten Rangliste der globalen Resilienz von Covid-19 den ersten Platz belegt, gefolgt von Zypern, Bahrain und Israel, die ganz oben auf der Liste stehen.

Die Emirate belegten den ersten Platz in der Pandemie-Resilienz-Index 2022, die vom Consumer Choice Center, einer in den USA ansässigen Interessenvertretung, zusammengestellt wurde.

Massentests, Impfzulassung und Vertrieb von Booster Schüsse gehörten zu den Schlüsselfaktoren, die den VAE halfen, sich den Spitzenplatz zu sichern.

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Emiratos Arabes encabeza la clasificación mundial de residencia frente a Covid-19

Emiratos Árabes Unidos ocupó el primer lugar en las últimas clasificaciones de resiliencia global ante Covid-19, seguido de Chipre, Bahréin e Israel en lo alto de la lista.

EAU se situó en primer lugar en el Índice de Resiliencia Pandémica 2022, que fue realizado por Consumer Choice Center, un grupo de defensa con sede en Estados Unidos.

Las pruebas masivas, la aprobación y distribución de vacunas y de refuerzo fueron algunos de los factores clave que ayudaron a Emiratos a asegurar el primer puesto.

El índice original, que recopiló datos hasta marzo del año pasado, clasificó a Emiratos Árabes Unidos en el segundo lugar del mundo en lo que respecta a la resiliencia ante Covid-19.

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UAE ranked most pandemic-resilient country in the world

The emirates ranked first globally for its Covid-19 response and resilience, according to the Pandemic Resilience Index 2022

The UAE ranked first globally for its Covid-19 response and resilience, according to the Pandemic Resilience Index 2022 by US-based advocacy group Consumer Choice Centre. The emirates was followed by Cyprus, Bahrain and Israel.

The country’s mass testing initiative, vaccination drive, booster shot distribution programme, and critical care bed capacity were among the key factors considered.

“The UAE was the pioneer of the booster rollout. Countries such as New Zealand, Ukraine, Australia, Spain and Canada took 5 months longer to get it up and running,” said Maria Chaplia, research manager at the Consumer Choice Centre.

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UAE tops global Covid-19 resilience rankings

The Emirates, Cyprus, Bahrain and Israel are the leading nations with fast and effective booster shot campaigns

The UAE has come first in the latest Covid-19 global resilience rankings, followed by Cyprus, Bahrain and Israel.

The Emirates was placed first in the Pandemic Resilience Index 2022, which was compiled by the Consumer Choice Centre, an advocacy group based in the US.

Mass testing, vaccination approval and distribution of booster shots were among the key factors that helped the UAE to secure the top spot.

The original index, which collated data up until March last year, ranked the UAE second in the world when it came to Covid-19 resilience.

However, the updated index incorporates new data between the end of March and late November last year, taking into consideration each country’s booster programme.

“The UAE was the pioneer of the booster rollout,” said Maria Chaplia, research manager at the Consumer Choice Centre.

“Countries such as New Zealand, Ukraine, Australia, Spain and Canada took five months longer to get it up and running.

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Fastest-growing investment state

The UAE has undergone continuous transformation to create the perfect platform for economic success in a rapidly evolving world. The priority for the next 50 years is to continue accelerating economic development, especially by encouraging SMEs

From its strategic location at global crossroads and strong financial reserves and sovereign wealth funds to investment in major development and infrastructure projects, the UAE has been able to create a modern, dynamic and diverse economy in only 50 years.

With its desire to keep pushing forward, to keep extending the nation’s horizons, it has ensured the UAE remains a global beacon for talent, innovation and endeavour, and a model environment for investment and entrepreneurship.

The UAE, for instance, ranked first regionally and 9th globally in the Global Competitiveness Report 2021 issued by the Global Competitiveness Center, and ranked first globally in 22 indicators. In a staggeringly short time, it has managed to redefine the limits of the possible.

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Also from the Consumer Choice Center: ConsumerChamps.EU | FreeTrade4us.org