
Author: Consumer Choice Center

Vape penyelesaian bagi penghisap rokok?

“SAYA seorang perokok lebih daripada 20 tahun. Saya cuba pelbagai cara untuk berhenti merokok tetapi tidak berjaya sehingga saya cuba menghisap vape. Dalam tempoh tiga minggu, ini saya berjaya berhenti merokok,” kata Fairuz yang merupakan pengguna vape atau rokok elektronik.

Daripada pengalamannya itu, Fairuz yakin bahawa dengan menghisap vape boleh membantu perokok mengatasi sindrom ketagihan nikotin dalam tubuh mereka.

Katanya, sebotol cecair perisa (flavour) iaitu bahan utama yang digunakan dalam dalam rokok elektronik itu boleh bertahan selama tiga minggu dengan harga RM24, berbanding rokok berjenama terkenal berharga RM17 yang hanya mampu bertahan selama dua hari.

Menteri Kewangan, Senator Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz pada Belanjawan 2021 mengumumkan duti eksais akan dikenakan terhadap semua jenis peranti rokok elektronik dan bukan eletronik termasuk vape sebanyak 10 peratus mulai 1 Januari 2021.

Cecair perisa juga akan dikenakan duti eksais sebanyak 40 sen per milimeter. Bagi banyak pihak, pengumuman itu adalah satu langkah positif bagi industri tembakau tempatan kerana pengenalan cukai itu bermakna produk vape akan dikawal selia. Di Malaysia, jumlah perokok sedia ada telah merosot sedikit iaitu sebanyak 1.5 peratus kepada 21.3 peratus pada tahun 2019, menurut Tinjauan Kebangsaan Kesihatan dan Morbiditi (NHMS) 2019 anjuran Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM).

Tidak jelas sama ada pengurangan bilangan perokok tembakau disebabkan oleh pertukaran kepada vape, memandangkan laporan sama menunjukkan sebanyak lima peratus rakyat Malaysia menggunakan produk vape termasuk Fairuz.

Bagaimanapun, kajian mendapati ada hubung kait positif antara pengurangan bilangan perokok tembakau dan penggunaan vape sejak ia diperkenalkan.

Dalam laporan bertajuk Vaping and the Gateway Myth oleh Consumer Choice Center, satu kajian telah dilaksanakan untuk menentukan sama ada penggunaan vape membantu perokok bertukar daripada produk tembakau.

Laporan tersebut mendapati penggunaan vape terbukti 95 peratus kurang berbahaya daripada merokok, malah produk vape diiktiraf oleh pelbagai badan kesihatan antarabangsa sebagai alternatif yang lebih selamat.

Laporan yang sama menambah bahawa produk vape telah direka untuk menawarkan cara yang lebih selamat kepada perokok untuk menggunakan nikotin, dengan perokok dewasa sebagai pasaran sasaran.

Menurut Perkhidmatan Kesihatan British, nikotin secara tersendiri tidak berbahaya. Menurutnya lagi, “Hampir semua kemudaratan merokok berpunca daripada beribu-ribu bahan kimia lain dalam asap tembakau, yang kebanyakannya toksik.”

Laporan tersebut juga menyebut satu kajian kendalian University College London pada tahun 2019 yang menganalisis data lebih daripada 50,000 perokok dari tahun 2006 hingga 2017.


Kajian mendapati bahawa penggunaan produk vape untuk berhenti merokok dikaitkan secara positif dengan kadar kejayaan berhenti merokok, dengan peningkatan 1 peratus penggunaan produk vape menghasilkan peningkatan 0.06 peratus dalam kejayaan berhenti merokok.

Penggunaan vape juga diiktiraf oleh Joachim Schüz, Ketua Alam Sekitar dan Radiasi di agensi penyelidikan kanser WHO, International Agency for Research on Cancer dalam ucapannya di Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Parlimen Eropah pada Februari 2020.

Dalam laporannya, Joachim Schüz berkata, vape ‘sama sekali tidak’ sebahaya rokok tembakau dan boleh membantu perokok tegar berhenti merokok.

Keberkesanan vape sebagai alat berhenti merokok tidak boleh dinafikan kerana yang disasarkan adalah perokok dan bukan golongan yang tidak merokok.

Sebarang dakwaan yang menggambarkan penggunaan vape sebagai pembuka laluan kepada merokok adalah tidak berasas.

Cuma yang menjadi kebimbangan pengguna vape seperti Fairuz ialah kos yang semakin meningkat mulai tahun hadapan.

Originally published here.

[EU] Survey on the Pharmaceutical Strategy – Timely patient access to affordable medicines​


The EU strives to be a frontrunner in ensuring universal health coverage. In addition, it is a global leader in healthcare research and development and a major trading partner in pharmaceuticals and medical technologies. People across the EU expect to benefit from equal access to safe, state-of-the-art and affordable new and established therapies. Medicines play an important role in this regard, as they offer therapeutic options for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases.
The unprecedented coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) clearly demonstrates the need to modernise the way the EU ensures that its citizens get the medicines they need. Although this has been thrown into sharp relief by the coronavirus pandemic, it is not a new problem: even prior to the pandemic we witnessed shortages of essential medicines, such as cancer treatments, vaccines and antimicrobials. This calls for a thorough examination of how the supply chain – from the importing of active ingredients, raw materials, and medicines from third countries to internal EU production and distribution – can be made more secure and reliable.

Securing the supply of medicines is not only about existing therapies. There is also a need to ensure that the European pharmaceutical industry remains an innovator and world leader. Innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence as well as data collected from clinical experience (“real world data”) have the potential to transform therapeutic approaches and the way medicines are developed, produced, authorised and placed on the market and used. Innovation needs to be focused on areas of most need.

At the same time, more must be done to ensure that innovative and promising therapies reach all patients who need them: at present, this is not the case, with patients in smaller markets being particularly affected. Health systems, which are also seeking to ensure their financial and fiscal sustainability, need new therapies that are clinically better than existing alternatives as well as cost effective.

Finally, we are more aware than ever of the need to reduce the environmental footprint of medicines. All these challenges will be addressed in the forthcoming EU Pharmaceutical Strategy, which should cover the whole life-cycle of pharmaceutical products from scientific discovery to authorisation and patient access.

More information on the context of the initiative, on the challenges identified so far and on the objectives can be found in the roadmap (https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/12421-Pharmaceutical-Strategy-Timely-patient-access-to-affordable-medicines). Whether you are a concerned citizen or a professional in the area of medicines we would like you to let us know if you share our 2 objectives, what actions we should focus on and whether there are any additional aspects that we should cover.

After some introductory questions about yourself, the questionnaire continues with questions on the Pharmaceutical strategy. When replying, please keep in mind that the questions in this survey were developed to address the long-standing issues identified in the EU pharmaceuticals system. These may be related to the problems arising from the coronavirus pandemic but are broader than that. The end of the survey includes dedicated questions on coronavirus related issues.

Please note that in this questionnaire, we do not intend to obtain data relating to identifiable persons. Therefore, in case you will describe a particular experience or situation, please do it in a way that will not allow linking to a particular individual, whether it is you or somebody else. We thank you in advance for your time and input.


Report: Vaping is a gateway out of smoking

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 23 — A 2020 report by an American advocacy group, the Consumer Choice Center, debunks the common belief that “vaping is the gateway to smoking for adults and adolescents.”

Titled “Vaping and the Gateway Myth”, the report highlighted findings that vaping is 95 per cent less harmful than smoking.

It also presents a viewpoint that vaping actually helps conventional smokers “divert from traditional and harmful tobacco consumption.”

The report also emphasises that vaping products were designed to offer smokers a safer way to consume nicotine, with the target being adult smokers.

The British National Health Service has already said nicotine, on its own, is relatively harmless and adds that “almost all of the harm from smoking comes from the thousands of other chemicals in tobacco smoke, many of which are toxic.”

The Consumer Choice Center report also cites a study conducted by University College London in 2019 which analysed data from over 50,000 smokers from 2006 to 2017.

It was found that vaping products were positively associated with the quit success rate; every one per cent rise in the use of vaping products associated with a 0.06 per cent increase in the quit success rate.

In a speech at the European Parliament in February this year, Joachim Schüz, head of Environment and Radiation at WHO’s cancer research agency said vaping is “no way as harmful” as smoking cigarettes and could even help heavy smokers quit.

What’s more, the Malaysian tobacco industry sees the new “vaping tax” to be introduced in 2021 on all electronic cigarette devices including vape and vaping liquids as a positive one as this means vaping products will be regulated.

In Malaysia, the number of smokers has dropped by 1.5 percentage points in 2019 according to the Ministry of Health’s National Health and Morbidity Survey 2019.

While it is unclear if this can be attributed to a switch to vaping, the same report shows five per cent of Malaysians use vaping products.

The effectiveness of vaping as a smoking cessation tool seems to be encouraging and efforts to frame vaping as a gateway to smoking do not seem to stand up to close scrutiny.

Originally published here.

Wielka Brytania bije kolejne rekordy w walce z nałogiem tytoniowym

Najnowsze badania YouGov zlecone przez Action on Smoking and Health w Wielkiej Brytanii dowiodły, że 58% dorosłych waperów to byli palacze a odsetek tych, którzy również są palaczami tytoniu, sukcesywnie spada i w tym roku osiągnął 38%.

Ponadto, 60% dorosłych użytkowników e-papierosów zadeklarowało, że głównym powodem, dla którego przerzucili się na vaping była troska o własne zdrowie.

Sceptycy próbują podważać badanie przedstawiając e-papierosy jako świeży produkt kierowany do konsumentów tytoniu otwierając w ten sposób nową drogę do uzależnienia.

Zupełnie innego zdania jest Maria Chaplia współpracowniczka ds. Europejskich w Consumer Choice Center, która mówi: „Tak jak substytuty cukru pomagają ludziom zmniejszyć spożycie cukru, tak e-papierosy pomagają ludziom rzucić palenie”, „Nie obwiniamy substytutów cukru za zwiększone spożycie cukru, ale zrobienie tego w przypadku e-papierosów wydaje się dopuszczalne”.

Pani Chaplia zwraca w swojej wypowiedzi na dość istotny aspekt, mianowicie zamiast skupić się na walce i ucieczce od tytoniowego uzależnienia za wszelką cenę, rozważmy zasadność stosowanych metod. Pamiętajmy, że co roku na świecie umiera 8 milionów palaczy dlatego każda szeroko rozpowszechniona metoda na zerwanie z nałogiem tytoniowym jest bardzo ważna i ma znaczenie.

Originally published here.

Piano Ue contro il cancro, il Parlamento dà spazio alla sigaretta elettronica

Pietro Fiocchi (FdI), membro della Commissione parlamentare che sta stilando un rapporto per il piano, assicura che vi sarà un paragrafo sul vaping.

Di Barbara Mennitti| SIGMAGAZINE

Il rapporto che lo Special Committee on cancer del Parlamento europeo consegnerà alla Commissione come contributo per il Piano contro il cancro includerà un paragrafo sulla sigaretta elettronica. A rivelarlo è stato l’europarlamentare italiano Pietro Fiocchi (Fratelli d’Italia), durante un incontro organizzato questa mattina dalla sede a Bruxelles della Camera di commercio britannica, incentrato proprio sul Beating Cancer Plan dell’Unione europea. Sottotitolo dell’evento, prevenire è meglio che curare e proprio sugli strumenti e le best practice in materia di prevenzione verteva l’intervento di Fiocchi. Il parlamentare italiano, che è relatore ombra della Commissione speciale sul cancro dell’Europarlamento ha aggiunto che “è importante che il paragrafo sul vaping contenga le cose giuste”, cioè presumibilmente che tratti la sigaretta elettronica come strumento di riduzione del danno da fumo.

Read the full article here.

Apakah Vape yang Mengandung Perasa Mempengaruhi Seseorang Untuk Merokok?

Vape atau rokok elektonik saat ini merupakan produk yang sudah digunakan oleh jutaan konsumen, terutama di kota-kota besar. Di berbagai kota, dengan mudah kita bisa menemukan pertokoan yang menjual produk-produk rokok elektonik dengan berbagai merek.

Penggunaan vape juga terus meningkat, dari tahun ke tahun. Di Indonesia sendiri misalnya, pada bulan Juli tahun 2020 lalu, diperkirakan ada sekitar 2,2 juta pengguna rokok elektonik dan 5.000 penjual vape di seluruh Indonesia (Kontan.co.id, 21/07/2020).

Namun, fenomena ini juga bukan berarti tidak menimbulkan pro dan kontra. Tidak sedikit pihak-pihak yang menyatakan sangat keberatan dan mengkritik fenomena meningkatnya penggunaan vape. Salah satu alasan yang kerpa digunakan adalah, rokok elektrik merupakan produk yang dapat menjadi pintu masuk bagi rokok tembakau konvensional yang dibakar.

Oleh karena itu, banyak pihak yang cemas dan khawatir terhadap fenomena meningkatnya pengunaan vape, khususnya di kalangan anak-anak muda. Dikhawatirkan, akan semakin banyak populasi perokok di kalangan anak muda yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan rokok elektrik, yang tentunya akan semakin banyak menimbulkan penyakit kronis seperti kanker dan serangan jantung.Lantas, apakah pandangan tersebut sesuatu yang tepat? Apakah vape merupakan gateway drugs bagi penggunaan rokok konvensional?

Berdasarkan laporan dari lembaga kesehatan pemerintah Britania Raya, Public Health England, rokok elektrik atau vape terbukti 95% jauh lebih aman daripada rokok konvensional yang dibakar (Public Health England, 2015). Hal ini dikarenakan, ada lebih dari 7.000 zat kimia yang terdapat di rokok konvensional, di mana 69 dari zat kimia tersebut merupakan zat yang berbahaya dan dapat menimbulkan kanker.

Hal ini jauh berbeda dengan komponen yang berada di dalam vape atau rokok elektrik. Bahan dasar yang digunakan dalam cairan rokok elektrik adalah propylene glycol (PG) dan vegetable glycerin (VG), yang merupakan zat umum yang digunakan untuk memberikan perasa dalam berbagai makanan, salah satunya adalah kue (American Lung Association, 20/08/2019).

Sama halnya dengan rokok konvensional, cairan yang dipakai di dalam rokok elektrik juga mengandung zat nikotin. Kandungan zat nikotin yang terdapat di dalam rokok elektrik ini sering dianggap sebagai penyebab utama yang membuat rokok elektronik dapat menimbulkan berbagai penyakit kronis, seperti penyakit jantung, dan rokok elektrik berpotensi besar akan membuka pintu bagi para penggunanya untuk menggunakan rokok konvensional yang dibakar.Namun pandangan tersebut adalah sesuatu yang keliru. Berdasarkan badan penyedia layanan kesehatan Britania Raya, National Health Service (NHS), nikotin, meskipun zat yang berpotensi dapat menimbulkan kecanduan, namun relatif aman. Faktor utama yang membuat rokok konvensional sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan dan dapat menimbulkan berbagai penyakit kronis seperti kanker dan penyakit jantung adalah zat-zat beracun lainnya yang terkandung di dalam rokok tersebut, dan bukan pada nikotinnya (National Health Service, 2019). Pandangan bahwa rokok elektrik merupakan pintu masuk untuk rokok konvensional juga merupakan sesuatu yang salah besar. Sebaliknya, justru melalui rokok elektrik atau vape, para perokok justru menjadi sangat terbantu untuk menghentikan kebiasaan mereokok mereka yang sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan.

Di Amerika Serikat misalnya, berdasarkan laporan dari National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine pada tahun 2018, terdapat kaitan yang erat antara menurunnya populasi perokok di Amerika Serikat dengan meningkatnya penggunaan vape di negeri Paman Sam tersebut (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018). Studi yang dipublikasikan oleh New England Journal of Medicine pada tahun 2019 juga menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan vape dua kali lipat lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan produk-produk pengganti nikotin lainnya yang digunakan untuk membantu perokok untuk berhenti merokok (The New England Journal of Medicine, 2019).

Joachim Schüz, yang merupakan ketua dari lembaga riset kanker milik World Health Organization (WHO), The International Agency for Research on Cancer, untuk bagian lingkungan dan radiasi, mendukung penggunaan vape untuk membantu perokok untuk berhenti merokok. Schüz menyatakan bahwa rokok elektronik jauh tidak lebih berbahaya dibandingkan dengan rokok konvensional (Consumer Choice Center, 2020).

Sebagai penutup, kebijakan pelarangan vape atau kebijakan yang membatasi pilihan rokok elektrik yang dapat dikonsumsi oleh konsumen merupakan kebijakan yang sangat berbahaya. Hal ini akan semakin mempersulit para perokok untuk berhenti merokok, yang tentunya juga akan semakin sulit untuk mereduksi berbagai penyakit yang sangat berbahaya yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan dan konsumsi rokok seperti kanker dan penyakit jantung.

Perlu ditekankan bahwa, saya dalam hal ini bukan mengadvokasi seseorang untuk mengkonsumsi nikotin atau menggunakan produk-produk rokok elektrik. Namun, kesalahpahaman mengenai dampak rokok elektronik serta manfaat yang dapat diberikan oleh produk tersebut kepada konsumen adalah hal yang sangat penting untuk dikoreksi dan diluruskan.

Tidak ada manfaatnya bagi para otoritas kebijakan kesehatan publik atau pemerintah untuk menakut-nakuti warganya terhadap produk-produk rokok elektrik. Hal ini justru sangat berbahaya karena akan membuat para perokok enggan untuk berpindah ke rokok elektrik yang jauh lebih aman, yang dapat membantu mereka untuk hidup lebih sehat dan terhindar dari berbagai penyakit kronis.

Originally published here.

Departemen Kesehatan Pennsylvania Mengadakan Pertemuan Virtual Mengatasi Risiko Vaping

Departemen Kesehatan Program Narkoba dan Alkohol berkolaborasi di bawah kepemimpinan Menteri Kesehatan, Rachel Levine, mengadakan sebuah pertemuan virtual membahas tentang mengatasi risiko vaping bersama dengan Gubernur Demokrat, Tom Wolf.

“Ribuan orang di Pennsylvania menjadi korban produk tembakau dan vaping yang dipasarkan secara terang-terangan dan tidak menyadari dampak kesehatan yang signifikan seperti kecanduan nikotin dan penyakit terkait paru-paru. Saya bangga melihat para ahli, kelompok advokasi, dan otoritas lokal berkumpul untuk membahas tantangan dan menemukan peluang untuk mengatasi epidemi vaping,” kata Levine.

Dalam pertemuan ini memang tidak ada presentasi khusus mengenai pengurangan dampak buruk. Acara tersebut hanya diskusi bagaimana para ahli menyikapi kekhawatiran di antara produk bebas rokok dan pendukung pengurangan bahaya tembakau yang akan dihadapi di masa depan.

Consumer Choice Center, menerbitkan whitepaper yang mengindeks status vaping di semua 50 negara bagian di Amerika Serikat. Untuk menentukan peringkat setiap negara bagian, pusat tersebut menciptakan sistem penilaian yang mempertimbangkan peraturan seperti pembatasan rasa, pajak nikotin, tembakau, dan kebijakan penjualan produk vaping secara online.

Menurut sistem poin negara bagian, 0 hingga 10 poin yang diterima memberikan nilai “F” untuk negara bagian. 11 sampai 20 poin adalah nilai “C”. Negara-negara dengan skor antara 21 dan 30 telah menerima nilai “A”. Pennsylvania, berdasarkan indeks vaping Consumer Choice Center, diberi peringkat dengan nilai “C”.

Originally Published here.

[EU] Action plan for the development of EU organic production​


The aim of this public consultation is to collect the opinion of stakeholders and the public on challenges and opportunities to increase the production and consumption of organic food. Your answers will feed into a European Commission communication to be published early in 2021. This communication will lay the ground for concrete action in line with the European Commission’s objectives of ensuring that at least 25% of the EU’s agricultural land is under organic farming by 2030 and that there is a significant increase in organic aquaculture. These objectives ultimately aim to both improve the sustainability of the food system and revert biodiversity loss.


Section 1: General – the state of organic production today

Organic production today covers some 8% of total utilized agricultural area and organic aquaculture accounts around 5% of total aquaculture production in the EU. Although this is a significant increase compared to the past, there is still significant room to increase these shares. The aim of this section is to identify the main bottlenecks to the production and consumption of organic food.

  1. To what extent are the following factors obstacles to greater production and consumption of organic food in the EU today?

at least 15 answered row(s)

 Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagreeDon’t know
Retail price of organic products too highX    
Price of organic products at suppliers too high    X
Not profitable enough for producers X   
Too expensive for consumersX    
Insufficient consumer demandX    
Lack of consumer confidence in organic production methodsX    
Lack of consumer awareness of the EU label  X  
Lack of consumer confidence in the EU label   X 
Insufficient financial incentives for producers to convert to organic production    X
Low interest from retailers in giving organic products shelf-space  X  
Low consumer awareness of the benefits of organic production for climate and the environment   X 
Competition with other ways of producing and/or other schemes    X
Competition with private label products  X  
There are too many ecological food schemes that can be confused with organic   X 

Other (please specify):

For further explanations, we refer to our position paper.

  1. The COVID-19 crisis has had many significant impacts on different sectors, including on the food system and the production and consumption of organic food. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? 

at least 4 answered row(s)

 Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagreeDon’t know
The crisis has strengthened organic farming and its role in EU food supply    X
The crisis has accelerated structural changes in our food consumption in favour of organic farming   X 
The crisis has shown our reliance on seasonal labour in farming X   
In the post-crisis period, the greater demand for organic products reported by the sector will be maintained    X

Section 2: Organic for all – stimulating demand and consumer confidence

Consumption of organic products per capita varies greatly among EU Member States. This section aims to identify concrete measures to stimulate the consumption of organic products and to ensure that consumers feel confident that the organic products they buy are produced according to such standards. 

  1. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

at least 9 answered row(s)

 Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagreeDon’t know
The EU organic logo is not sufficiently recognised  X  
Information campaigns for the EU organic logo are needed   X 
More awareness is needed on the environmental and climate benefits of organic farming   X 
Campaigns to promote agricultural products should specifically target organic products   X 
Price competitiveness of organic products should be improved    X
Schemes in schools to promote healthy diets should focus on organic products   X 
Food served in public/private offices and canteens should focus on organic products   X 
The range of organic products at retailers should be broader and more visible    X
Authorities should use much more public procurement to boost organic consumption   X 

Other (please specify): We would like to specify that our answer on the price competitiveness as “Don’t know” is due to the fact that the question did not elaborate on whether that refers to an intrusion on price competitiveness by producers and retailers or whether this should be done on an institutional governmental level.

For further explanations, we refer to our position paper.

  1. Demand for organic products also depends on consumer confidence that the products are produced in line with organic standards. To what extent do you agree that the following actions are important?

at least 7 answered row(s)

 Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagreeDon’t know
Reasons for lack of consumer confidence should be explored X   
Consumers should be able to clearly distinguish between the EU organic logo and other environmental/quality schemesX    
It should be easier to trace organic products back to their origin X   
The information on organic producers should be transparent and available for consumersX    
Information technologies such as blockchain (data shared across a network of computers) should be used more often to improve tracing of organic productsX    
Compliance with the rules for organic production must be better controlled by public authoritiesX    
More effort is needed to tackle fraud in the organic sectorX    

Other (please specify):

For further explanations, we refer to our position paper.

Section 3: Promoting organic production

The share of land under organic farming varies considerably across EU Member States, ranging from some 2% in Romania to 24% in Austria. One reason for these differences could be the lack of structures in the supply chain to allow producers to benefit from the added value created by organic production. This section will help identify the main measures to: (i) stimulate conversion to organic agriculture and aquaculture and (ii) strengthen the value-chain for operators who have opted for organic production.  

  1. To what extent are the following measures important to stimulate the production of organic products?

at least 10 answered row(s)

 Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagreeDon’t know
The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy and the support it provides should target organic production   X 
Other financial support for organic production is also needed (e.g. national, local or other public and private initiatives)   X 
Provide sufficient training and advice on organic farming (including visits and pilot farms) to stimulate conversion especially in regions lagging behind the EU average   X 
More research is needed to develop plants with greater resistance to pests and to extreme and variable climate conditionsX    
Investments (including in research and innovation) are needed to scale up labour-saving technologies    X
Improve information and data on developments in the organic market to facilitate decisions for producers    X
Improve information and data on developments in the organic market to support decision making for retailers    X
Help organic producers to better organise (e.g. producer organisations) to improve their bargaining power    X
Investments (including in research and innovation) for organic food processing   X 
Strengthen local and small-scale processing and foster short supply chains    X
  1. Organic animal husbandry must comply with higher standards than conventional animal husbandry. There are also higher standards for organic aquaculture. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? 

at least 4 answered row(s)

 Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagreeDon’t know
Organic animal production should benefit from specific support   X 
Producers should be helped to find appropriate organic feed for animal nutrition   X 
More research is needed to identify and develop best practices on feeding methods suitable for organic feed, and alternative feeding ingredients X   
Aquaculture should be supported to gain more knowledge on breeding and feeding methods, including through research  X  

Section 4: Societal benefits – the contribution to climate and environment

One of the aims of organic farming is to combine agricultural production with respect for the environment and climate. It aims to preserve biodiversity, soil fertility, and aquatic ecosystems while allowing producers to make a decent living. This section will provide us with concrete ideas on how organic farming can be a model for: (i) more sustainable practices in farming and aquaculture, (ii) greater use of renewable resources, and (iii) greater animal welfare, while maintaining European food production.

  1. What are the main environmental advantages of organic production?

at least 8 answered row(s)

 Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagreeDon’t know
Organic farming is beneficial to biodiversity   X 
It responsibly uses energy and natural resources, such as water   X 
It reduces leakage of nitrates into water and thus protects water quality   X 
It protects soil quality   X 
It helps reduce air pollution   X 
It promotes a circular economy by using bio-based materials   X 
It promotes carbon neutrality by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and storing carbon in soil   X 
It allows for adaptation to a changing climate   X 
  1. To further increase the benefits of organic farming for the environment and climate, to what extent do you agree with the following measures?

at least 6 answered row(s)

 Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagreeDon’t know
Funding to increase the availability of species suitable for organic production, notably through research   X 
More investment on organic agricultural research and innovation   X 
Networks of organic farms to act as demonstration projects and promote best practices    X
Phase out of contentious inputs (e.g. copper) still used in organic farmingX    
Promote the replacement of plastics in packaging with fully recyclable or biodegradable materials   X 
Promote the sustainable use of water in organic farming    X

Section 5: Conclusions – the role of the EU and the road ahead

The EU has actively promoted organic production as a pillar of its Common Agricultural Policy while also supporting the increase of organic aquaculture. However, local producers, national authorities and producer organisations also play an important role. This section will help us understand whether the EU should intensify its actions in favour of organic production and consumption, or whether these actions should be devolved to the national/local level. The final question provides you with an opportunity to present your own proposals for how the production and consumption of organic food can be strengthened, in addition to those proposals identified earlier in the questionnaire.

  1. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

at least 3 answered row(s)

 Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagreeDon’t know
The main responsibility for promoting organic production and consumption lies at national level    X
The development of organic production should be left to the market with no specific supportX    
The development of the organic sector requires a mix of EU and Member State support as well as private initiatives   X 
  1. Are there any more specific or additional actions that you would suggest?

For further explanations, we refer to our position paper:


Найкращі і найзручніші залізничні вокзали Європи. Українських серед них немає

Ми звикли до різноманітних рейтингів найкращих авіакомпаній чи аеропортів. А ось на залізничному транспорті їх значно менше. Хоча і ним користуються мільйони пасажирів. Тому мандрівникам, особливо тим, хто любить подорожувати потягами, стане цікавим новий рейтинг найзручніших для пасажирів залізничних вокзалів Європи.

Новий рейтинг підготувала організація Consumer choice center, яка займається захистом інтересів споживачів. До нього включені 50 найбільших залізничних станцій Європи. Остаточне місце в рейтингу визначалося за багатьма показниками, наприклад, за чистотою, завантаженістю платформ, кількості пунктів призначення, ресторанів та магазинів, конкуренції між компаніями-перевізниками, наявності кімнати відпочинку першого класу тощо.

Railway Station Index

St. Pancras International

Перше місце в цьому рейтингу зайняв залізничний вокзал St. Pancras International в Лондоні. Він отримав 116 балів зі 139 можливих. В повідомленні Consumer choice center вказується, що нечасті страйки, зручність для пасажирів та наявність міжнародних напрямків допомогли йому здобути лідерство. Вокзал відкрився ще в 1868 році. Поряд з колишнім гранд-готелем Midland – це шедевр вікторіанської інженерії і готичної архітектури та одна з найелегантніших станцій світу. St. Pancras International був побудований Midland Railway Company для сполучення Лондона з деякими найбільшими містами Англії, вказується на сайті вокзалу.

Zürich Central Station

Трохи менше балів – 111 – набрав Zürich Central Station. Це найбільший залізничний вокзал Швейцарії. Звідси можна подорожувати як самою Швейцарією, так і до Німеччини, Італії, Австрії та Франції. Обслуговуючи до 2915 поїздів на день, Zürich Central Station є одним з найбільш завантажених залізничних вокзалів у світі. Він складається з декількох рівнів – з платформами як на землі, так і під нею. Вони пов’язані між собою підземними переходами та торговим центром.

Leipzig Central Station

На третьому місці розташувався Leipzig Central Station, відкритий у 1915 році. Це одна з найбільших залізничних станцій Європи за площею. Вокзал має 19 надземних платформ, розміщених під шістьма залізничними навісами, багаторівневий зал з високими кам’яними арками та фасадом довжиною 298 метрів. На місці закритої колії №24 знаходяться кілька історичних локомотивів Deutsche Reichsbahn. Станцією оперує DB Station & Service (дочірня компанія Deutsche Bahn).

Roma Termini

Найпівденніший вокзал з рейтингу – Roma Termini – зайняв четверте місце. Це найбільша італійська залізнична станція. Її назва походить від району, де вона розташована. В свою чергу, він отримав назву від терм (громадські заклади для миття та водних процедур у Стародавньому Римі) Діоклетіана, які розташовані через дорогу від головного входу до вокзалу. Roma Termini має регулярне залізничне сполучення з усіма великими італійськими містами, а також щоденні міжнародні рейси до Мюнхена, Женеви, Відня. На станції розташовані 33 платформи. На площі Piazza dei Cinquecento перед вокзалом знаходиться головна автобусна станція міста.

München Central Station

Головний залізничний вокзал Мюнхена München Central Station. Це одна з трьох станцій Мюнхена, яка має міжміське сполучення. Інші – München Ost і München-Pasing. На München Central Station розташовані 32 платформи. Також під землею знаходяться платформи метрополітену і міської електрички. Перша залізнична станція Мюнхена була побудована приблизно за 800 метрів на захід у 1839 році. На нинішньому місці вона відкрита в 1849 році. Вокзал неодноразово перебудовували, в тому числі після сильних пошкоджень під час Другої світової війни.

Hamburg Central Station

Головний залізничний вокзал Гамбурга Hamburg Central Station відкритий в 1906 році. Щодня в середньому ним користується 550 тисяч пасажирів. Hamburg Central Station є наскрізною станцію з острівними платформами. Вокзал є одним з головних транспортних вузлів Німеччини, який поєднує міжміські маршрути Intercity Express з міськими метрополітеном та електричкою. На північній стороні будівлі вокзалу розташований торговий центр. Станція знаходиться під управлінням DB Station & Service.

Berlin Central Station

Головний залізничний вокзал столиці Німеччини Berlin Central Station почав функціонувати за два дні після урочистого відкриття 26 травня 2006 року. Він розташований на місці колишньої залізничної станції Lehrter Bahnhof. Довжина вокзалу становить 430 метрів, а деяких платформ – 80 метрів. Станція знаходиться під управлінням DB Station & Service.

Milano Centrale

Головний міланський залізничний вокзал Milano Centrale є другим найбільшим за пасажиропотоком вокзалом Італії. Офіційно відкритий в 1931 році, щоб замінити старий центральний вокзал, побудований у 1864 році. Milano Centrale має високошвидкісне сполучення з Турином, Венецією, Вероною, Болоньєю, Римом, Неаполем та Салерно. Крім того, звідси можна відправитися до Берна, Лугано, Женеви, Цюріха, Парижа, Відня, Марселя, Мюнхена. Станція також поєднана з міланським аеропортом Мальпенза потягом Malpensa Express. Вокзал має 24 платформи.

Moscow Kazansky

Московський залізничний вокзал є одним з дев’яти залізничних терміналів Москви. Звідси потяги відправляються, головним чином, на схід та південний схід. Будівництво станції закінчилося в 1940 році. Будівля вокзалу нагадує дозорну вежу Сююмбіке в Казанському кремлі.

Frankfurt Central Station

Головний залізничний вокзал Франкфурта-на-Майні Frankfurt Central Station відкритий у 1888 році. Через своє розташування посеред Німеччини та використання транспортного вузла для подорожей на великі та короткі відстані, Deutsche Bahn вважає його найбільш важливою станцією в країні. Щоденно з вокзалу відправляється більше 340 міжміських і 290 регіональних потягів. Кожного дня Frankfurt Central Station користуються 450-460 тис. пасажирів.

Vaping is a pathway away from smoking, study finds

Over the years, e-cigarettes have repeatedly been accused of being a gateway to smoking. The statistics have consistently suggested otherwise, but a new report from the Consumer Choice Centre and World Vapers’ Alliance hopes to finally put this myth to bed.

The report

The report, entitled ‘Vaping and the Gateway Myth’ has investigated whether there is any evidence that vaping is a gateway to smoking. Short answer; there isn’t.

They found that in actual fact, vaping is a gateway out of smoking. E-cigarettes were designed to offer smokers a safer way to consume nicotine, with the target market being adult smokers. They have succeeded in this, with a number of studies finding e-cigarettes to be twice as effective as nicotine replacement therapies such as nicotine patches and gum.

The report looks into the different reasons that have been raised as part of the opinion that vaping is a gateway to smoking, such as their nicotine content, whether they are encouraging young people to smoke, and the controversy around flavoured e-liquids. The report consistently finds these arguments to be unfounded.

But e-cigarettes can contain nicotine – isn’t that dangerous?

Honestly, the effect that vaping nicotine has on the body is actually comparable to that of your morning coffee. It is true that a massive overdose of nicotine would cause it to act as a nerve poison, however this is not something that can be achieved by vaping the levels of nicotine available in e-liquids.

Yes, nicotine is an addictive substance, but research has found that the addiction smokers have is not just to the nicotine, but also to other ingredients in tobacco smoke, and to the habit of smoking, or the ‘smoking ritual’. In the absence of these other ingredients, many vapers actually find their nicotine cravings are lower.

Professor Bernd Mayer, Toxicologist at the University of Graz, and Scientific Advisor to the World Vapers’ Alliance, explains;

“Smokers do not die from their addiction, but from the harmful effects of the ingredients in tobacco smoke. In the cardiovascular system, much like caffeine, nicotine leads to a slight increase in blood pressure and heart rate. These effects are clinically harmless, the risk of serious illnesses (heart attack, stroke) or mortality is not increased by nicotine.”

While the report recognises that people should not be encouraged to start consuming nicotine if they have not previously been a smoker, they express that it is important that public health authorities make smokers aware that vaping offers a far safer alternative to smoking.

Traditional cigarettes create over 7000 chemicals when burned, and 69 of these have been identified as potentially carcinogenic. E-liquids on the other hand, are primarily made up of propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG), both of which are recognized by the European Food Safety Authority as safe and not harmful, and are common ingredients found in many food products.

Are e-cigarettes turning young people into smokers?

This is another topic that has been hotly debated for some time, due in some part to the high levels of teen vapers seen in the US. However, this is not an issue that is present in the UK and it has been found that e-cigarette use among teenagers is low, and those young people who do regularly use an e-cigarette are either ex or current smokers.

Colin Mendelsohn and Wayne Hall concluded in their recently published review for the Journal of Drug Policy;

“Contrary to the gateway hypothesis, vaping appears to divert a subset of youth at risk of cigarette smoking away from smoking.”

The misconception that e-cigarettes could lead adolescents to smoke seems to stem from the fact that they are a novel technology, therefore teens are going to want to try them as the ‘cool, new thing’. In actual fact, data from Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) shows that UK youth smoking rates are at an all-time low, and while it is true that a number of young people report having tried an e-cigarette before, it is important to make the distinction between this and regular use. As stated in ‘Vaping and the Gateway Myth’;

“Clearly, it makes a difference if someone has one puff from a friend’s e-cigarette at a party or is a daily user.”

The great flavour debate

There are a number of countries that are considering banning flavoured e-liquids in a bid to make vaping less appealing to non-smokers. However, data suggests that only around 2% of regular vapers have never smoked, and that flavoured e-liquids are actually essential in increasing the odds of adult smoking cessation. Another two-thirds of current vapers use a non-tobacco flavoured e-liquid, and removing these options would likely lead many back to smoking, or to purchase from the black market where e-liquids are not regulated.

The Yale School of Public Health concluded in their study into flavour bans that the main reason many vapes prefer a non-tobacco flavour is precisely because these flavours do not remind them of the taste of cigarettes, and that those using flavoured e-liquids are 2.3 times more likely to make a successful stop smoking attempt than these using tobacco flavours.

The report concludes by making recommendations to policymakers about utilising e-cigarettes as an essential tool for harm reduction, including an evaluation of advertising rules and ensuring that vaping products are easily accessible to adult smokers as an alternative nicotine source.

If you or someone you know is considering making the switch from smoking to vaping, head over to our blog to find lots of information on making the switch, or pop in to your local Evapo store and speak to a member of our team.



Originally published here.

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