

German pharmacy sector labelled ‘rent-seeking cartel’

AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACIES: A consumer choice advocate has strongly criticised the country’s pharmacy sector as “protectionist and backward” due to ownership and other regulations which restrict competition.

Innovation allows longer lives for all of us – Let’s not stop it halfway through

VOCAL EUROPE: Good news! Living in the 21st century means living in the most healthy and technological most advanced times humanity has ever seen.

The Döner debate is emblematic for the need for evidence-based policy-making

VOCAL EUROPE: In a recent move by Social Democrats and Greens in the European Parliament, there has been a call to phase-out the use of phosphate in the fast-food product döner kebab.

Regulatory Capture in European Evidence-Based Policy Making

IREF: The evidence used in policy making then ought not to be taken at face value, given the vested interests at play. There is a role for scrutiny of the evidence used in policy proposals, as well as investigating the incentives for the interest groups who are benefitting from them.

Wien huet Angscht virum Glyphosat?

RADIO 100: D’Ëmweltschützer bedreiwen Angschtmaacherei am Dossier ronderëm de Verbuet vu Gylphosat. Déi minimal Quantitéiten, déi sech an eisen Iesssaachen erëmfannen, stelle kee Risiko fir eis Gesondheet duer.

New York Vaping Ban Counterintuitive To Tobacco Reduction

RED LAKE NATION NEWS: New York state signed a bill into law on Monday that prohibits vaping anywhere in which cigarettes are already banned, a measure that is bad for consumers, counter-intuitive to tobacco use reduction, and is based on misinformation.

Glyphosate : le Parlement européen demande une interdiction d’ici à cinq ans

MSN: En finir avec le glyphosate d’ici à cinq ans : voilà ce que souhaiteraient les députés européens

Glyphosate : les eurodéputés pour une interdiction d’ici à cinq ans, la Commission revoit sa copie

LE MONDE: Bruxelles a revu à la baisse sa proposition de renouvellement de l’herbicide dans l’Union à la veille du vote des Etats membres.

On glyphosate, we must support science-based public policy

CONTACT: Yaël Ossowski Deputy Director Consumer Choice Center BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – Today, the Consumer Choice Center joined the European Crop Protection Association, COPA-COGECA, Coceral, and Europabio in a signed letter addressed to the European Union’s policymakers considering a ban on glyphosate. The letter warns that EU policymakers cannot “allow emotion to let us slowly undermine our regulatory process […]

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