
Author: Bill Wirtz

Irish tax on alcohol is enough to drive everyone to drink

TIMES OF LONDON: Consumer Choice Center’s Bill Wirtz is published in the London Times: “We need to recognise that consumers have the right to make choices. This implies that they make the choice to drink because they are allowed to enjoy themselves. Or at least while they are still allowed.”

European Parliament approves new framework for digital taxation: consumers will pay the bill

CONTACT: Bill Wirtz Policy Analyst Consumer Choice Center European Parliament approves new framework for digital taxation: consumers will pay the bill Brussels, BE – In an attempt to create a “clear and fair” corporate tax regime for the European Union, the European Parliament approved a resolution for a tax plan which will identify the “digital presence” of […]

In response to Trump tariffs, the EU is coming for your bourbon

IFT: Last week, US President Donald Trump announced tariffs on steel and aluminium, as a means to protect local American industries from foreign competition. This is in line with Trump’s general tendency towards economic protectionism, demonstrated by his support for tariffs on the Canadian manufacturer Bombardier’s C-series jets (planes which are partially produced in the […]

Europeans Can Challenge Trump by Making Case for Free Trade

NEWSMAX: President Trump announced that he will impose tariffs on steel and aluminum, as a way of protecting local industries against foreign imports.

Banning Plastic Bags Isn’t Just Bad Economics—It’s Bad for the Environment

FEE: Measures that intuitively sound sensible might turn out to produce unintended consequences, writes Bill Wirtz of Consumer Choice Center.

Faut-il combattre la “dépendance à Facebook”?

L’ECHO: Plaider en faveur d’une réglementation stricte des médias sociaux donne l’impression qu’elle est simplement guidée par une réponse émotionnelle aux progrès technologique: une vraie “technopanique”.

L’Europe prend le bus de la liberté !

LA CHRONIQUE AGORA: L’Union européenne doit prochainement faire appliquer la libération du marché des transports par autocar. Cette concurrence est prometteuse pour notre pouvoir d’achat.

Freie Fahrt für Busse in Europa: die EU-Kommission glaubt an das deutsche Modell

PLL: Die Europäische Kommission hat einen Vorschlag zur Liberalisierung des europäischen Intercity-Busmarktes vorgelegt. Im Mobilitätspaket der Kommission wird den Busunternehmen die Möglichkeit gegeben, zwischen den Städten Fahrten über 100 Kilometer zu organisieren. Dieser Schritt folgt einem Beschluss des Verkehrsrates vom Februar letzten Jahres und einem noch früheren Vorstoß der Kommission für die Liberalisierung vor vier Jahren.

Bus market liberalisation’s a winner

COMMENT CENTRAL: Liberalising bus markets, Bill Wirtz argues, means consumers can travel more cheaply and efficiently, which in turn reduces social inequality.

Wo bleibt die Wahlfreiheit der Verbraucher?

THE EUROPEAN: In einem wegweisenden Urteil hat das Bundesverwaltungsgericht diese Woche entschieden, dass Städte das Recht haben, Dieselfahrzeuge zu verbieten.

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