
Month: March 2019

Intel Visa tech can be used by hackers to read data from memory

Consumer Choice Center’s senior privacy fellow Mikolaj Barczentewicz said the defects in Huawei software publicised today “are significant and stem from Huawei giving insufficient weight to the security of their products by delivering good and safe code”. “Consumers cannot know if European and American manufacturers are doing better than Huawei in that respect, because manufacturers […]

Time to get serious about protecting 5G networks

The British Huawei oversight body published today a scathing report documenting vulnerabilities in Huawei’s equipment. Here, the Consumer Choice Center’s Senior Privacy Fellow Mikołaj Barczentewicz has commented on policy conclusions to draw from the report. “The defects in Huawei software publicised today are significant and stem from Huawei giving insufficient weight to the security of […]

Huawei oversight body slates Chinese manufacturer’s equipment

The Consumer Choice Center’s Senior Privacy Fellow Mikołaj Barczentewicz commented on policy conclusions to draw from the report. “The defects in Huawei software publicised today are significant and stem from Huawei giving insufficient weight to the security of their products by delivering good and safe code,” said Barczentewicz. “Consumers cannot know if European and American […]

Are excise taxes killing Canada’s cannabis market?

David Clement is the North American Affairs Manager at the Consumer Choice Center. Much has been said about Canada’s roll-out of legal cannabis. The system thus far has been riddled with hiccups, supply shortages, prohibition-style penalties and significant limitations on consumer access. All of that aside, one of the most glaring issues with Canada’s cannabis […]

Engelske sikkerhedschefer finder sårbarheder i Huaweis udstyr

Sikkerhedsekspert kræver højere sikkerhed fra alle leverandører Sikkerhedsekspert ved Consumer Choice Center’, Mikołaj Barczentewicz, vurderer dog på baggrund af rapporten, at Huawei ikke tager sikkerheden seriøst nok, men siger samtidig, at offentligheden ikke kan viser, om europæiske eller amerikanske netværksleverandører klarer sig bedre end Huawei, da de ikke er underlangt samme krav og overvågenhed som […]

«Le consommateur sera toujours plus malin que le législateur.»

Bill Wirtz est policy analyst au Consumer Choice Center. Il dresse le bilan de deux ans d’actions auprès des bureaucrates. Avec toujours le même message : cessez de croire qu’un consommateur est un être irresponsable. Contrepoints : Bill Wirtz, cela fait deux ans que le Consumer Choice Center protège les consommateurs non pas contre les entreprises […]

Europe Is Not an Example for the Green New Deal in Practice

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” suggests replacing air travel with high-speed rail connections. But the comparisons drawn with Europe ignore that despite massive investments on the Old Continent, prices remain non-competitive with air travel and that state-run rail crumbles under its own inefficiency. In a piece for Vox, Umair Irfan writes “High-speed trains already compete […]

What we need is animal welfare, not extremism

Fur has long been a fashion accessory for consumers and an important industry for hunters, gatherers, and responsible entrepreneurs. If New York legislators get their way, however, there would soon be a total ban on the sale and distribution of fur products in the Empire State. The bill was introduced last week by Assemblywoman Linda […]

All 25 Ontario pot shops won’t be ready to open April 1

One consumer advocacy group said stores not being ready to open in time exposes weaknesses in the government’s pot plan. “What this shows is that the lottery process was probably a mistake,” said David Clement of the Consumer Choice Centre. “It would have been much better for the province to simply uncap the licence process […]

All 25 Ontario pot shops won’t be ready to open April 1

One consumer advocacy group said stores not being ready to open in time exposes weaknesses in the government’s pot plan. “What this shows is that the lottery process was probably a mistake,” said David Clement of the Consumer Choice Centre. “It would have been much better for the province to simply uncap the licence process […]

Warum Kunstpelze eine Gefahr für das Weltklima sind

Radikale Tierschschützer wie die der Organisation Peta verdammen Leder und Pelze. Doch Alternativen aus Kunstfasern haben gravierende Nachteile: Sie sind biologisch nicht abbaubar. Wie entscheidet sich der Verbraucher? Ob Seide, Kaschmir, Leder, Wolle oder Pelz – tierische Modeprodukte werden zunehmend kritisch betrachtet. Designer verzichten auf Pelz, Leute werden wegen ihrer Lederjacke auf der Straße angemacht, […]

Libertà di scelta anche nella moda

Le campagne animaliste possono essere un rischio per la libertà di scelta del consumatore Che si tratti di seta, cashmere, pelle o pelliccia, i prodotti di moda di derivazione animale sono sempre più al centro dell’attenzione di gruppi animalisti. Le campagne per bandire la pelliccia si sono trasformate in un movimento più ampio contro tutti […]

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