

Sondage: 93 % de Canadiens supportent l’achat et le transport interprovincial d’alcool

CONTACT: Yaël Ossowski Directeur-adjoint Consumer Choice Center yael@consumerchoicecenter.org Ottawa, ON. – Un sondage récent de Nanos Research démontre que 93 % de Canadiens sont pour permettre aux Canadiens d’acheter de l’alcool des autres provinces et de le transporter au-delà des limites provinciales. En termes de leur niveau de soutien pour permettre aux Canadiens d’acheter de l’alcool […]

Consumer Choice Center : Ne touchez pas aux dessins animés sur nos céréales !

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Consumer Choice Center : Ne touchez pas aux dessins animés sur nos céréales ! CONTACT: Yaël Ossowski Directeur des relations publiques Consumer Choice Center yael@consumerchoicecenter.org 15. June 2017   Proposition d’interdiction des icônes de la publicité dans l’alimentation: Laissez la vache Milka être violette ! Bruxelles – Le Centre du Choix des Consommateurs (Consumer Choice Center) […]

Geplantes Verbot von Werbeikonen bei Lebensmitteln: Lasst die Milka-Kuh doch einfach lila sein!

Geplantes Verbot von Werbeikonen bei Lebensmitteln: Lasst die Milka-Kuh doch einfach lila sein! CONTACT: Frederik Röder Managing Director Consumer Choice Center fred@consumerchoicecenter.org 14. June 2017 Brüssel, Belgien – Das Consumer Choice Center kritisiert den Vorschlag der Verbraucherschutzorganisation BEUC die Verwendung von Zeichentrickfiguren auf den Packungen und in der Werbung von Frühstückscerealien zu verbieten. Frederik Cyrus Röder, […]

Charlotte doesn’t need another taxpayer-funded stadium

The Consumer Choice Center Says Charlotte Doesn’t Need Another Taxpayer-funded Sports Stadium Charlotte, NC— The Consumer Choice Center commends county and city officials for not accepting to use taxpayer dollars on a new sports stadium. “Mecklenburg County and Charlotte city officials are wise to question putting yet more public dollars in a sports stadium. If the multimillion […]

World No Tobacco Day Embraces the Wrong Approach

May 31st, is World No Tobacco Day. World No Tobacco Day brings attention to a noble goal, that of reducing tobacco consumption, but embraces the wrong approach needed for consumers and everyday working people. “The World Health Organization and hundreds of national governments have approached tobacco as a problem to legislate, regulate, and tax away. Branding bands […]

The EU’s Proposed Content Quota Will Hurt Consumers

“The attempt by ministers in the EU to raise the quota of European content in digital streaming services to 30 percent will end up hurting consumers by artificially raising prices for everyone. It benefits producers in some countries and hurts them in others. Overall, it will only end up raising costs for all European citizens. […]

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