
Author: Consumer Choice Center

Pasaran gelap ancam pengguna, ekonomi Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR – Perdagangan haram atau pasaran gelap adalah ancaman besar dan semakin meruncing terhadap rakyat Malaysia apabila kerajaan dan perniagaan sah dilemahkan manakala pengguna pula terdedah kepada produk yang tidak bermutu dan tidak terkawal.

Sebuah kumpulan advokasi pengguna multinasional, Customer Choice Centre (CCC) dalam satu kenyataan hari ini berkata, pasaran gelap global bukan sahaja luas tetapi pesat pertumbuhannya.

Pengarah Urusan CCC, Fred Roeder berkata, ini kerana dagangan haram yang dijalankan oleh kumpulan jenayah terancang transnasional adalah satu permasalahan bernilai AS$870 bilion atau RM3.6 trilion.

Beliau berkata, adalah penting untuk ditegaskan bahawa di peringkat global, pasaran gelap rokok adalah lebih tinggi daripada segi nilai berbanding dagangan haram minyak, haiwan liar, kayu balak, karya kesenian, benda kebudayaan dan berlian disatukan.

“Ini menjadikan apa yang berlaku di Malaysia lebih meruncing kerana rokok seludup kini menguasai 62 peratus jumlah keseluruhan rokok sah yang dijual, menjadikan Malaysia pasaran No.1 di dunia bagi pasaran gelap.

“Sememangnya, permasalahan akut ini telah dan sentiasa akan berterusan mengakibatkan kelembapan ekonomi dan menjejaskan pengguna kebanyakannya,” kata Roeder.

Kenyataan itu dikeluarkan sempena kertas polisi yang baru sahaja dilancarkannya, Illicit Trade is Dangerous for Consumers (Dagangan Haram Adalah Berbahaya Kepada Pengguna).

Menurut kertas polisi CCC, pasaran gelap rokok merosakkan kesihatan orang awam dan telah terbukti menjadi dana membiayai kumpulan jenayah terancang.

Selain itu, pasaran gelap rokok menyasarkan kepada kumpulan paling terdedah di dalam masyarakat, sementara pengguna paling teruk terkena impak disebabkan rokok seludup dikilangkan di dalam persekitaran tidak selamat dan menggunakan produk tidak bersih.

Kertas polisi ini juga menggariskan bahawa peruncit kecil menanggung kerugian besar akibat pasaran gelap rokok kerana bukan sahaja mereka kehilangan jualan rokok sah, tetapi juga barangan lain yang biasanya perokok dewasa beli semasa mereka di dalam kedai.

Roeder berkata, dalam usaha menangani pasaran gelap rokok, kerajaan Malaysia hendaklah mengkaji kepada saranan menyederhanakan dasar cukai untuk memastikan regim cukai tidak mewujudkan permintaan terhadap alternatif haram yang lebih berbahaya.

Pada masa sama, katanya, kerajaan harus meningkatkan hukuman denda sedia ada ke atas pesalah pasaran gelap dan menguatkuasakan denda-denda tersebut dengan tegas.

“Situasi pasaran gelap di peringkat global dan di Malaysia dijangka memburuk kerana pengguna beralih kepada alternatif lebih murah disebabkan ketidaktentuan pekerjaan dan hasil pendapatan berkurangan akibat pandemik global Covid-19.

“Tindakan hendaklah diambil sekarang dan pada Bajet 2021 akan datang, merupakan peluang terbaik untuk Kerajaan Malaysia meletakkan langkah-langkah yang diperlukan bagi menangani masalah pasaran gelap rokok secara menyeluruh,” ujar beliau.

‘Illicit Trade is Dangerous for Consumers’ adalah kertas polisi yang ditulis oleh Luca Bertoletti dan Bill Wirtz untuk CCC dan diterbitkan di Brussels, Belgium pada Julai 2020.

CCC mewakili pengguna di lebih 100 negara di seluruh dunia. Kertas polisi ini boleh didapati di consumerchoicecenter.org

Originally published here.

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org

Global consumer advocacy group urges Malaysia to use Budget 2021 to address tobacco black market – Yahoo

Roeder said illegal cigarettes now command 62 per cent of the total market share cigarettes sold, making Malaysia the number one in the world for this black market. ― Picture by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 9 — An international consumer advocacy group is urging the government to use the upcoming Budget 2021 to implement measures to address the tobacco black market. 

Consumer Choice Center (CCC) wants the Malaysian government to take action against the tobacco black market and illicit trade, which it said is growing to become a serious threat to society and legal businesses.

Its managing director Fred Roeder said consumers are exposed to the risk of poorly-made and unregulated products with the black market.

“Transnational organised crime of illicit trade is a US$870 billion (RM3.6 trillion) problem. The global black market is not only immense but also growing rapidly. It is interesting to note that globally, the tobacco black market is higher in value than the illegal trade in oil, wildlife, timber, arts, cultural property, and blood diamonds combined,” he said in a statement.

Roeder argued that things are even more critical as illegal cigarettes now command 62 per cent of the total market share cigarettes sold, making Malaysia the number one in the world for this black market.

“Naturally this acute problem has and will continue to cause a severe drag to the economy while hurting consumers at large,” Roeder added.

In CCC’s recently-launched policy paper “Illicit Trade is Dangerous for Consumers”, it was found the tobacco black market damages public health and has been proven to finance organised crime. 

Additionally, it targets vulnerable groups in society while consumers are impacted because illegal cigarettes are produced in unsafe environments and using unsafe products.

It also highlighted that small retailers suffer considerably from the tobacco black market as they not only lose legitimate cigarette sales but also other items adult smokers usually buy from them.

“In addressing the tobacco black market, the Malaysian government should look into moderating tax policies to ensure that tax regimes do not create demand for more harmful illicit alternatives. 

“Simultaneously the government should increase the existing penalties for black market perpetrators and enforce these penalties dedicatedly, as the black market situation globally and in Malaysia is expected to deteriorate since consumers will turn to cheaper alternatives due to job security and income stretch resulting from the global Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

The policy paper is available at consumerchoicecenter.org

Originally published here.

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org

Global consumer advocacy group urges Malaysia to use Budget 2021 to address tobacco black market

Roeder said illegal cigarettes now command 62 per cent of the total market share cigarettes sold, making Malaysia the number one in the world for this black market. ― Picture by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 9 — An international consumer advocacy group is urging the government to use the upcoming Budget 2021 to implement measures to address the tobacco black market. 

Consumer Choice Center (CCC) wants the Malaysian government to take action against the tobacco black market and illicit trade, which it said is growing to become a serious threat to society and legal businesses.

Its managing director Fred Roeder said consumers are exposed to the risk of poorly-made and unregulated products with the black market.

“Transnational organised crime of illicit trade is a US$870 billion (RM3.6 trillion) problem. The global black market is not only immense but also growing rapidly. It is interesting to note that globally, the tobacco black market is higher in value than the illegal trade in oil, wildlife, timber, arts, cultural property, and blood diamonds combined,” he said in a statement.

Roeder argued that things are even more critical as illegal cigarettes now command 62 per cent of the total market share cigarettes sold, making Malaysia the number one in the world for this black market.

“Naturally this acute problem has and will continue to cause a severe drag to the economy while hurting consumers at large,” Roeder added.

In CCC’s recently-launched policy paper “Illicit Trade is Dangerous for Consumers”, it was found the tobacco black market damages public health and has been proven to finance organised crime. 

Additionally, it targets vulnerable groups in society while consumers are impacted because illegal cigarettes are produced in unsafe environments and using unsafe products.

It also highlighted that small retailers suffer considerably from the tobacco black market as they not only lose legitimate cigarette sales but also other items adult smokers usually buy from them.

“In addressing the tobacco black market, the Malaysian government should look into moderating tax policies to ensure that tax regimes do not create demand for more harmful illicit alternatives. 

“Simultaneously the government should increase the existing penalties for black market perpetrators and enforce these penalties dedicatedly, as the black market situation globally and in Malaysia is expected to deteriorate since consumers will turn to cheaper alternatives due to job security and income stretch resulting from the global Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

The policy paper is available at consumerchoicecenter.org

Originally published here.

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org

Argentina’s telecom price controls are economic masochism

Last week, in a bid to ensure unrestricted access for everyone to telecommunication services, the Argentinian government decided to extend a price freeze for TV, internet and mobile services until the end of the year, deeming them “essential public services”.

Prices on these services have been frozen since May, and it was expected that the ban would be lifted at the end of this month.

In response, Luca Bertoletti, Senior European Affairs Manager at the Consumer Choice Center, criticises the move saying that such a policy was populist and economically illiterate, and will destroy Argentina’s relationship with the International Monetary Fund who has been supportive of the country’s – though unsuccessful so far – road to prosperity.

“The Covid-19 crisis has overburdened most economies in the world and Argentina is no different. In order to help the economy get back on track, the Argentinian government will finally need to implement pro-free market reforms instead of holding onto socialist policies such as price controls on telecom services,” said Maria Chaplia, European Affairs Associate at the Consumer Choice Center.

“Argentina’s government should pull itself together and start making the right decisions, instead of pushing the country further down. Argentina deserves better than a populist government that pretends to act in the interests of consumers by extending price controls of TV, internet and mobile services at the expense of future prosperity,” concluded Bertoletti.

Originally published here.

Такой тотальный шеринг: прокатные услуги набирают обороты

В Петербурге растёт спрос на аренду различных вещей и техники, чаще всего это платья для торжеств, декор, реквизит и спортивный инвентарь

Шеринг (или, иначе говоря, прокат) вещей набирает популярность в России. Уже не первый год граждане арендуют на короткое время автомобили, самокаты, яхты, квартиры. Двигателями экономики совместного потребления в нашей стране являются представители поколений Y и Z, которые предпочитают брать что–то дорогостоящее в аренду, а не привязываться к вещам. Топ–5 секторов экономики совместного пользования в России — это c2c–продажи, p2p–услуги, каршеринг (поминутная аренда автомобилей), карпулинг (совместные поездки на частном автомобиле) и краткосрочная аренда недвижимости.

Аренда вещей — достаточно новое направление шеринга, пока оно не так сильно распространено в стране. Первые сервисы, которые стали предлагать в аренду абсолютно любые товары, появились на российском рынке примерно 5 лет назад. По итогам 2019 года объём транзакций в этом секторе составил всего 220 млн рублей. Но рост рынка аренды вещей, по данным исследования Sharing Economy 2019, в прошлом году оценивался в 22%, причём наблюдается смещение спроса в сторону шеринга более дорогих товаров. Эксперты отмечают, что сейчас в аренду берут дорогие платья, аксессуары, специализированную технику и гаджеты. А вот модели, по которым может работать бизнес в данной сфере, две — предлагать вещи в аренду от частных лиц или же собственные.

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CPH en af Europas mest passagervenlige lufthavne

Københavns Lufthavn ligger langt foran de øvrige nordiske hovedlufthavne i forbrugerorganisations undersøgelse af passagervenlighed i Europas største lufthavne.

Københavns Lufthavn er blandt de mest passagervenlige lufthavne i Europa. Det fastslår den internationale forbrugerorganisation Consumer Choice Center i sin anden årlige europæiske lufthavnsundersøgelse, som rangerer de 30 største lufthavne i Europa i forhold til passagervenlighed.

CPH indtager en tredjeplads i undersøgelsen – kun overgået af schweiziske Zürich Lufthavn på førstepladsen og tyske Düsseldorf Lufthavn på andenpladsen. Efter Københavns Lufthavn i undersøgelsens top-5 kommer lufthavnene i Manchester og Bruxelles på henholdsvis fjerde- og femtepladsen.

Plads er et af kriterierne
“Dette år har været et af de mest udfordrende for den globale rejsebranche. Mange lufthavne var lukket i uger eller endda måneder. Mens rejselivet langsomt kommer sig, vil vi informere forbrugerne om, hvilke lufthavne der er mest bekvemme at rejse fra og til i Europa,” siger Fred Roeder, administrerende direktør for Consumer Choice Center.

I lyset af coronapandemien er et af de vigtige kriterier i undersøgelsen i år plads i lufthavnen, og lufthavne med mere plads pr. passager rangerer højere i analysen.

”Dette er nyttigt at vide for rejsende, der forsøger at holde afstand fra andre. Hvis du skal rejse i sommer, kan du overveje at starte eller afslutte din rejse i veldesignede lufthavne som for eksempel Zürich, Düsseldorf eller København,” siger Fred Roeder.

COVID-19 testcentre tæller med
Blandt de øvrige områder, som lufthavnene er blevet bedømt og tildelt point for, er antallet af destinationer og flyselskabet, antallet af butikker, restauranter og lounges, transportforbindelser til lufthavnen og forbindelserne mellem terminaler og gates.

I år har Consumer Choice Center også valgt at tilføje ekstra point til lufthavne med COVID-19 testfaciliteter.

Københavns Lufthavn klarer sig i undersøgelsen langt bedre end de øvrige nordiske storlufthavne. Stockholm Arlanda-lufthavnen finder man således først på en 14. plads, mens Helsinki indtager 18. pladsen og Oslo Gardermoen 21. pladsen.

CPH er gået frem – Stockholm tilbage
I forhold til sidste års undersøgelse er Københavns Lufthavn rykket tre pladser frem, da man sidste år lå på en 6. plads. Bruxelles indtog sidste år førstepladsen, og både Zürich, Düsseldorf og Manchester lå også i top-5 sidste år sammen med Madrid.

Stockholm Arlanda er til gengæld rykket seks pladser tilbage, da den svenske hovedlufthavn sidste år indtog en 8. plads i undersøgelsen.

The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org


Das Consumer Choice Center veröffentlichte seinen zweiten jährlichen europäischen Flughafenindex, in dem die nach Passagierfreundlichkeit geordneten Top-Flughäfen in Europa hervorgehoben werden. Die Top 5 Flughäfen laut Studie sind die Flughäfen Zürich, Düsseldorf, Kopenhagen, Manchester und Brüssel.

Fred Roeder, Geschäftsführer des Consumer Choice Centers, sagte, das Ranking zeige den Verbrauchern, welche Flughäfen soziale Distanzierung zulassen und wo sie sich ideal verbinden können: 

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The Consumer Choice Center is the consumer advocacy group supporting lifestyle freedom, innovation, privacy, science, and consumer choice. The main policy areas we focus on are digital, mobility, lifestyle & consumer goods, and health & science.

The CCC represents consumers in over 100 countries across the globe. We closely monitor regulatory trends in Ottawa, Washington, Brussels, Geneva and other hotspots of regulation and inform and activate consumers to fight for #ConsumerChoice. Learn more at consumerchoicecenter.org

« Passenger-Friendly » : les 5 meilleures aéroports européens sont…

Le Consumer Choice Center (CCC) vient de publier son deuxième indice annuel des aéroports européens, en fonction de leur convivialité pour les passagers.

L’indice a pour vocation à être utilisé pour informer à la fois les consommateurs et les administrateurs sur les meilleures pratiques en matière d’accueil des passagers. Le CCC a passé au crible les 30 plus grands aéroports européens (en fonction du volume de passagers) et les a classés en fonction de l’expérience des passagers, selon un ensemble de facteurs allant de l’emplacement et des options de transport à l’expérience dans l’aéroport et à l’accès au réseau de vols.

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Consumer Choice Center blasts potential Russian plan to force Apple to cut App Store commissions

Fedot Tumusov, a member of the Russian State Duma, has proposed a law that would force Apple to cut app store commission fees down from 30% to 20%. The law would require that a third of the app store commission be paid to the Russian government as part of a fund to train IT specialists.

In response, Luca Bertoletti, senior European affairs manager at the Consumer Choice Center (a “global grassroots movement for consumer choice”), said the Russian government’s policy would be a significant step back towards the socialist economy that would discourage competition, and, in the end, drive Apple out of Russia thereby hurting Russian consumers.

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