David Clement
North American Affairs Manager
Consumer Choice Center
Wynne Says Private Cannabis Sales Are Reckless: Consumers Disagree
Toronto, ON – Today, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne stated that having legal cannabis sold anywhere other than government stores would be “reckless”. Wynne was responding to PC Leader Doug Ford’s suggestion that legal cannabis be privately sold. Wynne specifically stated that the Province did plenty of research before deciding on Ontario’s legalization model.
The Consumer Choice Center disagrees with Premier Wynne’s assessment, and states that evidence actually suggests a majority of Ontario residents are in favour of private cannabis sales.
“We know from Nanos Research polling that a majority (55%) of Ontario residents prefer private cannabis sales over a government monopoly. Wynne’s comments show a disregard for the wants of consumers. Her comments are even more troubling when you realize that the province already allows for private retailers to sell alcohol and tobacco. Embracing private retail for cannabis will help the Province flourish economically, which is desperately needed,” said David Clement, Toronto based North American Affairs Manager for the Consumer Choice Center
***CCC North America Affairs Manager David Clement is available to speak with accredited media on consumer regulations and consumer choice issues. Please send media inquiries HERE.***
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