There is no such thing as chemical-free food – there never has been and there never will be’
Chemicals are inherently perceived as bad, while substances of natural origin are seen as positive. Laypeople generally disregard the dose of a toxic substance altogether and classify even the smallest amounts of pesticides as dangerous – for example, chemical residues in their food – without any justification.
An ORF report addresses the complex challenges associated with the various residues on our plates. In addition to synthetic pesticides, the report also identifies mycotoxins in grain and natural toxins as serious threats to nutritional health. It shows once again that natural substances can be highly toxic, while synthetically produced substances are often harmless.
And crop protection products are often essential. In the ORF report, Austrian farmer Lorenz Mayr gets to the heart of the matter: ‘Without crop protection products, the field would become barren in no time. If the fungal infection is severe, it will penetrate the tubers and cause them to rot.’ A total crop failure would be the direct result. Mayr explains that the use of pesticides is essential. He has to adhere to strict guidelines: ‘There are strict rules about when pesticides can be used. The main thing is that we can protect our plants from disease so that we can produce food for Austrian production.’
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