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It’s time for the government to put consumers first

It’s a great time to be alive. In the past few years, we’ve been incredibly lucky to gain access to great technologies and services that make our lives better every day. Just think about the great problem-solving innovations we’ve had in recent years. Want a safer alternative to consuming nicotine? Enter vape devices. Looking for a […]

«Le consommateur sera toujours plus malin que le législateur.»

Bill Wirtz est policy analyst au Consumer Choice Center. Il dresse le bilan de deux ans d’actions auprès des bureaucrates. Avec toujours le même message : cessez de croire qu’un consommateur est un être irresponsable. Contrepoints : Bill Wirtz, cela fait deux ans que le Consumer Choice Center protège les consommateurs non pas contre les entreprises […]

Vegane Mode am Pranger: Dämonisierung tierischer Produkte soll aufhören

Die „Mythen“ veganer Mode sollen entlarvt werden Vor etwa einer Woche verkündigte das britische „Consumer Choice Center“ in einer Pressemeldung den Start der Kampagne #ChoiceInFashion: „Wir möchten die Verbraucher über tierische Materialien informieren und die Mythen und urbanen Legenden über vegane Mode entlarven, die von selbsternannten Tierschutzgruppen verbreitet werden.“ Die Konsumenten würden einem zunehmenden Druck […]

Global consumer advocate says legal pot is good for communities

The Consumer Choice Center is confirming what marijuana advocates have been saying for a long time. It said smart regulation of cannabis will reduce violent crime and boost economic gains. Those are some of the findings in its policy paper on the regulation of cannabis. “It is clear that legalizing cannabis for medical and recreational consumption […]

A new crowd is joining the world’s movers and shakers at Davos’ elite party this year — marijuana growers

The first ever ‘Cannabis Conclave’ — held at an alpine restaurant only accessible by cable car — is a sign of growing legitimacy for the business The global elite are on their way to the Swiss alpine town of Davos for the World Economic Forum’s annual gathering, but this year a new group is joining the […]

Cannabis elite descend on Davos to familiarize global elite with sector

A bevy of company executives and former politicians — all of whom are now involved in the burgeoning legal cannabis industry — are expected to attend what is being billed as the first ever “Cannabis Conclave,” a three-hour lunch at an alpine restaurant only accessible by cable car. Attendees of the event at Restaurant Höhenweg will be able to […]

Davos, è l’anno della marijuana: la cannabis conquista gli investitori

24OREMONDO: Secondo il Consumer Choice Center, che organizza a Davos il Cannabis Conclave, l’evento sarà utilissimo per accelerare il dibattito sulla legalizzazione in Europa e per mostrare quanto sia legittimo e maturo il settore in varie parti del Nord e Sud America.

合法化後供不應求 大麻價格漲逾17%

負監督全球監管政策的消費者權益組織——消費者選擇中心(Consumer Choice Centre)的北美事務經理克萊門特(David Clement)表示,大麻價格上漲很正常,有兩個主要因素推高了大麻成本:稅收和缺乏競爭。 克萊門特表示,合法就代表要繳納省稅和聯邦稅,加上生產商的許可執照費用和固定開支成本,這些費用都轉嫁給最終用戶。他說:「執行大麻法案中的規則和條例,每年就要花費5億元,政府自然要從許可執照費上獲取收入來彌補開支。」

Für die Freiheit der Konsumenten: Ein Interview mit Bill Wirtz

Bill Wirtz, ein Policy Analyst des Consumer Choice Center, spricht über die Gefahren, die vom Nanny State ausgehen. Bill, Du arbeitest für den Consumer Choice Center (CCC). Kannst Du uns einen kurzen Überblick, darüber geben, was Euer Ziel ist? Klar! Das Consumer Choice Center ist eine weltweit aktive Gruppe von Verbrauchern die sich für Wahlfreiheit […]

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