modernization of alcohol laws

The Consumer Choice Center stands for modernization of alcohol laws. 

Our goal is to promote smarter regulations on alcohol that will best promote consumer choice.

The primary tools by which we’ve spread this message include written opinion articles in major media, press releases, social media campaigns and graphics, radio and TV interviews, organization of grassroots events, and written submissions to governmental authorities.

We’ve heard from consumers that want sensible alcohol reform, want to remove liquor monopolies, lower taxes on alcohol, and want to open up the market so more people can enjoy new craft spirits, beers, and wines.

Overall, we advocate for reforms and modernization that will lower alcohol prices and promote responsible alcohol consumption.

Important points:

  • Allow brand freedom so companies to use marketing to inform consumers about their products
  • End state monopolies on alcohol sales
  • Shut down wasteful local liquor control boards in favor of single state licenses for alcohol sales
  • Allow the online sale and shipping of alcohol across state lines
  • Allow home delivery of beer, wine, and spirits
  • Remove caps on beer brewers’ ability to distribute without wholesalers
  • Allow alcohol tasting rooms at breweries and distilleries
  • Allow on-site sales at breweries and distilleries
  • Alcohol consumption recommendations that follow science and allow for lifestyle freedom




Media Hits

Bahaya Kebijakan Regulasi Minuman Beralkohol yang Terlalu Ketat

Kebijakan terkait dengan minuman beralkohol kerap menjadi isu yang menimbulkan pro dan kontra di berbagai negara di dunia. Aspek kesehatan hingga dampak sosial dari minuman beralkohol kerap menjadi fokus utama dalam kebijakan minuman beralkohol yang diterapkan di berbagai tempat. Di Indonesia misalnya, aturan yang memberlakukan regulasi ketat terkait minuman...

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Why Cancer Warnings On Alcohol Dilute The Meaning Of Risk

Canada is a cold place, and to get around my home of Ontario comfortably during the winter I’m lucky to have a top-shelf pair of American premium leather cowboy boots by Durango. They’re perfect, except for the part where they supposedly can increase my risk of cancer. Yes, because...

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Letter to HHS: Concerns Regarding ICCPUD Alcohol Intake & Health Report 

Today the Consumer Choice Center submitted a formal comment to the Department of Health and Human Services to express our sincere concern about bias in the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD) Alcohol Intake and Health (AIH) report, which could impact the 2025-20230 US Dietary...

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ICCPUD Report on Alcohol Deserves Skepticism

After months of controversy around its development, Health and Human Services (HHS) has published its highly anticipated report on alcohol and health through the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD). The research was slammed in an October letter from 100 US Congressmen who expressed concern...

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NASEM Findings On Alcohol Safety Are A Win For Science & Consumer Choice

After Congress allocated $1.3 million to the Department of Agriculture and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) to study alcohol’s impact on consumer health, the findings have been released in time to inform the 2025-2030 U.S. Dietary Guidelines. NASEM’s findings were published today in the Review of Evidence on Alcohol...

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Elon Musk is right about the fun police

Right after the 2024 election, Tucker Carlson ramped up the promotion of his new nicotine pouch product, prompting Elon Musk to weigh in on the conservative host’s challenge to Zyn by calling out the “fun police” who stand against both Tucker’s odd humor and his zeal for pouches. The fun police are...

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Ontarians can’t get complacent about the liberalization of alcohol

Many Ontarians are celebrating the new rules that allow them to buy alcohol at big box stores like Costco and at their local convenience store, a practice other provinces and other countries have had for many years. This is a victory to be sure for convenience and consumer choice,...

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The LCBO is an archaic system with an ugly history

The history of the LCBO is rife with the contradiction of making money off a social vice they take pride in suppressing, and its existence is based in a sense of moral superiority that it knew what was best for Ontarians when it came to alcohol consumption. However, this...

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Stop the hand-wringing about privatizing liquor sales

Giving Ontarians greater choice and convenience in buying alcohol won’t significantly increase social harms, including drunk driving Three large health organizations are now criticizing Ontario’s government for its roll-out of alcohol in private stores. The Canadian Mental Health Association, the Canadian Public Health Association, and the Canadian Cancer Society have all...

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To President-Elect Trump: A Return To Consumer Choice 

Donald Trump has been elected to return to the White House in an overwhelming election against Vice President Kamala Harris. Many factors drove the US electorate toward supporting Trump-Vance, among them concerns about the economy, inflation, and the cost of living in America, as well as illegal immigration and...

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Retail industry reacts to budget with scepticism, general dismay

Immediate reaction to Chancellor Rachel Reeves’s first budget has not been positive. Our regular columnist, CEO of the British Independent Retailers Association (BIRA), Andrew Goodacre, condemned the budget out of hand, calling it, “Without doubt the worst for independent retailers I have seen in my time representing the sector....

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Labour ‘fudges’ their first Budget

The Chancellor Rachel Reeves has unveiled her financial plans for Britain’s economy in the first Labour budget in 14 years. Government borrowing is set to reach £127 billion, and tax revenue hikes of £40 billion. Mike Salem, the UK Country Associate for the Consumer Choice Center (CCC), has reacted...

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End the HHS misadventure on alcohol consumption

The Department of Health and Human Services is weighing whether or not to freeze a study on the health impacts of alcohol consumption after a bipartisan group of 100 lawmakers expressed concern about the integrity of the research being performed. The report is meant to inform the next round of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, but what has become clear...

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Attenzione a come il Neo-Proibizionismo influenza le politiche mondiali sull’alcol

“Non esiste un livello di consumo di alcol senza effetti sulla salute”. Questa è la sentenza, o l’epitaffio se preferite, emanata nel gennaio del 2023 dall’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, che, come ormai è noto, ha intrapreso una spietata crociata verso il consumo di alcol tout court. L’obiettivo è proteggere le...

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Ford must allow grocery stores to sell all alcohol during LCBO strike

There’s an easy way for Premier Doug Ford to help folks out during the LCBO strike: Just let private retailers sell all liquor products, at least during the strike. It’s easy to do. And it happens all over Canada and around the world. Alberta and Saskatchewan let local businesses...

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How Neo-Prohibitionists Came to Shape Alcohol Policy

IN JANUARY 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) dropped a bombshell-they announced there was “no safe level”1 of alcohol consumption. For the past five years, the WHO has been treating light alcohol consumption as a grave public health emergency. It seems a surprising priority for the world’s premier health organization-until a...

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Ottawa should follow Ontario’s lead and freeze beer taxes

On Friday, the province of Ontario announced it is freezing the 4.6 per cent scheduled increase in beer taxes, and will hold off on any tax increases until 2026. This is great news for beer drinkers in Ontario, but because of similar policies at the federal level, the national...

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Raising the Minimum Unit Price on Alcohol is Harmful for Everyone

London (UK), 7 February 2024 -The Consumer Choice Center (CCC), a global advocacy group championing individual freedom and consumer choice, is alarmed by the latest plan of the Scottish Government to raise the minimum pricing on alcohol by 30%. It is not a sensible economic measure, and the policy will...

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‘We raise our glass to you, Virginia’: Group applauds new approach to beer delivery

A Richmond-based consumer advocacy group is applauding Virginia for a new approach to beer regulation and delivery. The recent budget passed by Virginia’s General Assembly allocates funding for the creation of a Virginia Beer Distribution Company, or VBDC. The VBDC will be a branch of the state’s Department of...

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Consumer Choice Center Raises a Glass to Virginia’s New Chapter for Beer Distribution

RICHMOND, VA  — The Consumer Choice Center (CCC) enthusiastically welcomes a recent development in Virginia’s approach to beer regulation, marked by the recent signing of the state budget by Governor Glenn Youngkin. This budget allocates funding for the creation of the Virginia Beer Distribution Co. (VBDC), a branch of...

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Unmasking the Fun Police

A lot has already been discussed regarding the Centre for Substance Use and Addiction’s (CCSA) report that recommends drastic changes to health guidelines for alcohol.1 Experts from the International Scientific Forum on Alcohol Research (ISFAR) called it “a pseudo-scientific amalgamation of selected studies of low scientific validity that fit their...

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Consumers need alcohol facts, not misleading warnings

Last month, on World No Tobacco Day, federal Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Carolyn Bennett announced on Twitter that Canada would become the first country in the world to mandate that each individual cigarette sold carry a warning label, mirroring what consumers already see on the front of the...

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Anti-alcohol extremists should not determine alcohol policy

It is increasingly clear that the temperance lobby is increasing its influence both globally and domestically Since last August, when the Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Abuse (CSSA) published its updated alcohol guidelines, telling Canadians that having more than two drinks per week is a problem, alcohol policy...

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‘Nip’ ban proposal should be thrown in the trash

Earlier this week, local Joplin businessman Jon Thomas Buck proposed that the Joplin City Council ban the sale and distribution of mini bottles of liquor. Buck wants Joplin to follow the “nip ban” as adopted in the Boston area. When asked about the proposal, Buck said, “We all know...

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No good justification for banning nips in Boston

Early in March, Boston city councilor Ricardo Arroyo filed a motion to ban the sale and distribution of  mini bottles of liquor, aka nips.  Arroyo wants Boston to follow the nip ban as adopted in Newton, Chelsea, Falmouth, Wareham and Mashpee. When asked about the proposal, Arroyo said the...

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Ireland’s unilateral decision on mandatory alcohol labels sets a bad precedent for the EU’s Single Market

Minor wine and beer companies operate with thin profit margins and cannot afford the extra costs of complying with Irish rules on the one hand while maintaining their foothold in the European industry on the other, writes Emil Panzaru The European Commission’s passive reaction to upcoming Irish alcohol labels...

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Avertissements sanitaires obligatoires sur l’alcool : les nouvelles règles de l’Irlande ne sont qu’un début. Le gouvernement irlandais avance dans son projet d’apposer des étiquettes d’avertissement sanitaire obligatoires sur les boissons alcoolisées telles que le vin et la bière. Ce mois-ci, la période d’objection de la Commission européenne concernant les...

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Harm reduction, not zero-risk, is the best alcohol policy

Stigmatizing moderate, low-risk drinking isn’t a viable public health strategy Since the Centre for Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) released its new alcohol guidelines in August, headline after headline has repeated its claim that anything more than two drinks per week is seriously bad for your health. The shifting of the goalposts...

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Alcohol labeling and ban: Ireland in the dark path of Lithuania

European Union member states are busy regulating alcohol use and limiting consumer choice even though historically, it has shown that bans and limitations on use have had the opposite effect as had been intended. There are two recent examples of strict alcohol regulations, both coming from countries where alcohol...

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Temperance makes a comeback

Dramatic shift in alcohol consumption guidelines could undermine the ultimate goal of harm reduction More than 100 years ago temperance organizations promoting total abstention from alcohol and ultimately prohibition were a force to be reckoned with in Canada. Luckily for Canadians, sanity ultimately won out and alcohol was legalized...

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More consumers reaching for alcohol-free beer, wines and spirits

Various studies over the past two years have shown that there was a worldwide increase in alcohol consumption during the pandemic because many people were worried and stressed as they self-isolated due to COVID-19. But now, it appears there is a new trend happening as sales statistics show there...

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Canada is repealing the excise tax on non-alcoholic beer

Non-alcoholic beer has been subject to federal excise taxes despite not containing virtually any alcohol at all.  Our North American Affairs Manager, David Clement pointed out several problems with this tax and was invited to meet with the Ministry of Finance to explain the arguments against the tax. For...

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Voilà l’alcool de nouveau attaqué pour ses effets sur la santé. Cette fois-ci par une commission du Parlement européen, qui le lie à un grand nombre de cancers. Les propositions pour limiter les choix des consommateurs se multiplient en réponse… Au sein de la « Commission pour battre le...

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Should dealcoholized beer be taxed the same as regular beer?

Beer is one of those products that gets heavily taxed however should that mean the tax should be equal between alcoholic and dealcoholized beer? Listen to the interview here

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Steuerwettbewerb und Verbraucherschutz

Staaten stehen in einer gewissen Konkurrenz zueinander. Zwar ist der Handel kein Nullsummenspiel und Handelskriege, Zöller und andere Beschränkungen daher kontraproduktiv. Dennoch lässt sich nicht leugnen, dass verschiedene Regulierungsmöglichkeiten zu besseren, oder schlechteren Ergebnissen führen. So ist derjenige Staat, der seinen Bürgern und Unternehmen weniger Steuern aufbürdet tendenziell wettbewerbsfähiger,...

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Ottawa should kill its tax on booze-free beer

Before the pandemic, while at a Blue Jays game, my head turned when a patron at the bar ordered a non-alcoholic beer. At first, I thought this might just be a new hipster fad, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Non-alcoholic beer isn’t only for designated drivers or...

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Western Standard

No reason to toast federal tax on non-alcoholic beer

Across the board, we should expect better from Ottawa, and the tax on non-alcoholic beer is yet another example of where they’ve gotten it wrong. Sin-taxes, across all sectors, are fairly excessive in Canada. At almost every turn the government sinks its tax teeth into the process of you...

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Ending liquor monopoly in Ontario would be win-win-win

Rethinking the LCBO could save taxpayers a tremendous amount of money Ontario is teetering on the edge of a fiscal cliff. Under its previous Liberal government, the province became the most indebted sub-sovereign unit in the world. Unfortunately, poor policy-making and the COVID-19 pandemic have only worsened its situation. Ontario’s debt...

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Make it closing time for Ontario’s beer monopoly

The Beer Store is an institution built on a toxic mix of prohibition and cronyism News broke this month that The Beer Store (TBS), Ontario’s monopoly beer-seller, is losing money and lots of it. According to its annual financial statement, TBS operated at a $50.7 million loss in 2020....

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Bar owners call on province to sell them cheaper booze

Ontario’s hard-hit hospitality industry is urging the province to give licensed bars and restaurants a reduced price on alcohol. A new petition started by David Ouellette, beverage director at the highly anticipated Vela (by Amanda Bradley of Alo and Robin Goodfellow of Bar Raval), opening this spring, asks for an...

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With Illinois lawmakers back to work in a lame-duck session, one of the issues at the top of their to-do list is getting Illinois’ act together when it comes to home delivery of beer, wine and spirits. According to a piece at, the Illinois House Executive Committee forwarded a...

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Bitter taste of alcohol ban

Fitch Solutions expects South Africa’s alcohol industry to contract more than 5% following months on the ban on the sale of alcohol during COVID-19 lockdown regulations. Fitch said its revised alcoholic drinks consumption forecast for 2020 takes into account the impact of COVID-19 measures on both the supply and...

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THS The History Society

US Prohibition: The Noble Experiment?

Podcast by The History Society Prohibition in the United States was dubbed the “Noble Experiment”. For 13  long, dry, and dreary years, the government aimed to keep alcohol out of the hands of its citizens, creating a litany of unintended consequences that continue to have an impact today. In this...

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Business Day

Prohibition has never and will never lead to smokers quitting

SA should learn from Australian tobacco policy failures, and stick to education rather than over-regulation It is now beyond clear that SA’s continued ban on tobacco-related products has been a total disaster in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The government loses R35m in tax revenue every day, and...

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African Liberty

Blatant Tobacco Sales Bans are Terrible for Public Health

Al Capone is one of the most infamous criminals in history. Countless books and movies have elevated his name to a level that even during his lifetime, few imagined possible. His crime-syndicate, the “Chicago Outfit” fought bloody gang wars over the production and supply of illegal alcohol. The United...

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Yes Weekly

Consumers and Bar/Restaurant Owners say “YES” to HB 536

The Consumer Choice Center endorses a safe and timely return to business for areas with a lower risk for coronavirus outbreak Raleigh, N.C. – Yesterday, the NC State Senate passed HB 536, the bill intended to safely re-open bars and restaurants in accordance with the guidelines set by both...

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New York, Texas Ease Alcohol Delivery Law Amid COVID-19 Crisis

MOST STATES DON’T ALLOW CONSUMERS TO PURCHASE ALCOHOL ONLINE FOR DELIVERY. Around the country, law against alcohol delivery are strict, which presents an interesting situation given the mass social isolation from the COVID-19 outbreak.  According to Consumer Choice Center, Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Nebraska, and New Hampshire are the only...

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No crisis unused: Eurocare argues for a ban on alcohol sponsorship in sports

While the world is battling the Coronavirus crisis, the European Alcohol Policy Alliance (EUROCARE) is facing a different goliath: alcohol sponsorship… in sports? A head-scratcher of sorts, especially given that the sports industry will fall on hard times this year if COVID-19 drags on. With cancelled events and games,...

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COVID-19 and craft beer: Normally only 12 states allow delivery of all alcohol. Why is that?

COVID-19 has exposed many holes in America’s state alcohol laws. Maryland just suspended its shortsighted craft beer carryout purchase limits because it only legally allowed one case per customer. The likes of Colorado, California and even Texas are allowing bars and restaurants now to sell alcohol to-go, which is not normally...

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When we’re back to normal: Free up spirits sales

Prince Edward Island made an international stir on Thursday by closing its liquor and cannabis stores on the grounds they were not providing essential services and therefore should be shuttered in the face of the pandemic. That may well have been the right decision. But it likely caused millions...

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