
European Union

Consumer Choice Center Presents signatories of ‘Brands Matter’ pledge

The Consumer Choice Center (CCC) has revealed the names of the 25 signatories of the ‘Brands Matter’ pledge. The CCC is aiming to gain support for the cause of brand freedom in the European Parliament and get clear responses from lawmakers on this vital consumer issue. Commenting on the pledge, Luca Bertoletti, European Affairs Manager of the […]

What #AdvertisingBans get wrong about #ConsumerBehaviour

Advertising bans are increasingly relevant in political debate, with some countries having already established rules that don’t allow for “junk food” advertising. But these proposals are all based on the assumptions that consumers are buying goods that they never would have wanted otherwise, writes Bill Wirtz. The fundamental question is: Can you make people buy something […]

25 MEPs support brand freedom

Consumer Choice Center presents signatories of “Brands Matter” pledge Brussels, BE – The Consumer Choice Center (CCC) has revealed the names of the 25 signatories of the “Brands Matter” pledge. The CCC is aiming to gain support for the cause of brand freedom in the European Parliament, and get clear responses from lawmakers on this vital […]

Europe Is Not an Example for the Green New Deal in Practice

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” suggests replacing air travel with high-speed rail connections. But the comparisons drawn with Europe ignore that despite massive investments on the Old Continent, prices remain non-competitive with air travel and that state-run rail crumbles under its own inefficiency. In a piece for Vox, Umair Irfan writes “High-speed trains already compete […]

The real price of a new EU-US trade war

Last month, trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström told European trade ministers that if President Trump hits the EU with 25 per cent tariffs on cars, Brussels is prepared to hit back with tariffs on some $20 billion worth of American exports. Trade wars don’t involve the outright destruction of military action, but both kinds of conflict put […]

Увеличение “куриных” квот позволит европейцам питаться дешевле.

От позитивного решения ЕП выиграет европейский потребитель, который получит большой выбор продукта по низкой цене. Об этом заявила представитель “Центра выбора потребителя” (Consumer Choice Centre) Мария Чапля, передает Food and Drink International. Согласно предварительному соглашению, Еврокомиссия планирует увеличить импортную квоту на украинскую курятину – с 20 тыс. тонн до 70 тыс. тонн в год, напомнила […]

Збільшення “курячих” квот дозволить європейцям харчуватися дешевше

КИЇВ. 19 березня. УНН. Незабаром Україна отримає шанс збільшити експорт курятини в Європу. Це станеться, якщо Європарламент схвалить домовленість сторін про зміну угоди про зону вільної торгівлі. Від позитивного рішення ЄП виграє європейський споживач, який отримає великий вибір продукту за низькою ціною. Про це заявила представник “Центру вибору споживача” (Consumer Choice Centre) Марія Чапля, передає УНН з посиланням […]

Five reasons why Europe lags behind on high-speed internet

Connectivity and low latency times are crucial for economic progress in developed states. While European policymakers don’t shy away from grand plans to keep the continent competitive, the essential ingredient for a successful digital strategy is the creation of a real digital single market within the European Union. Here are five major reasons why Europe […]

Ukraine agrees European poultry export agreement

Core Tip: Ukraine will be able to ramp up its chicken exports to the EU under a new poultry agreement reached with the European Commission. Ukraine will be able to ramp up its chicken exports to the EU under a new poultry agreement reached with the European Commission. The proposed deal will now be sent […]

Ukraine agrees European poultry export agreement

“Under the provisional agreement, the original 20,000-ton quota on chicken imports will be replaced by a 70,000-metric-ton figure,” said Maria Chaplia, Media Associate at the Consumer Choice Centre. “Even though these numbers seem promising, tariff quotas in their essence are harmful and infringe on consumer choice. “While limiting the number of chicken breast imports entering […]

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