
Author: Bill Wirtz

Involving Government in the Loot Box Outrage Is a Bad Move

FEE: Teaming up with legislators can open the door to large-scale governmental involvement in video gaming, and might quickly turn against those who called them in the first place.

Why the Baltic States Should Reject the Nanny State

EMERGING EUROPE: Before the Baltic nations drown themselves in an avalanche of paternalistic lifestyle regulations, they should consult their own populous about the changes they want to introduce.

Demandons une politique publique basée sur des preuves !

LES ECHOS: Les décisions de réglementation sont trop souvent inspirées par des considérations émotionnelles et non par une approche scientifique. La discussion européenne sur le phosphate dans le kebab en est une preuve.

Our new alcohol policy: pointless, punishes the poor but makes politicians look ‘good’

HIBERIA FORUM: As a matter of public policy, there are several reasons to oppose the minimum pricing of alcohol.

The Cronyism Behind Your Contact Lenses

VALUE WALK: In order to remedy against this intransparent handling, the Federal Trade Commission is proposing an update to the contact lens rules. The FTC wants to make it compulsory for practitioners to get a signature from the patient that he has understood that he holds the right to his files.

The Cronyism behind Your Contact Lenses

FEE: In order to remedy against this intransparent handling, the Federal Trade Commission is proposing an update to the contact lens rules.

Krieg der Sterne als Glücksspiel

NOVO ARGUMENTE: Lootboxen von Computerspielen wie „Battlefront 2“ und „Overwatch“ sollen als Glücksspiel eingestuft und verschärftem Jugendschutz unterworfen werden. Ein Sturm im Wasserglas.

The Döner debate is emblematic for the need for evidence-based policy-making

VOCAL EUROPE: In a recent move by Social Democrats and Greens in the European Parliament, there has been a call to phase-out the use of phosphate in the fast-food product döner kebab.

Belgium: Star Wars is a gateway drug

COMMENT CENTRAL: Children paying for in-game purchases is a sign of inattentive parents not a gambling addiction, writes Bill Wirtz.

Govt Intentions on Cigarette Packaging Could Be Hell

NEWSMAX: On this day, Dec. 1, five years ago, the Australian government implemented the mandatory plain packaging of all tobacco products. This means that cigarettes, rolled tobacco, and the likes, can only be sold in packs that do not show the particular brand in question.

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