
Harm Reduction Campaign

Both parties can work together to lower drug prices

Healthcare was a key issue for voters in the split-decision midterm elections. So are we in for more partisan divide and no progress? Not necessarily. We simply need to reframe the debate to find common ground. The Democrat-controlled House won’t consider Obamacare repeal, and the Republican Senate won’t consider Medicare for all. But there are […]

FDA’s menthol ban and vaping restrictions will have consequences

CONTACT: Jeff Stier Senior Fellow Consumer Choice Center jstier@consumerchoicecenter.org FDA’s menthol ban and vaping restrictions will have consequences WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb announced severe sales and flavor restrictions on vaping products and introduced a new ban on menthol flavors in combustible tobacco products. Reacting to the news, Consumer Choice Center […]

Opinion: What is Scott Gottlieb Smoking?

The FDA’s just-unveiled Draconian restrictions on vaping products are an example of good PR but bad public-health policy. And regulators know better. When he headed the FDA, Dr. Frank Young used to admonish his minions that there were times when common sense should modulate established policies and rules. That can be done in federal agencies […]

Menthol ban a bad idea

NEWS NOW: Whatever the case may be, Jeff Stier, senior fellow at the Consumer Choice Center, says this is something that even the Obama FDA refused to do. “The Obama administration saw that people like Al Sharpton and a former CEO of the NAACP opposed banning menthol, because menthol cigarettes are the flavor of choice for African-American […]

FDA unveils sweeping anti-tobacco effort to reduce underage vaping and smoking

THE WASHINGTON POST: Gottlieb, in pursuing his tobacco strategy, is taking some flak from fellow conservatives. “The administration promised less regulation — without sacrificing protections,” said Jeff Stier, a senior fellow at the Consumer Choice Center. “So if the FDA fails to meet both objectives — by announcing a heavy-handed regulatory plan — President Trump should […]

The Science-Based Community and E-Cigarettes

Government agencies populated with scientists people are pleased to call “experts” are often thought to be above the ordinary give-and-take of politics and, especially, immune to the clarion calls of activists and pressure of public opinion. Scientific experts, or “the science-based community,” is supposed to be driven by data and evidence, not the naked pressure […]

Jeff Stier: If FDA doesn’t get it right on vaping, Gottlieb should go

CONTACT: Jeff Stier Senior Fellow Consumer Choice Center jstier@consumerchoicecenter.org Jeff Stier: If FDA doesn’t get it right on vaping, Gottlieb should go WASHINGTON, D.C. – In an article published on American Greatness, Jeff Stier, senior fellow at the Consumer Choice Center, brings attention to the FDA’s move to restrict vaping and e-cigarette flavors and calls on Trump to bring FDA Commissioner […]

We’re taxing the life out of pubs – it’s time to give them a break

Things haven’t been going to well for the British pub industry. Across the country, thousands of pubs have been forced to shut their doors by high alcohol taxes, duties, and other business-unfriendly restrictions from the state.  Even the extended summer and World Cup this year provided little solace to the struggling industry. Beyond the pain caused by the closing […]

U.S. Midterm Primer: What’s at stake for consumer choice?

The Consumer Choice Center doesn’t take positions on any specific political campaigns or elections, but there are at least some interesting state-level ballot proposals happening around the country that could overwhelmingly benefit consumer choice. In the U.S. federal system, state residents are eligible to vote on certain popular initiatives and state constitutional amendments that will […]

WHO’s afraid of vaping?

For the second time in two years, I sat in the public gallery at a United Nations conference in Geneva as a senior UN bureaucrat told us that all members of the media and public were barred from the proceedings, writes Yael Ossowski for Spiked. This particular occasion was one of the UN’s biannual sessions to update the World […]

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