

US: Illinois Bill Would Ban Flavoured Vaping Products

Senate Bill 3854, would include all flavoured products including THC vaping devices, heat-not-burn systems and chewing tobacco products. “(1) “tobacco product” includes products containing tetrahydrocannabinol and products containing a mixture of tetrahydrocannabinol and nicotine, and (2) “tobacco retailer” includes dispensing organizations and dispensing organization agents, as those terms are defined in the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act. Creates a presumption that a tobacco product, related tobacco product, alternative nicotine product, or solution or substance intended for use with electronic cigarettes is a banned product, solution, or substance intended for use with electronic cigarettes if it has or produces a characterizing flavor,” reads the bill proposal.

In line with arguments by tobacco harm reduction experts, Elizabeth Hicks from the U.S. Affairs analyst with the Consumer Choice Center, said that enacting a flavour ban for vaping products, will just lead former smokers back to smoking.

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mpulsan legislación que prohibiría el Tabaco con sabor y los Vaporizadores en Illinois

Un grupo de defensa del consumidor dice que una medida que prohibiría los productos de tabaco con sabor en Illinois, incluidos los vaporizadores, podría hacer más daño que bien.

La senadora estatal Julie Morrison, D-Lake Forest, ha sido una firme partidaria de prohibir los productos de tabaco con sabor, que dijo que están dirigidos intencionalmente a los niños con nombres parecidos a dulces. Ha presentado el Proyecto de Ley del Senado 3854, que prohibiría la venta de todos los productos de tabaco con sabor, incluidos cigarrillos, cigarrillos electrónicos y tabaco de mascar. La medida permanece en una comisión del Senado.

Elizabeth Hicks, analista de Asuntos de EE. UU. del Consumer Choice Center, dijo que la promulgación de una prohibición de sabor para los productos de vapeo impulsará a los consumidores adultos a volver a fumar tabaco combustible en un momento en que fumar cigarrillos ha tenido una tendencia a la baja en Illinois.

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Synthetic Nicotine Regulation Clears House

The House of Representatives approved a $1.5 trillion spending package that would give the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authority to regulate synthetic nicotine. The bill now goes to the Senate.

Synthetic nicotine—nicotine that is made in a lab rather than derived from tobacco—has long existed in a legal grey area, and many companies started using it after their natural nicotine products were denied market access by the FDA. Public health groups have been warning that synthetic nicotine e-cigarettes, such as Puff Bar, have grown in popularity among teens while skirting FDA oversight.

The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, which includes the 2009 Tobacco Control Act, defines a tobacco product as “any product made or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, including any component, part or accessory of a tobacco product (except for raw materials other than tobacco used in manufacturing a component, part or accessory of a tobacco product).”

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Congress to Give FDA Power to Regulate Synthetic Nicotine

Do you remember the debate and legislation that gave the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the power to regulate synthetic nicotine? You’re not alone if you answered ‘no.’ In a surprise move, Congress has included language in the omnibus spending package that will help fund the government through September that would give the FDA the power to regulate any product that contains nicotine not derived from tobacco, including synthetic nicotine.

Bloomberg was first to obtain a document showing the congressional move to regulate synthetic nicotine which has become popular as many vapor and e-cigarette manufacturers have sought out ways to stay on the market while avoiding FDA regulations [read more here]. This effort was led by a bi-partisan group of senators that include Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Richard Burr (R-NC), and Patty Murray (D-Wash.), along with Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ).

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La Chambre votera sur le projet de loi budgétaire, la nicotine synthétique aujourd’hui

La Chambre des représentants des États-Unis devrait voter aujourd’hui sur un projet de loi de crédits omnibus (page 1 870) qui comprend un libellé qui donnerait à la Food and Drug Administration des États-Unis le pouvoir de réglementer la nicotine synthétique. Les législateurs ont déclaré que certains ajouts avaient déjà été convenus, tels qu’un ensemble de dispositions en matière de soins de santé comprenant des extensions du programme Medicare et l’élimination de l’échappatoire à la nicotine synthétique.

La Chambre prévoit de voter aujourd’hui avant de se rendre à Philadelphie pour sa conférence annuelle sur les enjeux. Le projet de loi doit être approuvé par le Sénat avant l’expiration du financement provisoire à minuit vendredi. Les objections du GOP à un accord de consentement unanime pour accélérer l’examen au Sénat pourraient retarder le passage final au week-end, ont averti les législateurs, mais les deux parties s’attendent à ce que le processus soit terminé à temps pour éviter une fermeture partielle du gouvernement lorsque les agences fédérales ouvriront lundi.

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Legislation would ban flavored tobacco and vapes in Illinois

A consumer advocacy group says a measure which would ban flavored tobacco products in Illinois, including vapes, could do more harm than good. State Sen. Julie Morrison has a bill filed that impacts flavored tobacco products she says are being targeted toward children. But Elizabeth Hicks from the Consumer Choice Center says a trend of fewer Illinoisans smoking cigarettes would reverse if the bill is passed.

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Menguak 5 Fakta Nikotin yang Selama Ini Dianggap Masalah Kesehatan dari Rokok

Nikotin kerap dianggap sebagai penyebab utama munculnya berbagai masalah kesehatan yang berkaitan dengan merokok.
Lantaran opini tersebut berkembang luas, penggunaan produk tembakau alternatif seperti produk tembakau yang dipanaskan, rokok elektrik, maupun kantung tembakau, seringkali disamakan memiliki risiko yang sama dengan rokok karena mengandung nikotin. Padahal, berdasarkan hasil kajian ilmiah produk tersebut memiliki risiko yang lebih rendah daripada rokok.

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Legislation would ban flavored tobacco and vapes in Illinois

A consumer advocacy group says a measure that would ban flavored tobacco products in Illinois, including vapes, could do more harm than good.

State Sen. Julie Morrison, D-Lake Forest, has been a steadfast supporter of banning flavored tobacco products, which she said are intentionally targeted to children with candy-like names. She has introduced Senate Bill 3854, which would prohibit the sale of all flavored tobacco products, including cigarettes, e-cigarettes and chewing tobacco. The measure remains in a Senate committee.

Elizabeth Hicks, U.S. Affairs analyst with the Consumer Choice Center, said enacting a flavor ban for vaping products will push adult consumers to switch back to smoking combustible tobacco at a time when smoking cigarettes has been trending down in Illinois.

“About 12% of adults in 2020 reported smoking, however, if this bill passes, we can certainly expect that number to increase,” Hicks said.

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Tekan Risiko Kesehatan hingga 95%, Tembakau Alternatif Masih Sering Jadi Misinformasi

merokok di Indonesia sudah menyentuh 65 juta jiwa, bahkan menjadi salah satu yang tertinggi di dunia. Padahal aktivitas merokok berkorelasi dengan berbagai macam penyakit seperti kanker paru-paru, kanker kerongkongan, penyakit jantung koroner, hingga stroke.

Ketua Masyarakat Sadar Risiko Indonesia (Masindo) Dimas Syailendra Ranadireksa berpendapat, kampanye negatif tentang produk tembakau alternatif di Indonesia, perlu ditekan. Yaitu dengan menghadirkan informasi yang akurat dan kredibel terkait manfaat produk alternatif.

“Kampanye negatif hanya akan semakin menjauhkan perokok dewasa Indonesia dari produk tembakau alternatif yang bisa menjadi solusi komplementer menekan prevalensi merokok di negara ini,” ujar Dimas dalam keterangannya.

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Perlu informasi akurat terkait manfaat tembakau alternatif

Ketua Masyarakat Sadar Risiko Indonesia (Masindo) Dimas Syailendra Ranadireksa berpendapat bahwa kampanye negatif terhadap produk tembakau alternatif, terutama di Indonesia, perlu ditekan dengan menghadirkan informasi yang akurat dan kredibel terkait manfaat produk alternatif itu.

Prevalensi merokok di Indonesia sudah menyentuh 65 juta jiwa, salah satu yang tertinggi di dunia. Kampanye negatif hanya akan semakin menjauhkan perokok dewasa Indonesia dari produk tembakau alternatif yang bisa menjadi solusi komplementer menekan prevalensi merokok di negara ini, ujar Dimas dikutip dari siaran persnya, Rabu.

Ia melanjutkan aktivitas merokok berkorelasi dengan berbagai macam penyakit seperti kanker paru-paru, kanker kerongkongan, penyakit jantung koroner, hingga stroke. Dengan fakta bahwa produk tembakau alternatif memiliki risiko yang lebih rendah dibandingkan rokok, Dimas berharap perokok dewasa bisa beralih ke produk tersebut demi meringankan masalah kesehatan.

Produk tembakau alternatif memiliki manfaat yang besar demi mendorong perbaikan kesehatan publik. Pemerintah harus aktif dalam menekan kampanye negatif terhadap produk tembakau alternatif dengan menggandeng dan melibatkan seluruh pemangku kepentingan terkait demi terciptanya peralihan perokok dewasa ke produk yang lebih rendah risiko ini, kata Dimas.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Direktur the Consumer Choice Center, lembaga internasional perlindungan konsumen yang berpusat di Washington DC Amerika Serikat, Yael Ossowski mengatakan, kampanye negatif terhadap keberadaan produk tembakau alternatif masif digaungkan kepada publik demi menutupi fakta bahwa produk itu memiliki risiko yang lebih rendah daripada rokok konvensional.

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