

Will Government Allow Gene Editing for Cancer Treatment?

The idea of genome editing is no longer a theoretical concept studied only within the confines of labs and scientific research institutions. In August 2017, scientists reportedly managed to successfully use the genome-editing technique to correct a disease-causing mutation in viable human embryos. This is just one of the many applications of the technique scientists want to use to […]

Scandale des sèche-mains électriques: une photo sur Facebook n’est pas une preuve scientifique

CAFE BABEL: Après un post sur Facebook, la discussion sur l’hygiène des sèche-mains électriques est de revenue dans le débat public. Petite récapitulation des faits.

Dental therapist bill passes Senate health committee as latest voter poll rejects the concept

PHOENIX BUSINESS JOURNAL: A new poll released said 68 percent of Arizonans don’t want a new mid-level dental therapy profession. Commissioned by Consumer Choice Center and conducted by OH Predictive Insights, the telephone poll was conducted Feb. 7-8 among a sample of 601 registered Arizona voters.

Why is the European Parliament treating science with contempt?

VOCAL EUROPE: It seems as if the European Parliament takes the approach questioning scientific results once they don’t happen to confirm its narrative. After all, what are the presumptive expectations for an investigation into the EFSA and ECHA assessment? Are we to investigate a product as long as it fits our policy-based expectations? What would happen […]

Dental Therapists: A new dental category may not be the answer

Because so much of the U.S. healthcare system is focused on medical expenses, benefits, and insurance programs, it’s an unfortunate fact that dental care is often neglected. An estimated 35.6 percent of U.S. adults didn’t visit a dentist last year, along with 55.3 percent of Medicaid-eligible children. Is it mostly because people cannot find enough dentists […]

La politique de la peur n’a pas sa place dans la régulation des vices

CAFÉ BABEL: Les Etats et les entreprises privées se permettent de pratiquer la politique de la peur, afin d’influencer le comportements des consommateurs. Les deux ont tort.

It’s time to legalize paid plasma donations in Ontario

OUR WINDSOR: In order to meet supply, Canada ends up importing close to 70 per cent of the plasma from the United States, where they have paid plasma donor plans. Thus, Canadian officials end up acquiring plasma from paid donors abroad while prohibiting it here at home

Both political and corporate health scares are irresponsible

VOCAL EUROPE: A functional market economy requires informed consumers, who a sufficiently informed about the products and services that they consume.

Demandons une politique publique basée sur des preuves !

LES ECHOS: Les décisions de réglementation sont trop souvent inspirées par des considérations émotionnelles et non par une approche scientifique. La discussion européenne sur le phosphate dans le kebab en est une preuve.

La battaglia per la scienza continua anche in Europa

CAMPAGNE LIBERALI: Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo la riflessione di Luca Bertoletti, European Affairs Manager per il Consumer Choice Center.

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