jeff stier

Industry Reacts to FDA’s Vapor Marketing Enforcement Plan

CONVENIENCE STORE NEWS: Jeff Stier, senior fellow at the Consumer Choice Center, applauded the FDA’s efforts, and said that responsible regulation is possible while still offering adult consumers an alternative to cigarettes that significantly reduces the harm from smoking.

Earth Day has embraced hysteria and abandoned science

FOX NEWS: Among these advances, we would include ridesharing services, Airbnb, modern genetic engineering applied to agriculture, and state-of-the art agricultural chemicals. All these things enable us to do more with less – but they have been vilified by activists.

EPA Controversy Is Politics, Polluted

In all the humdrum surrounding public expenses in President Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency, there is certainly a case to be made that there was waste. First-class travel, a $43,000 secure phone line, and poor judgment for failure to prevent an appearance of impropriety for renting a bedroom from a lobbyist all deserve scrutiny. Anyone […]

Patent foolishness on Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Congress once again needs to correct a problem it created in the first place. But its recent attempt at a fix of the patent system is not only inadequate, but irrelevant.

Winston-Salem Journal Editorial Quotes Consumer Choice Center

WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL: Plus, “The FDA concedes that a ban on today’s cigarettes could have significant unintended consequences, leading to compensatory smoking, where smokers inhale more dangerous chemicals in an effort to get the nicotine they crave,” according to Jeff Stier, senior fellow with the advocacy group Consumer Choice Center.

The Health 202: Who knew? A top Trump conservative is aggressively taking on tobacco

WASHINGTON POST: Jeff Stier, a senior fellow at the Consumer Choice Center criticized the FDA’s move, saying the proposal puts policy before science.

FDA moving forward on effort to reduce nicotine levels in cigarettes

WINSTON SALEM JOURNAL: Jeff Stier, senior fellow with advocacy group Consumer Choice Center, criticized the latest FDA step. “It seems that FDA is pushing a policy agenda and looking for science to support it,” Stier said. “Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

The FDA is working to reduce nicotine in cigarettes

YNET: Jeff Stier, a senior fellow at the Consumer Choice Center, an American non-profit organization that promotes the public’s interest in health and environmental issues, and a world expert on smoking damage said: “The FDA announcement is well-intentioned but misses the mark.”

E-cigs for quitting smoking? A cautious thumbs-up from American Cancer Society

PAKISTAN OBSERVER: The American Cancer Society is recommending — with caution — to health care clinicians that they add electronic cigarettes and vaporizers as a smoking-cessation option.

Congressional oversight weeds out corrupt international junk science

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: This may be the year when Congress finally cracks down on the corrupt World Health Organization. The last straw may be not what WHO did, but what it didn’t do.

State wants to govern kids’ soda consumption

ONE NEWS NOW: Jeff Stier, senior fellow at the Consumer Choice Center, says what makes this bill worse is that the government has the science wrong.

Jeff Stier to FDA: Give IQOS a chance

MED PAGE TODAY: Jeff Stier of the advocacy group Consumer Choice Center told the panel that despite the limitations and uncertainties in the data presented by PMI, the studies all suggest that the product is safer than cigarettes.


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