
Day: April 18, 2019

It’s time for the government to put consumers first

It’s a great time to be alive. In the past few years, we’ve been incredibly lucky to gain access to great technologies and services that make our lives better every day. Just think about the great problem-solving innovations we’ve had in recent years. Want a safer alternative to consuming nicotine? Enter vape devices. Looking for a […]

Vous n’êtes pas assez intelligent pour comprendre le mot “végétarien”

Pour le Parlement européen, les consommateurs pourraient être trompés par le marquage ambiguë de certains produits. Le comité de l’agriculture du Parlement européen (AGRI) a soutenu l’amendement de compromis n°41 le 1er avril. Ce texte demande l’interdiction de nommer des produits alimentaires à base de plantes avec des appellations faisant référence à de la viande […]

Beware alarming warnings about the ‘insect apocalypse’

In 2006, a considerable amount of US-based beekeepers noticed that large numbers of bees were abandoning their colonies, leaving the queen bees and an inadequate number of bees behind. This phenomenon was named Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), and was initially blamed on genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). When this suspicion wasn’t substantiated scientifically, the blame was shifted […]

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