
Author: Fabio Fernandes

Vaping emerging as smoking alternative

Many smokers in Bangladesh are choosing vaping as a medium of quitting smoking as they consider it a safe alternative to cigarettes.

Physicians in the UK and USA recommend vaping as a quitting tool. 

According to a study conducted by a US-based organisation, the Consumer Choice Center, over 6.23 million smokers in Bangladesh can potentially quit cigarettes and if right measures are taken.

The Center, which works for consumer preferences, conducted the study on vaping in 61 countries. They tried to get an idea about the future expansion of relatively safe e-cigarettes market by reviewing the current regular and irregular vaping rates.

Reviewing the situation of Bangladesh, the organisation said that if e-cigarettes are systematically encouraged by following methods that of the UK, 25 percent smokers may quite conventional cigarettes. 

According to the report of World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2018, Bangladesh has 24.9 million smokers.

According to the research, more than 196 million smokers in 70 countries will be interested in quitting conventional cigarettes if e-cigarettes are encouraged.  

The highest number of smokers may decrease in China. Bangladesh ranks sixth out of 61 countries in this list of smoking quittances.

Organizations who are working in this sector believe that a significant reduction in smoking would have a positive effect on the global health situation. 

According to an article published by the Royal College of Physicians in the UK, an e-cigarette contains a mixture of nicotine, propylene glycol or vegetable glycerine and flavours. 

Although e-cigarettes contain nicotine, however nicotine does less harm than conventional cigarette chemicals (such as tar and carbon monoxide).

Doctors believe that vaping may be one of the most effective ways to quit smoking and suggest that the government take the issue positively, because it gradually reduces the body’s need for harmful chemicals.

Originally published here.

Millones de exfumadores podrían recaer si se prohíben los sabores en el vapeo

Una nueva investigación publicada por el Consumer Choice Center (Centro de Elección del Consumidor) y World Vapers Alliance (Alianza Mundial de Vapeadores) muestra que 15 millones de exfumadores de ocho países podrían volver a fumar si se promulgan las prohibiciones de los sabores del vapeo de nicotina.

El informe “Why Vape Flavors Matter?” analizó la situación en 8 países (Estados Unidos, Canadá, Holanda, Polonia, Alemania, Francia, España, e Italia). De acuerdo con este, hay tres consecuencias negativas de prohibir los sabores en el vapeo:

1. La prohibición llevará a los vapeadores a comprar productos de vapeo con sabor en otras jurisdicciones legales;
2. Los vapeadores podrían recurrir a comprar productos de vapeo con sabor en el mercado ilegal;
3. Los vapeadores podrían volver a fumar.

El análisis también encontró que los vapeadores que usan sabores distintos a tabaco son 230% más propensos a dejar de fumar que aquellos que usan solo sabores de tabaco. 

Reacciones al estudio

Michael Landl, director de la Alianza Mundial de Vapeadores, dijo que “prohibir los sabores tendría un efecto profundamente negativo en la sociedad, empujando a los fumadores de vuelta a los cigarrillos o al peligroso mercado negro. El vapeo es una herramienta muy eficaz para dejar de fumar y los sabores son una parte integral del éxito. La prohibición de los sabores podría hacer que millones de exfumadores volvieran a tomar el hábito”.

David Clement, director de Asuntos Norteamericanos del Consumer Choice Center, añadió: “Lo que queremos que la gente, especialmente los legisladores, reconozcan es que los sabores que se van formando no solo tienen que ver con el sabor y la comodidad para los usuarios adultos: son un factor importante para que la gente deje de fumar de forma tradicional”.

En el informe también se examinan otras consecuencias negativas de la prohibición de los sabores. Estas incluyen acceder a los mercados negros o fabricar sus propios líquidos de vapeo. Esto último puede ser muy peligroso si la persona no cuenta con el conocimiento y los ingredientes adecuados. 

“Sabemos que las prohibiciones de los sabores reavivan los problemas de la prohibición, lo cual es un neto negativo para la sociedad, tanto en lo que respecta a la actividad delictiva como a la seguridad de los consumidores”, dijo Yaël Ossowski, director adjunto del Consumer Choice Center. “A la luz de todas estas pruebas, países como los Países Bajos o Dinamarca deben reconsiderar sus planes sobre las prohibiciones de los sabores y, en su lugar, facilitar al máximo a los fumadores el cambio a alternativas menos perjudiciales en comparación con el tabaquismo”, dijo Michael Landl.

Originally published here.

September 2020

Back to school, back to Parliament, back to work!

It’s definitely a bumpy ride with COVID-19, but we here at the Consumer Choice Center have been working very hard over the summer to keep you more connected and with more choices. Let me give you a guided tour of some of our recent work. Buckle up, it’s quite a ride!

European Airport Index: the Winner is Zurich this year!

As the continent is slowly getting back into travel mode, our 2020 edition of Europe’s most passenger-friendly airports could obviously not be missed. This year’s winner is Zurich Airport! I’m sure you’ll want to know where your closest airport is ranked in Europe’s 30 biggest airports, so click HERE to get straight to the research by Fred Roeder and Tamar Tarsaidze.

Let Brazil create!

The CCC has started a new campaign in Brazil to fight for innovation and against scrapping the provisions of Article 40 protecting intellectual property. Our colleagues Fabio Fernandes and Fred Roeder lead the way in showing legislators that legislative proposals are going off the rails, and how they would hurt consumers. For Brazilians, make sure to follow our Brazilian CCC account HERE.

Also related to intellectual property: Together with 11 Members of the European Parliament, we have signed a letter regarding the TRIPS (Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) flexibilities.

Sustainable food is great

We all want sustainable agriculture, but how do we achieve that? My newest policy note on sustainable agriculture is a toolkit for policy-makers, to make them understand how evidence-based policy-making leads to affordable and safe food that does not overuse natural resources. You can read the full paper HERE.

You might also be interested in an op-ed I wrote about the threat to human health posed by mycotoxin contamination in Parliament Magazine.

Fred Roeder made it all the way into Germany’s prestigious FAZ on sustainability and modern agriculture.

Consumer Choice Radio

We also had the great pleasure to host Kathleen Hefferon PhD from the Department of Microbiology at Columbia University on our very own Consumer Choice Radio. In our interview, we tried to make sense of the opposition to evidence-based policy-making.

Flavours matter

Vape flavours are more than just a gimmick — they are essential tools to help smokers make the switch to vaping products if they choose to do so. In their most recent policy note “Why Flavors Matter” (link), David Clement, Yaël Ossowski, joined by Michael Landl from the World Vapers Alliance make their case that restricting flavoured vaping liquids is the wrong way to go.

Read the paper HERE.

Parlo Italiano?

Not all of us do, but either way it’s a bliss to listen to Luca Bertoletti give his take on VAT holders bonuses in Italy. Did the Italian pension office violate the privacy of millions of Italian? Listen to these two interviews to understand more about this!

The California Fight for Freelancers

The Consumer Choice Center has joined a coalition mi to pass Proposition 22 in California (Yes on Prop 22) that would overturn parts of the anti-freelance and anti-contractor AB5 law for rideshare drivers. We’re the only consumer group that has signed up, and you’ll see much more in the coming months as we push to pass this proposition.

In that spirit, my colleague Yaël Ossowski published an op-ed on a similar topic impacting all of us stuck at home: commission caps on delivery apps. A coalition of groups wants cities to intervene in the delivery app market and dictate prices. That’s bad for consumers and means the cost of getting food to your door will be more expensive. Check out his article for more.

Make restaurants fun again

Over 29 per cent of restaurant owners cannot make a profit during COVID-19, with 60 per cent saying they’ll need to shut down within 90 days if the pandemic continues. In his recent op-ed for the Financial Post, David Clement argues for changes that would not only alleviate burdens on restaurant owners, but also on consumers. 

Here’s a snippet: “If we are going to nudge people back to restaurants, let’s make restaurants fun and affordable again. Simple changes could go a long way to avoiding mass restaurant bankruptcies.”

Argentina gets it wrong

“The Argentinian government will finally need to implement pro-free market reforms instead of holding onto socialist policies such as price controls on telecom services.” Our colleague Maria Chaplia didn’t mince her words on Argentina’s planned price freeze telecommunications services. Luca Bertoletti added: “Argentina deserves better than a populist government that pretends to act in the interests of consumers by extending price controls of TV, internet and mobile services at the expense of future prosperity.” It’s FIRE and we like it! 🔥

Let us know if you have any ideas on what we should be focusing on in the future!

Bill Wirtz

August 2020

August is here and while our social and travel patterns are still very limited due to the ongoing pandemic, we were able to have one of our most productive months ever at the CCC! 

In Latin America, Julio Clavijo and Fabio Fernandes launched the First Annual Edition of the Latin American Consumer Airport Index, seeking to rank the continent’s most passenger-friendly airports. We had important local media hits, such as Valor Econômico, Diário do Grande ABC, Monitor Mercantil, InfoTur Dominicano and Revista Dia-a-Dia. The Index is available here.

On July 14th, the Consumer Choice Center branch in Brazil (CESCO) held its first live stream on the topic of medical cannabis. Our Media Associate Fabio interviewed the first and only organization in Brazil authorized to grow marijuana and produce CBD/THC oil for medical purposes. We had over 75 people watching live and asking questions on this still delicate topic in the country. You can watch the full interview in Portuguese here.

In South Africa our Managing Director Fred Roeder interviewed the shadow minister of Trade and Industry Dean Macphearson on the ongoing prohibition and lockdown measures in the African Horn. The campaign can be found under the hashtag #StopProhibition. 

In North America

Our North American Affairs Manager David Clement was featured on the TV Channel CHCH news in Ontario where he argued in favour of cannabis delivery and online ordering. He was also published in the Financial Post making the case for liberalizing Canada’s airline market and allowing for international competition.

There’s a lot at stake in Washington, D.C. in the next round of negotiations for a pandemic fiscal relief plan. In the Detroit News, Deputy Director Yaël Ossowski makes the case for a liability shield for responsible businesses, organizations, and schools.


On the airwaves, we had another great set of episodes of Consumer Choice Radio on 106.7FM in Wilmington, N.C. Some of our guests included author Bjorn Lomborg, general surgeon Dr. Jeff Singer, journalist Brad Polumbo, policy analyst Ashley Baker, and private detective Brian O’Shea.

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast version of our radio show, which broadcasts each week at 10:00AM EST!

Meanwhile in Europe

CCC participated in the Fin-Tech action plan consultation of the EU Commission, demanding a real digital and financial single market for consumers. The entire document can be found here:

Agriculture Webinar with Norbert Lins

On July 7, our own Bill Wirtz hosted a webinar on European agriculture with European Parliament Agriculture Committee chairman Norbert Lins, vice-chair Mazaly Aguilar, and plant biotechnologist Marcel Kuntz. The European Union has recently unveiled its “Farm to Fork” strategy, which seeks to overhaul the way food is produced in Europe.

Last, the current situation could lead to a growth of Illicit Trade and the black market, and that’s why myself and Bill have written a policy paper where we suggest how to tackle this problem! 

Even in the middle of a pandemic, parts of our team used a few days in early August to meet up (in a very socially distanced way) and discuss strategies for promoting consumer choice in the second half of this year. One of the highlights was this beautifully designed CCC-cake featuring the four policy areas we represent consumers in.

Cumbica ocupa 3º lugar em ranking de aeroportos mais amigáveis da América Latina

O Aeroporto Internacional de São Paulo (GRU Airport), alcançou o terceiro lugar entre os aeroportos mais amigáveis da América Latina na primeira edição do ranking que classifica os aeroportos mais cômodos para os passageiros.

Para a formulação do ranking, foram examinados os 30 maiores aeroportos latino-americanos (em volume de passageiros), levando em consideração a experiência do usuário, de acordo com uma série de fatores.

Entre os critérios levados em consideração estão localização, opções de acesso e transporte público, conveniência, entretenimento, número de lojas, restaurantes e lounges no aeroporto, além do acesso à malha aérea e número de voos e destinos. A iniciativa é do Centro de Escolha do Consumidor (Consumer Choice Center).

Fabio Fernandes, co-autor do estudo e responsável pelas relações com a mídia do Consumer Choice Center, afirmou que o ranking demonstra o nível de praticidade e conforto esperado quando se viaja nos principais aeroportos da America Latina, pois o sistema criado para fornecer os dados possibilita uma visão mais ampla, auxiliando os passageiros a escolher qual aeroporto utilizar.

“O sistema de pontos que desenvolvemos para o índice fornece uma ótima visão a respeito dos aeroportos que você deve considerar usar em sua próxima viagem, seja de férias ou a trabalho”.

Confira a lista completa com os 10 aeroportos mais amigáveis da América Latina:

  • 1 – Benito Juarez – Cidade do México (México)
  • 2 – Aeroporto Internacional José Joaquín de Olmedo – Guayaquil (Equador)
  • 3 – Governador André Franco Montoro – Guarulhos (Brasil) e Aeroporto Internacional Juan Santamaría – Alajuela (Costa Rica), empatados
  • 5 – Aeroporto Internacional de Punta Cana – Punta Cana (República Dominicana) e Aeroporto Internacional La Aurora – Cidade da Guatemala (Guatemala), empatados
  • 7 – Aeroporto Internacional Tocumen – Cidade do Panamá (Panamá)
  • 8 – Aeroporto Internacional de Guadalajara – Guadalajara (México), Antonio Carlos Jobim – Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) e Aeroporto Internacional Alfonso Bonilla Aragón – Palmira (Colômbia), todos empatados

Originally published here.

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org

Cumbica e Galeão estão entre os 10 aeroportos mais amigáveis da América Latina

Os aeroportos Governador André Franco Montoro (GRU), o Cumbica, em Guarulhos, e Antonio Carlos Jobim (GIG), o Galeão, no Rio de Janeiro, ocupam, respectivamente, o terceiro e o oitavo lugar entre os aeroportos mais amigáveis da América Latina.  O ranking, elaborado pelo Centro de Escolha do Consumidor (Consumer Choice Center), é liderado pelo Benito Juarez, na Cidade do México.

Realizado pela primeira vez na região, o índice avaliou os 30 aeroportos mais movimentados em número de passageiros e os classificou por pontos a partir da experiência oferecia os usuários. Entre os critérios levados em consideração estão localização, opções de acesso e transporte público, conveniência, entretenimento, número de lojas, restaurantes e lounges no aeroporto, além do acesso à malha aérea e número de voos e destinos.

“Outros fatores determinados no ranking incluem número de pontes de embarque (fingers), em vez de acesso pela pista após o percurso em ônibus, proximidade ao centro da cidade, número de salas vip e conexão direta com a rede de metrô e trens”, afirma  Fabio Fernandes, responsável por relações com a mídia do Consumer Choice Center e co-autor do estudo.

“O sistema de pontos que desenvolvemos para o índice fornece uma ótima visão a respeito dos aeroportos que você deve considerar usar em sua próxima viagem, seja de férias ou a trabalho”, conclui Fabio.

Read more here.

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org

Cumbica e Galeão estão entre os 10 aeroportos mais amigáveis da América Latina

Os aeroportos Governador André Franco Montoro (GRU), o Cumbica, em Guarulhos, e Antonio Carlos Jobim (GIG), o Galeão, no Rio de Janeiro, ocupam, respectivamente, o terceiro e o oitavo lugar entre os aeroportos mais amigáveis da América Latina.  O ranking, elaborado pelo Centro de Escolha do Consumidor (Consumer Choice Center), é liderado pelo Benito Juarez, na Cidade do México.

Realizado pela primeira vez na região, o índice avaliou os 30 aeroportos mais movimentados em número de passageiros e os classificou por pontos a partir da experiência oferecia os usuários. Entre os critérios levados em consideração estão localização, opções de acesso e transporte público, conveniência, entretenimento, número de lojas, restaurantes e lounges no aeroporto, além do acesso à malha aérea e número de voos e destinos.

Read more here

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org


Os aeroportos Governador André Franco Montoro (GRU), o Cumbica, em Guarulhos, e Antonio Carlos Jobim (GIG), o Galeão, no Rio de Janeiro, ocupam, respectivamente, o terceiro e o oitavo lugar entre os aeroportos mais amigáveis da América Latina.  O ranking, elaborado pelo Centro de Escolha do Consumidor (Consumer Choice Center), é liderado pelo Benito Juarez, na Cidade do México.

Realizado pela primeira vez na região, o índice avaliou os 30 aeroportos mais movimentados em número de passageiros e os classificou por pontos a partir da experiência oferecia os usuários. Entre os critérios levados em consideração estão localização, opções de acesso e transporte público, conveniência, entretenimento, número de lojas, restaurantes e lounges no aeroporto, além do acesso à malha aérea e número de voos e destinos.

“Outros fatores determinados no ranking incluem número de pontes de embarque (fingers), em vez de acesso pela pista após o percurso em ônibus, proximidade ao centro da cidade, número de salas vip e conexão direta com a rede de metrô e trens”, afirma  Fabio Fernandes, responsável por relações com a mídia do Consumer Choice Center e co-autor do estudo.

“O sistema de pontos que desenvolvemos para o índice fornece uma ótima visão a respeito dos aeroportos que você deve considerar usar em sua próxima viagem, seja de férias ou a trabalho”, conclui Fabio.

Read more here

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org

Os Aeroportos mais cômodos da América Latina

Há quem goste, mas também desteste aeroportos. Contudo, não tem como a gente deixar de passar por eles, quando fazemos viagens, sobretudo, internacionais. E quem viaja muito, acaba tendo as suas próprias percepções sobre os aeroportos nos quais circula com mais frequência.

Entretanto, independentemente da opinião de cada um, vale conferir a primeira edição de um ranking que classifica os aeroportos mais cômodos da América Latina para os passageiros. Em outras palavras, quais são aqueles mais amigáveis para os viajantes da região.

A iniciativa é do Centro de Escolha do Consumidor(Consumer Choice Center, em inglês). Foram examinados examinados os 30 maiores aeroportos latino-americanos (em volume de passageiros). A partir daí, a classificação se deu em termos de experiência do usuário, de acordo com uma série de fatores.

Read more here

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org

Revealed: Latin America’s most Passenger-Friendly Airports

The index is the first of its kind in Latin America and should be used to inform both consumers and administrators as to who is doing the best job accomodating passengers. We hope that, in light of travel disruptions due to COVID-19, this index will help travelers to pick destinations and connecting points. 

source http://meltwater.pressify.io/publication/5efdfd8df546310004abf6ad/5aa837df2542970e001981f6

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