
Day: June 13, 2022

ANDS hosts first virtual summit on ‘Youth Protection’ across MENA

Dubai, UAE; June 08, 2022: ANDS, a leading company in the electronic nicotine delivery solutions and heated tobacco technology, has hosted its first ever virtual summit to launch a unique initiative, the ‘Sentinel Program’, representing its vision towards youth protection. 

The program addresses solutions for youth vaping and provides ANDS’ perspective on protecting minors and non-smokers from being exposed to nicotine delivery solutions. The initiative includes steps on product conformity, packaging, marketing practices, up to trade and retail practices.

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Comment la communauté internationale fera face à de futures pandémies, similaires à celles que nous connaissons ? 

L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) en est aux premiers stades de la discussion sur ce que l’on appelle un instrument de prévention, de préparation et de réponse aux pandémies (PPR).

Cet instrument doit permettre de déterminer comment la communauté internationale fera face à de futures pandémies, telles que celles que nous connaissons actuellement. Une conférence planifiée pour ce mois-ci pourrait ainsi bouleverser le consensus international sur la propriété intellectuelle.

Confinements et vaccins

La pandémie de Covid-19 illustre de manière fascinante ce que beaucoup d’entre nous savent depuis des décennies : l’Etat est souvent lent et inefficace, tandis que l’industrie privée relève avec succès les défis de notre époque. Lorsque la pandémie a été déclarée par l’OMS, le chaos était inévitable. Des drones qui suivaient les joggeurs pendant qu’ils faisaient du sport aux bancs de parc qui ont été enlevés ou recouverts de ruban adhésif, les réactions des Etats étaient discutables du point de vue du droit civil et mal conçues en même temps.

Il était pourtant clair pour tout le monde, dès le début, qu’un vaccin était le seul moyen réaliste et rapide de sortir durablement des confinements. Le hic, c’est que, au départ, le temps de développement d’un vaccin était estimé à de nombreuses années.

Alors pourquoi sommes-nous aujourd’hui confrontés à une crise de Covid-19 contrôlée et à des infections dont les conséquences sont bien moins graves pour les malades ?

La concurrence privée entre les fabricants de vaccins a pris une ampleur et une rapidité sans précédent. Bien que tous les vaccins aient des noms médicaux, le patient ordinaire les connaît plutôt sous le nom de différentes entreprises pharmaceutiques.

Il est vrai que la passion des scientifiques et le devoir civique des entreprises jouent un rôle dans la recherche pharmaceutique et le développement des vaccins. En fait, nous ne devrions pas minimiser cet effet, car la plupart des entreprises pharmaceutiques ont vendu pendant des décennies des médicaments vitaux à prix coûtant dans les pays en développement.

A quoi sert la propriété intellectuelle sur les vaccins ?

Cependant, nous devons également comprendre que les investisseurs et les conseils d’administration des entreprises doivent voir l’opportunité d’un retour sur investissement, afin de couvrir les coûts immenses de la recherche médicale. Les droits de propriété intellectuelle répondent à cette attente, en créant un cadre juridique qui permet aux entreprises de créer des innovations médicales, en sachant qu’elles ne pourront pas être volées.

Au cours du développement des vaccins contre le Covid-19, les entreprises pharmaceutiques ont échangé des informations brevetées importantes avec leurs concurrents, afin d’obtenir des résultats plus rapidement – un échange d’informations rendu possible et organisé par une protection juridique complète.

Sans cette protection, les entreprises pourraient être hésitantes à l’idée de collaborer avec des entreprises concurrentes. Les DPI ont également permis la coopération entre les autorités de réglementation, y compris les accords de pré-achat, qui se sont avérés essentiels pour la préparation aux pandémies.

Malheureusement, ce fait n’est pas reconnu par les détracteurs de la propriété intellectuelle. Un nombre considérable de législateurs estiment que le mécanisme PRP ne devrait pas être basé sur la prémisse des droits de propriété intellectuelle.

Ils commettent une grave erreur en rendant la propriété intellectuelle responsable de la lenteur de la diffusion, car c’est le contraire qui est vrai. Toutefois, ces critiques peuvent rendre les Etats responsables d’autre chose : la lenteur des chaînes d’approvisionnement et les obstacles réglementaires sont en effet un aspect inutile et mortel de la distribution des vaccins. Nous avons besoin d’un système réglementaire harmonisé pour l’autorisation et la distribution des vaccins, ainsi que d’une réduction significative des barrières commerciales.

Quand les règles ralentissent tout

Si, en plus de la complexité du développement des vaccins, les entreprises doivent se frayer un chemin à travers la jungle réglementaire de 51 voies d’autorisation d’urgence dans 24 pays (en temps normal, il y aurait eu 190 procédures réglementaires différentes), de nombreux développeurs pourraient en conclure que cela ne vaut tout simplement pas la peine de supporter les coûts de conformité pour trouver une solution médicale. En outre, nous devons numériser les flux commerciaux entre les pays et travailler selon un système de normes médicales mutuellement reconnues.

Pourquoi le Royaume-Uni et l’Union européenne ne travaillent-ils pas selon le principe de la confiance mutuelle pour l’autorisation des vaccins ?

Les tentatives de développement d’un vaccin en dehors du système de propriété intellectuelle ont échoué. Les tentatives connues des hôpitaux et des universités d’établir des bases non commerciales pour un vaccin contre le Covid-19 n’ont pas fourni de détails sur les essais précliniques.

En parallèle, les solutions vaccinales de certaines autocraties isolées, comme Cuba, suscitent un grand scepticisme : malgré les succès qu’ils revendiquent eux-mêmes, les scientifiques cubains n’ont publié aucune donnée sur l’efficacité du vaccin.

Dans l’intérêt de l’innovation médicale, les organisations internationales de la santé ne devraient pas envisager de mesures qui porteraient atteinte aux droits de propriété intellectuelle. La pandémie de Covid-19 a justement montré que les chercheurs et les fabricants sont incités à partager leurs connaissances et à libérer ainsi leur potentiel d’innovation lorsque leurs succès peuvent être brevetés et commercialisés.

Originally published here

The Bees Are Doing Fine. Why Do Activists Say They Aren’t?

Pollinators are essential to our ecosystem; thus, a drastic decline in them would hurt not just nature around us but also humans. With that in mind, lawmakers around the globe have been worried about the effect of human behaviour on the sustainability of bee colonies. Environmentalists have been adamant that “bee-killing pesticides” are to blame, and not just in recent years: their claims that the chemicals we use to protect from crop losses and plant diseases are responsible for bee colony collapses. 

However, the numbers don’t bear that out. Since the introduction of neonicotinoid insecticides – the pesticides blamed for bee death – in the mid-90s, bee populations have not collapsed. The data show that as of 2020, there has been an increase of beehives by 17% since 2010, 35% since 2000, and 90% since 1961. In the United States, the number of bee colonies has been stable for 30 years, while in Europe, where farmers also use these insecticides, the number has increased by 20%.

Local or regional reductions in managed bees can occur because bee-keepers adapt their stock in terms of the market demand. As honey prices are currently on the rise, it is likely that in many areas, bee-keepers will increase their supply to benefit from higher prices. As for wild bees, not just are they hard to count (because, as the name suggests, they are wild), but existing research predicting catastrophic decline has been debunked in the past.

That does not mean that there are no threats to pollinators or that modern farming does not have an impact on them. In fact, climate change has affected the warming-tracking of bumble bees and led them to seek higher elevation. Added to that, solitary bees are affected by the impact of habitat loss caused by the rapid expansion of agriculture over the last centuries. That said, we need to put the habitat issue into context: research published on May 30 shows how comparative models point to peak agricultural land use already having been reached. This means that despite a growing population, humanity is unlikely to increase its need for land for farming purposes any longer. Even though that is the case, food production continues to grow because modern farming techniques allow us to create more yield with the same or even less land.

On the one hand, the reason for this shift lies in the fact that developing nations have increasing access to modern farming equipment and crop protection tools. Where previously farmers needed a lot of labour to hand-weed, machines are able to cover the entire field in a fraction of the time, and fungicides assure that the food is safe for human consumption. On the other hand, innovations in the developed world have also modernised the way we make, consume, and deliver food. Improved supply chains guarantee that we don’t need a farm in every small rural area anymore, and modern genetic engineering has made our crops more resilient and efficient. Yet even before that, the use of crop protection chemicals has ensured that farmers don’t lose a significant share of their crops each year.

However, with the development of modern agricultural practices came its opponents. Environmental activists have contested the legitimacy of the use of pesticides and instead advocated for organic farming. Not just does this undermine the trust in the regulatory bodies that oversee the safety of the products, but it also misses two key factors: organic farming, contrary to popular belief, does use a long list of pesticides, and a shift to all-organic would increase the need for farmland. A study by the University of Melbourne found that organic farming yields 43-72 percent less than traditional farming and that it requires 130 per cent more farmland to yield the same output.

Defenders of modern agriculture should vehemently push back against the notion that today’s food model undermines bee health or human health, for that matter. In fact, the solutions of environmental activists are so counter-productive to their own stated aims that we can safely say to them: we’re on your side, but you’re not.

Originally published here

Is Russia Funding European Environmental Activists?

Russia might be funding European environmental organizations to support its position in the energy market and undermine competitors.

Why is Europe’s political class questioning the effectiveness of modern agricultural practices and the legitimacy of nuclear power when the rest of the developed world is upgrading its fission capacity and allowing for gene-editing technology to revolutionize food production? One could think it’s the inherent need for Europe to be different from the rest of the world, but that would neglect the significant lobbying efforts that have prevented the continent from becoming food and energy independent.

In 2014, former NATO secretary-general and prime minister of Denmark Anders Fogh Rasmussen described this phenomenon to The Guardian:

“I have met allies who can report that Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organisations – environmental organisations working against shale gas – to maintain European dependence on imported Russian gas.”

The extraction of shale gas is known as fracking. While legal and used in the United States, European parliaments have consistently opposed this alternative and preferred to rely on standard Russian gas pipelines. According to a letter sent to then-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin by U.S. representatives Lamar Smith and Randy Weber, Hillary Clinton told a private audience in 2016 “We were even up against phony environmental groups, and I’m a big environmentalist, but these were funded by the Russians …”

Has the Russian Federation been funding environmental activists around the world? A few more voices point in this direction.

WWF Germany, BUND (Friends of the Earth), and NABU (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union), three environmental organisations who were avowed opponents of Germany’s NordStream pipelines with Russia, dropped their opposition after Gazprom promised funding for environmental protection, according to a 2011 report from the European Parliament. A foundation set up by a German federal state, environmental organizations, and NordStream (controlled by Gazprom) had filled its coffers with €10 million with representatives of the environmental organizations sitting on the board. Did these groups drop their opposition to the pipelines because of Russian funding? Whether they did or not is anyone’s guess.

Another striking example is Belgium, where the federal energy minister Tinne Van der Straeten (from the green party “GROEN”) has sought to dismantle Belgium’s nuclear energy capacity. Van der Straeten’s former job? Lawyer and associate at a law firm whose largest client is Gazprom. 

It’s not just energy dependence that Europe has created, but also significant food import dependency. According to the European Union (EU), 19 percent of “other feed and feed ingredients” imported to the bloc come from Russia, as well as almost 8 percent of sugar (other than beet and cane), and slightly more than 6 percent of imported wheat. While total agri-food imports from Russia to the EU only represent 1.4 percent, the country’s trade is vital for Europe’s animal feed, and by blocking Ukrainian trade routes, Moscow is worsening food security all over Europe. Conveniently, many of the organizations mentioned above have been adamant about reducing European farmland, phasing out crop protection, and blocking the use of genetic engineering.

The question of whether environmental activists have been funded by the Russian state might help resolve the even more puzzling inquiry into why they told deliberate mistruths for decades. Take the example of insecticides: when a decline in the honey bee population went unexplained for some time in the early 2000s, environmental activists first blamed their favorite boogeyman – genetic engineering. When that talking point was debunked by the scientific community, environmentalists turned their attention to neonicotinoid insecticides, and also subsequently to neonic alternatives such as sulfoxaflor.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a March 2018 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) report, and reports from Canada and Australia, there has been no proven link between neonics and harm to bee populations. The scientific community rejected sulfoxaflor-related claims as recently as July last year. The European Food Safety Authority EFSA and the EPA, even called sulfoxaflor “better for species across the board.”

Not just have those claims about bee health been rejected, but bee population growth across the globe is on the rise. The data show that as of 2020, there has been a 17 percent increase in beehives, a 35 percent increase since 2000, and a 90 percent increase since 1961. In the United States, the number of bee colonies has been stable for thirtyyears while in Europe, where farmers also use insecticides, the number has increased by 20 percent.

These mistruths about crop protection and bee numbers have made countries fight what even mainstream news sources in Europe consider “bee-killing pesticides.” 

In France, Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Front (itself supported by loans from Russian banks)supported a ban on sulfoxaflor in 2015. In 2019, the country outlawed neonics and sulfoxaflor, only to discover that it led to a massive decrease in sugar beet production. Paris had to pause the bansas its beet farmers were facing extinction but still received criticism from environmental organizations for their pragmatic decision. Again, the fact that Russia is a significant exporter of sugar beet is likely purely coincidental and unrelated.

Do environmental organizations support the efforts of foreign governments by increasing the dependence of NATO allies on Russia? Even if not deliberately, they do so indirectly as their advocacy leads to food inflation and economies that cannot argue from a position of strength. 

Originally published here

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