Day: February 12, 2019

Praising Santa Barbara County’s innovative cannabis regulations

The nascent cannabis sector is alive and well in California. While many other California counties have shut the door on the legal cannabis market, Santa Barbara County has ensured both consumers and entrepreneurs can profit from cultivation and trade –– and that remains a huge boon to the local economy, taxpayers, and residents. Out of […]

The Beer Store Is Flat Out Wrong on Consumer Choice

Toronto, ON —On February 1st, Ontario’s public consultation on alcohol policy officially closed. The Ford Government sought out feedback on how Ontario could modernize its alcohol market. Unfortunately, some entities, like The Beer Store, have actively pushed back against increased consumer access. The Beer Store’s President Ted Moroz recently argued that if the province allows for beer […]

Dutch Plan for a European Air Passenger Levy is a Punch in the Face of European Consumers

February 8th, 2018 – Today the Dutch government released a paper suggesting an EU-wide passenger levy on flights. It suggests the next EU Commission should work on a Europe-wide tax on commercial flights. Fred Roeder, Managing Director of the Consumer Choice Center (CCC), is alarmed by this move limiting passenger choice and burdening consumers from all over […]

‘Radical socialism’ and ‘cow farts’: Green New Deal opponents lash out as resolution gains momentum

THINK PROGRESS: “This outline of a Green New Deal is probably one of the most extreme attacks on consumer choice that could be conceived of in written form,” said Yaël Ossowski, deputy director of the Consumer Choice Center (CCC), in a statement.


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