
Press Release

[Marketing Medium] Live Event with MEP Svenja Hahn

MEP Svenja Hahn says: “Artificial Intelligence plays an increasing role in our everyday lives. AI technology has a vast potential for innovation and progress, from the use of screening systems in the health sector to self-driving vehicles. I am convinced that these new technologies will offer benefits to European businesses and consumers alike. As lawmakers in the European Parliament, our task is to close loopholes in the current European legislation and respond to legal challenges that might arise with AI applications. Only when the legal framework is fit for the digital age, we can tap the full potential of AI for citizens and the EU’s Digital Single Market. In this regard, it is of utmost importance not to over-regulate, to avoid red tape, and to provide for legal certainty for businesses, investors, and consumers.”

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2zCMJsR

[Marketing Medium] Consumer Choice Center releases manifesto for post-COVID innovation

“Added to that, Certificate of Need laws in various states have slowed down the construction of new healthcare facilities and created a near-monopoly for large hospitals. Many states have already suspended these laws to deal with the coronavirus, and they should permanently repeal them,” said Ossowski.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/3cFrbtW

[Marketing Medium] Il Consumer Choice Center rilascia il Manifesto per la libertà del consumatore post COVID-19.

“ Tra i vari settori in cui gli stati dell’Unione Europea, e specialmente l’Italia, dovrebbero aggiornare la propria legislazione, c’è l’accesso ai medicinali. In Italia dovrebbero seguire il buon esempio della Lombardia che ha emesso ricette anche via SMS durante questa emergenza per lasciare respirare gli ambulatori medici. “

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2YZypW0

[Marketing Medium] Consumer Choice Center releases manifesto for post-COVID innovation

“One issue that many EU countries need to improve on, is fast and easy access to medicines. In a time when we want to practice social distancing, patients in certain countries do not have access to prescription medicine, or even non-prescription drugs online. As a result, we are forcing elderly people to see a doctor in person or go to a brick and mortar pharmacy. This is antiquated and does not stand up to the challenges of our time.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2SYXrAL

[Marketing Medium] Consumers don’t want more expensive food

Brussels, BE – In a presentation to the Agriculture Committee of the European Parliament, Frans Timmermanns, Commissioner for the European Green Deal, explained that more sustainable food requires higher prices. “We’ve gotten used to everything being very, very cheap and I honestly believe that if there’s re-evaluation, and health gets a bigger priority, then the willingness to pay a little bit more for better foodstuffs might increase,” he said. 

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/3fHqbrw

[Marketing Medium] Reducing Alcohol Minimum Pricing Is A Win For Consumers

Toronto, ON –  The Ontario government has announced that the minimum price for spirits will be reduced for restaurants selling spirits. Specifically, 750ml bottles of rum, gin, vodka, whiskey, and tequila sold by restaurants will have a minimum price of $34.65, which is down from the previous minimum of $51.72.David Clement, Toronto-based North American Affairs Manager for the Consumer Choice Center (CCC), said “The reduction of minimum pricing is a big win for consumers in Ontario.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2YGbzSU

[Marketing Medium] Austrian ski huts shouldn’t face coronavirus lawsuits

Yaël Ossowski, Vienna-based deputy director of the global consumer advocacy group Consumer Choice Center, said “The effects of the pandemic have been recognized by many legal experts as Force Majeure, and thus lawsuits that attempt to place blame on individual establishments or towns for the spread of the coronavirus are just flat out wrong.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/35wDZQA

[Marketing Medium] Skihütten in Ischgl: Die Schuldigen nicht in den Alpen sondern in Peking suchen

Yaël Ossowski, Wiener und stellvertretender Direktor der weltweiten Verbraucherorganisation Consumer Choice Center sagt dazu: “Viele Rechtsexperten sehen die Folgen dieser Pandemie als höhere Gewalt. Klagen gegen Betriebe oder Gemeinden, in denen es schon früh COVID-19 Fälle gab, sollten daher als ungültig angesehen werden.”   

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/3foG4TB

[Marketing Medium] Les passagers doivent être remboursés pour leurs billets

Bruxelles, BE – Un certain nombre d’États membres de l’UE demandent que les règles relatives à la politique d’annulation des billets soient modifiées, afin d’exempter les compagnies aériennes de l’obligation de rembourser leurs clients. Bill Wirtz, analyste politique à l’agence pour le choix du consommateur, estime que cela ne devrait pas se produire.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/3f0haJH

[Marketing Medium] Passagiere müssen sich auf Rückerstattungen verlassen können

Brüssel, BE – Mehrere EU Mitgliedstaaten, auch Deutschland, pochen momentan auf eine Aussetzung bestehender Fluggastrechte in der EU. Dies würde Verbrauchern die Rückerstattung von gestrichenen Flügen nicht mehr erlauben und ihnen lediglich einen Gutschein zusprechen. Bill Wirtz, Senior Policy Analyst der Brüsseler Dependance des Consumer Choice Center, sagt, dass dies nicht passieren darf.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2zL2Q7H

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