
Day: April 17, 2019

US Airport Funding Needs an Overhaul, not More Government Involvement

While European and Asian airports offer innovation and entrepreneurship, making them the envy of the world, America languishes due to government control of virtually the entire airport infrastructure. Though the United States is by far the strongest economy in the world, our airports leave something to be desired. Wherever you fly domestically, terminal buildings are […]

How to solve Europe’s obesity problem

Give responsibility to individuals Bill Wirtz is a policy analyst for the Consumer Choice Center. Twitter: @wirtzbill The measures that the World Health Organization suggests to tackle diseases caused by malnutrition, tobacco or alcohol are not only contrary to consumer choice, they also do not achieve their objectives. Excessive price increases and branding bans have fostered […]

La 5G nous rappelle l’importance de la vie privée des consommateurs

Renforcer la responsabilité des opérateurs de réseaux pour les vulnérabilités technologiques et créer un cadre de certification souple permettront de garantir à la fois le choix du consommateur et le respect de sa vie privée. Par Mikołaj Barczentewicz, chercheur associé au Consumer Choice Center, et Bill Wirtz, analyste de politiques publiques au Consumer Choice Center. […]

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