
Author: Fred Roeder

Geplantes Verbot von Werbeikonen bei Lebensmitteln: Lasst die Milka-Kuh doch einfach lila sein!

Geplantes Verbot von Werbeikonen bei Lebensmitteln: Lasst die Milka-Kuh doch einfach lila sein! CONTACT: Frederik Röder Managing Director Consumer Choice Center fred@consumerchoicecenter.org 14. June 2017 Brüssel, Belgien – Das Consumer Choice Center kritisiert den Vorschlag der Verbraucherschutzorganisation BEUC die Verwendung von Zeichentrickfiguren auf den Packungen und in der Werbung von Frühstückscerealien zu verbieten. Frederik Cyrus Röder, […]

Let CapnCrunch sail, Prinzen be charming, and Frostie be cool: No junk food branding bans

The Consumer Choice Center Says Food-Labeling for Junk Food to Protect Kids Isn’t the Way to Go CONTACT: Luca Bertoletti European Affairs Manager Consumer Choice Center luca@consumerchoicecenter.org +39 3451694519   Brussels, Belgium— The Consumer Choice Center criticizes BEUC’s proposal to ban the use of familiar cartoon characters in cereal and candy brands and promotion. “The proposed ban on […]

Wenn Dogmen Nachhaltigkeit aufs Spiel setzen

HUFFINGTON POST: Der niederländische Europaabgeordnete Bas Eickhout präsentierte diese Woche im Europaparlament einen Report in dem er und andere Abgeordnete eine striktere Definition von Biomasse fordern.

World No Tobacco Day Embraces the Wrong Approach

May 31st, is World No Tobacco Day. World No Tobacco Day brings attention to a noble goal, that of reducing tobacco consumption, but embraces the wrong approach needed for consumers and everyday working people. “The World Health Organization and hundreds of national governments have approached tobacco as a problem to legislate, regulate, and tax away. Branding bands […]

Earlier Access To New Drugs Could Solve Canada’s Affordability Crisis

HUFFINGTON POST: Policymakers are fiercely debating how to tackle the soaring costs of prescription drugs in Canada.

Allowing patients to choose could save billions

EURACTIV: The Commission’s recent musings on the social dimension of Europe touches on common drug pricing among member states.

Lower quality food debate begins in Slovakia, Eastern Europe

NEWSLAND: The Consumer Choice Center quoted in article on dual food quality debate on Moldovan website. Read more

Lower quality food in eastern Europe sparks debate

DELPHI: The Consumer Choice Center mentioned in a Lithuanian article on the dual food debate.

Slovakia presses on dual foods debate

NOVAYAGZETA: The Consumer Choice Center mentioned in a Russian article on the dual food debate.

Slovak study fuels concerns about lower quality food in Eastern Europe

EURACTIV: The Consumer Choice Center is quoted in an article on the dual foods debate in Central and Eastern Europe.

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