
Day: October 19, 2017

Glyphosate lobbying intensifies ahead of EU vote

HORTICULTURE WEEK: “Any effort to ban pesticides which have been deemed safe by European health agencies will only end up raising the cost of food for consumers here and across the world,” said the Consumer Choice Center.

On glyphosate, we must support science-based public policy

CONTACT: Yaël Ossowski Deputy Director Consumer Choice Center BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – Today, the Consumer Choice Center joined the European Crop Protection Association, COPA-COGECA, Coceral, and Europabio in a signed letter addressed to the European Union’s policymakers considering a ban on glyphosate. The letter warns that EU policymakers cannot “allow emotion to let us slowly undermine our regulatory process […]

Guerre de Trump contre Bombardier : les consommateurs paient

LA CHRONIQUE AGORA: Trump a déclaré la guerre aux avionneurs concurrents de Boeing. Ce faisant, il pénalise ses propres électeurs qui subiront les hausses de prix résultant des droits de douanes.

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