
Search for: prohibition

Menthol ban will make a bad situation worse

The Food and Drug Administration’s naive plan to ban menthol cigarettes will lead to countless unintended consequences, including increased youth smoking, especially in minority communities, where a ban would spark illegal markets reminiscent of the days of alcohol prohibition. Kids could easily buy loose cigarettes stored in sealed baggies with unwrapped menthol cough drops. The […]

The Science-Based Community and E-Cigarettes

Government agencies populated with scientists people are pleased to call “experts” are often thought to be above the ordinary give-and-take of politics and, especially, immune to the clarion calls of activists and pressure of public opinion. Scientific experts, or “the science-based community,” is supposed to be driven by data and evidence, not the naked pressure […]

Opinion: Marijuana promises economic benefit, poses financial questions

Michiganians voted Tuesday to introduce a new industry to the state that is expected to bring in $765 million in revenue over the next year and thousands of new jobs. What we’re talking about is legal cannabis. Look no further than the state of Colorado to see the incredible effects of legal cannabis on the economy, […]

WHO’s afraid of vaping?

For the second time in two years, I sat in the public gallery at a United Nations conference in Geneva as a senior UN bureaucrat told us that all members of the media and public were barred from the proceedings, writes Yael Ossowski for Spiked. This particular occasion was one of the UN’s biannual sessions to update the World […]

Qui a peur de la vape ?

Le traitement par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé des substituts au tabac que sont le vapotage et les e-cigarettes démontre l’ineptie de cette bureaucratie tyrannique. Pour la deuxième fois en deux ans, nous avons été présents dans la tribune publique d’une conférence des Nations unies à Genève lorsqu’un haut fonctionnaire de l’ONU nous a dit […]

Opinion: advertising rules for cannabis in Canada are too strict

Cannabis legalization passing on October 17th means that the Federal Cannabis Act is in full force and that the industry will have to follow extremely strict restrictions when it comes to marketing, branding, and advertising practices. The goal of these restrictions is to avoid cannabis being exposed to young people. Although that goal is noble on its face, the restrictions that […]

Pressure increases on Ontario to ban vaping displays to protect teens from addiction

TORONTO STAR: On the cannabis portion of the bill, a lobby group called the Consumer Choice Centre warned allowing municipalities to ban private marijuana stores within their boundaries will create “prohibition zones” where the criminal black market will continue to thrive. “Waiting up to three business days for a package to arrive in the mail, which […]

Pressure increases on Ontario to ban vaping displays to protect teens from addiction

F3NEWS: On the cannabis portion of the bill, a lobby group called the Consumer Choice Centre warned allowing municipalities to ban private marijuana stores within their boundaries will create “prohibition zones” where the criminal black market will continue to thrive. “Waiting up to three business days for a package to arrive in the mail, which you […]

WHO’s afraid of vaping

The war on vaping is a threat to public health. For the second time in two years, I sat in the public gallery at a United Nations conference in Geneva as a senior UN bureaucrat told us that all members of the media and public were to be barred from the proceedings. This particular occasion […]

Minor changes could have a major positive impact on Ontario’s cannabis plan

On Aug. 13, Ontario Finance Minister Vic Fideli announced the government’s plan for cannabis legalization. The keystone of the Progressive Conservatives’ policy is a reversal of the public retail monopoly model proposed by the former Liberal government, to instead opt for private retail provincewide. Although cannabis will be legal in October this year, storefronts won’t be available […]

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