

Vape industry urges govt to implement long-delayed vape regulations

Instead of banning vape products wholesale, vape industry players are urging the government to implement long-delayed regulations for the industry.

The Malaysia Retail Electronic Cigarette Association (MRECA) president Datuk Adzwan Ab Manas, in a statement issued recently, said a taxation framework for vape liquids with nicotine was supposed to be implemented from January 1 this year but has been delayed four months because the Ministry of Health (MoH) still has not implemented regulations for the industry.

Ironically, this delay has not only left the industry in limbo but has resulted in the government listing more than RM750 million a year in tax revenue.

This breaks down to the government losing approximately RM62 million every month from the failure to collect taxes.

Read the full article here

Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn is right: Thailand can save lives and promote innovation by legalizing nicotine alternatives

Bangkok, TH – As Thailand considers revising its ban on harm reducing nicotine delivery products, a global consumer advocacy group is praising the actions of Digital Economy and Society Minister Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn, who has recognized the importance of harm reduction in saving the lives of smokers who want to quit.

“The growing body of evidence from countries around the world points to a steep decrease in smoking rates once we allow harm reducing nicotine alternatives such as vaping products, snus, nicotine pouches, and heated tobacco products,” said Yaël Ossowski, deputy director of the Consumer Choice Center. “The smoking rate in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom are already at historical lows.

“Considering that over 50,000 Thai die each year due to smoking, amending the current bans and restrictions on these alternative nicotine products would mean lives would be saved almost immediately.

“In that, we praise the comments and recent actions of Digital Economy and Society Minister, Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn, who has been willing to hear the evidence on the scientific and health evidence in favor of vaping and nicotine alternatives and has made the case for how innovation in harm reduction can help save lives,” said Ossowski.

“In addition, the National Tobacco Products Control Committee’s ban on vaping imports has paved the way for a dangerous illicit market, meaning that ordinary Thai citizens who gain access to these life-saving products are not only at risk of significant fines by authorities, but also face more health risks related to illicit products that are not inspected and regulated by state agencies. Added to that, the government is losing out on potentially millions in tax revenue that could be used to fund healthcare, education, and vital social projects.

“If Thailand were to embrace innovation and endorse a strategy of harm reduction, they would not only be saving potentially millions of lives, but the country would also create a new wave of entrepreneurial investment and drive that would surely lead to an economic boom,” concluded Ossowski.

Vaping not a gateway to smoking, states CCC policy paper

The Consumer Choice Center (CCC), a consumer advocacy group based in the United States, recently published a policy paper that examined key facts demonstrating that vape is not the gateway to smoking. 

“Vaping is often blamed for encouraging smoking among adults and teens,” said Maria Chaplia, a research manager at CCC and author of the CCC paper titled “Vaping And The Gateway Myth”. 

“Such unjustified criticism of vaping prevents millions of smokers around the world from switching to a safer alternative. The gateway rhetoric does not do anyone any good, has no merit and should be abandoned,” she continued.


According to the research report by the CCC, the objective of vaping is to provide a less dangerous alternative to cigarettes that minimises the risk of health complications.

Public Health England has validated this statement, stating that vaping is 95 per cent less harmful compared to smoking.

Furthermore, vaping has a cancer risk of less than 0.5 per cent when compared to smoking, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal.

Read the full article here

Pentingnya Kampanye Harm Reduction pada Perhelatan Besar di Indonesia

Beberapa waktu lalu, Indonesia menggelar salah satu perhelatan olahraga terbesar di dunia, MotoGP. Perhelatan ini diseleggarakan di Sirkuit Mandalika yang terletak di pulau Lombok, di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB).

Tidak bisa dibantah, kesempatan untuk menyelenggarakan perhelatan yang sangat bergengsi ini tentu merupakan sesuatu yang cukup langka, dan hal yang dapat terjadi begitu saja. Untuk dapat menjadi tuan rumah dalam perhelatan yang sangat bergengsi ini, dibutuhkan berbagai persiapan yang sangat matang dan biaya yang tidak sedikit.

Indonesia misalnya, harus mengeluarkan biaya setidaknya sejumlah 9 juta euro untuk menjadi tuan rumah perhelatan olahraga internasional tersebut. Dana tersebut dibayarkan kepada perusahaan Dorna Sport, yang merupakan perusahaan induk dari perhelatan MotoGP (suara.com 3/12/2021).

Biaya ini tentunya belum juga termasuk dana yang harus dikeluarkan untuk membangun Sirkuit Mandalika tersebut, yang menjadi tempat perhelatan MotoGP. Diestimasi, pembangunan sirkuit internasional tersebut memakan biaya sebesar 1,2 triliun rupiah (sports.okezone.com, 1/2/2022).

Namun, biaya yang sangat besar ini tentu bisa sangat dimengerti, mengingat MotoGP merupakan salah satu perhelatan olahraga terbesar di dunia. Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa melalui perhelatan internasional ini, kita memiliki kesempatan yang sangatbesar untuk mempromosikan Indonesia di mata dunia internasional. 

Dengan suksesnya penyelenggaraan ajang olahraga internasional sebesar MotoGP, diharapkan akan semakin banyak turis yang datang ke Indonesia, dan akan semakin banyak investor yang menanamkan dananya di negara kita.

Tidak hanya itu, perhelatan olahraga internasional sebesar MotoGP juga pasti akan mendatangkan banyak pemasukan melalui iklan dan juga penjualan tiket. Tidak sedikit perusahaan multinasional dari brand ternama yang pastinya akan membayar mahal untuk menaruh nama dan juga mempromosikan produk-produk yang mereka jual kepada publik.

Tidak hanya produk-produk yang dibuat dan dijual oleh perusahaan-perusahaan multinasional dari luar negeri, perhelatan ajang kompetisi olahraga internasional sebesar MotoGP juga memberikan kesempatan yang besar untuk mempromosikan berbagai produk-produk lokal yang dibuat oleh para produsen dari Indonesia. 

Upaya untuk memperkenalkan berbagai produk dalam negeri, apalagi kepada masyarakat internasional, tentu saja merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan industri dalam negeri di negara kita.

Selain itu, bukan hanya kampanye dan iklan dari produk-produk dalam negeri, perhelatan olahraga internasional seperti MotoGP juga memberi ruang kesempatan yang besar untuk melakukan kampanye sosial, seperti mengenai kesehatan, dan lain sebagainya. 

Salah satu kampanye yang bisa dilakukan diantaranya adalah mengenai pentingnya langkah dan kebijakan yang mendukung harm reduction untuk para perokok, khususnya di negara kita.

Sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara dengan jumlah populasi perokok terbesar di dunia. Pada tahun 2020 saja misalnya, hampir 40% penduduk dewasa di Indonesia merupakan perokok aktif, yang merupakan salah satu negara dengan tingkat prevelensi populasi perokok yang terbesar di dunia. Hal ini tentu menimbulkan permasalahan kesehatan publik yang besar, yang harus segera diselesaikan (economy.okezone.com, 13/12/2020).

Untuk itu, berbagai kebijakan yang ditujukan untuk mengurangi jumlah perokok di Indonesia merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Salah satunya adalah, melalui kebijakan yang bertujuan untuk harm reduction. 

Kebijakan ini berfokus bukan pada pelarangan tetapi bagaimana kita bisa membantu para perokok untuk mendapatkan produk yang lebih aman. Dengan demikian, mereka dapat perlahan-lahan meninggalkan kebiasaan merokoknya yang sangat berbahaya.

Penyelenggaraan MotoGP di Mandalika sendiri juga dimeriahkan oleh kampanye program untuk mengurangi rokok (smoking reduction program) yang diselenggarakan oleh perusahaan produsen vape asal Indonesia, Movi. 

Dalam program tersebut, dikampanyekan mengenai metode harm reduction melalui inhalasi uap herbal dengan menggunakan berbagai bahan tradisional yang berasal dari Indonesia (tribunnews.com, 24/3/2022).

Hal ini tentu merupakan sesuatu yang positif dan bisa dicontoh di berbagai acara atau perhelatan lainnya, terlebih di perhelatan internasional, yang tentunya menarik banyak perhatian para penonton dan pengunjung. 

Perhelatan internasional yang menarik banyak perhatian publik tentu merupakan salah satu tempat yang paling cocok dan tepat untuk mengkampanyekan pentingnya kebijakan dan program yang berfokus pada harm reduction untuk mengurangi jumlah perokok aktif di Indonesia.

Terlebih lagi, kebijakan atau program yang berfokus pada harm reduction merupakan sesuatu yang belum populer dan belum banyak diketahui secara luas oleh masyarakat Indonesia, termasuk juga para pengambil kebijakan. 

Tidak sedikit masyarakat Indonesia dan para pengambil kebijakan yang masih berpandangan bahwa satu-satunya cara untuk mengurangi prevelansi perokok di Indonesia adalah melalui kebijakan pembatasan dan pelarangan ketat. 

Padahal, kebijakan pembatasan dan pelarangan ketat, tanpa dukungan dari adanya produk alternatif yang lebih aman, merupakan kebijakan yang sangat berbahaya, dan justru dapat semakin menyuburkan berbagai praktik pasar gelap yang menjual produk-produk ilegal.

Sebagai penutup, kebijakan dan program yang berfokus pada harm reduction merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk mengurangi tingkat perokok di Indonesia, dan sudha terbukti berhasil di negara lain, seperti Britania Raya. Dan perhelatan-perhelatan besar merupakan salah satu tempat yang tepat untuk mengkampanyekan pentingnya program tersebut.

Originally published here

向尼古丁宣戰」無法終結菸癮 控菸政策如何有效讓民眾遠離菸害?



過去幾年,容許吸菸者有替代品可供選擇的國家,吸菸人口比率,降幅尤其明顯。以英國為例,衛生部下屬的英國公共衛生署,積極建議吸菸者改用電子菸。自 2013 年電子菸在英國應市,英國整體吸菸率下降了 25%。相比之下,世界上電子菸法規最嚴格的澳大利亞,同期吸菸率僅下降了 8%。







成癮是複雜的生理和心理現象,並非可以單憑「向尼古丁宣戰」就可以解決得了。尼古丁無疑會觸發多巴胺的釋放,但這非所有人無法戒菸的唯一原因。如果尼古丁是吸菸成癮的唯一原因,每個使用尼古丁貼片的吸菸者,都應該能夠立即戒菸。情況顯然並非如此。吸菸者成癮的原因,除了尼古丁,還結合各種因素,包括菸草、菸霧中其他成分,以及有條件的行為,也就是所謂的「形式上的吸菸」(Smoking Ritual),例如小休時間放鬆心情的氣氛,或深呼吸的動作等。



Originally published here

Hawaii: Eliminating vape flavors would cause more problems than it would solve

By Yaël Ossowski

When the state acts to protect our children, we trust it will do so with knowledge and responsibility. Considering the rise in availability of vaping products this last decade, it is understandable that the State Legislature has been called on to act.

But if Hawaii curbs the sale of flavored vaping products — intended for adult former smokers — this will not eradicate the problem of youth access. Rather, it may make it even worse.

Health committee chair Rep. Ryan Yamane admitted as much last week, stating “I don’t want our youth who are electronic savvy to get access to unknown supplies or, who knows, black-market cartridges laced with dangerous substances through the internet where we don’t know where it’s coming from.”

What Yamane alludes to is the 2019 EVALI epidemic, when illicit cannabis vaping devices made their way into the hands of thousands of people across the country, causing death and serious lung injuries that spread panic around vaping products. There were 4 cases in Hawaii.

The CDC has concluded that virtually every case was linked to a supply of bootleg THC vape cartridges laced with Vitamin E Acetate. While these products are far removed from the vaping devices found in convenience stores and vape shops, even though activists have attempted to connect them, the EVALI crisis demonstrates the ills associated with unregulated black market products.

Massachusetts enacted a ban on flavored vaping products in 2019 and the results should raise caution. Since the ban, a massive influx of smuggled tobacco and vape products has resulted in a thriving black market, siphoning tax revenue for the state, criminalizing adult consumers trying to make the healthier choice, and exposing kids to black market dealers who don’t ask for ID.

Making a product illegal will not necessarily make the demand for it go away, as the era of Prohibition taught us.

If Hawaii moves forward with a vaping flavor ban, they’ll not only endanger our kids, but they will also push adult consumers to switch back to smoking combustible tobacco, a disaster for public health. Over 1,400 Hawaiians lose their lives to smoking-related illnesses each year. As found in multiple studies and even Public Health England, vapers benefit from 95% less harm than cigarettes.

Fortunately, more than 7% of Hawaii’s adult population uses vaping products, accounting for over 100,000 Hawaiians who have switched to a better alternative, including our elderly. According to data from the Hawaii Journal of Medicine and Public Health, the largest demographic of Hawaiian vapers are actually over 65.

If those retirees have their smoking cession options taken away, it will not only nudge them back to smoking and put their health at risk, but it would cost Hawaii dearly. Smoking-related healthcare costs already cost Hawaiian taxpayers $141.7 million annually, not to mention the pain of long-term illnesses and deaths experienced by many families.

Our goal should be to expand people’s choices to quitting tobacco, not to limit them severely.

What’s more, similar bans to what is proposed here in Hawaii have actually been demonstrated to increase smoking rates among youth in jurisdictions like San Francisco. Data from the Journal of the American Medicine Association shows that the flavored vaping product ban caused increased smoking rates for youth aged 18 and younger.

If we are concerned about youth gaining access to vaping products, we need to ask why it is happening. Are retailers breaking the law and selling it to them? Are they asking older friends or family to acquire for them? Will adult users of these products still have less harmful alternatives to cigarettes if we outlaw them? These are important considerations.

Teenagers seek out risky behavior, whether it is drugs, alcohol, or vaping devices. Education and parental responsibility, however, would be much more effective than a sweeping ban that would boost a new black market and deprive responsible adults of products they have sought to improve their lives. This is the choice Hawaii will have to make.

Yaël Ossowski is deputy director at the Consumer Choice Center.

The case for permissionless innovation in tobacco harm reduction

By Yaël Ossowski

As a consumer advocate enamored with technology, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a new product or service providing a solution to an old problem.

The entire world of Bitcoin — lightning nodes, censorship resistance, and frictionless cross-border payments — is doing wonders for financial freedom and security.

Ride-sharing and home-sharing apps are putting dormant property to use, providing income for drivers and homeowners and rides and places to stay for tourists and students.

And when it comes to tobacco harm reduction, innovation is picking up at breakneck speed, offering new and more effective ways to wean smokers off the harms of cigarettes. At another time, this is something public health organizations would have praised.

Pod vaping devices, open tanks, synthetic nicotine disposables, snus, heated tobacco products, and nicotine pouches are offering precisely what former smokers need without the same level of risk, all varied to some degree.

It is the permissionless innovation of this entire field — entrepreneurs large and small — that provides such hope to us technological optimists and harm reduction advocates. It excites us to the opportunities that progress can provide.

But for opponents of this particular shade of innovation — whether health groups, academics, or competing lobbies —  the very nature of how these products come to be is what so concerns them.

The vast majority of vaping products and alternative tobacco products are not spawned from public grants, university studies, or government programs, but rather from the process of entrepreneurial discovery, offering solutions to problems that exist in society.

This could be a former-smoker turned vaping entrepreneur with a thriving flavored liquids business run out of his garage, a multinational tobacco firm with thousands of employees, or a group of engineering students who just want to create a cool and safer alternative to the daily pack of cigarettes.

These entrepreneurial forces are reacting to a demand in the market, namely, millions of smokers who want to stub their last cigarette. For many of us, this is a positive example of permissionless innovation. For others, it is nothing more than greed and exploitation.

One can understand that the institutions and lobby groups that oppose efforts at tobacco harm reduction are threatened by private industries providing solutions more effective than the status quo. Or perhaps they even question their intentions.

But the fact remains that millions of former smokers, driven by their own conscious wants and needs, have found an alternative that works for them, provided by firms and entrepreneurs who did not ask for the permission of authorities. That is how our market economies should work.

To that end, new lines of nicotine pouches, vape mods, and disposable vapes are debuted on the market each day, some better than others.

Many of these innovators will fail: perhaps they will create a product that fails to gain customers or blur ethical lines on their advertising that eventually send them to court. Or, as in most cases, will vastly underestimate the cottage industry of governmental lobbying that can only be navigated by the most skilled and politically-connected industries, as the US Food & Drug Administration’s byzantine PMTA process has demonstrated.

That said, we should continue to cheer the innovators that provide us with solutions. And we should support them when their interests, and by extension, ours, are threatened by burdensome regulations and bureaucratic decrees.

When legislators are fed false narratives about lung illnesses and their connection to legal vaping products, as the 2019 EVALI crisis demonstrated, or perhaps are confronted with bombastic claims about a youth vaping epidemic, we must stand up for the people for precisely the people who will be hurt by spontaneous legislation: the adult users of the drug who just want a better option.

There are real externalities that must be dealt with: youth access, dangerous products laced with other compounds, and faulty devices that endanger users.

But we cannot kneecap the permissionless innovation in tobacco harm reduction that is saving lives and giving us solutions we couldn’t even imagine. If that remains a priority for consumer advocates like myself, it will have made all the difference.

Yaël Ossowski is deputy director of the Consumer Choice Center.

Iceland the Latest Country to Plan Counterproductive Nicotine Law

Earlier this month, Iceland’s Office of Health Promotion and Science launched a consultation on a draft law on nicotine products. If passed, the law will introduce age limits for nicotine consumption, ban e-cigarette flavors perceived to appeal to children, and stipulate a permissible maximum nicotine concentration.

Nobody is arguing that children should take up nicotine products, and introducing age restrictions for pouches and gums, among others, is sensible. The current minimum age for buying vapes in Iceland is 18. The proposed bill intends to introduce the same limit for other nicotine products. ID requirements and potential fines for retailers increase compliance rates, as the examples of Germany and Canada show.

However, the other aspects of the proposed law seek to protect children at the expense of adult smokers and vapers—a theme we’ve seen repeated elsewhere in the world. The underlying assumption that nicotine is everyone’s enemy is concerning. A better appreciation of the facts about nicotine and flavors would add impetus to Icelandic efforts to reduce smoking that are already succeeding.

Iceland today has a reported adult smoking rate of just 7 percent—the lowest in Europe apart from Sweden, where smokeless snus has been widely adopted as a replacement for cigarettes. As recently as 2014, Iceland’s reported adult smoking rate was 14 percent; the rise of vaping among tens of thousands of Icelanders has been credited, in part, with smoking’s rapid decline.

Vaping is vastly safer than smoking. Yet nicotine consumption is traditionally associated with smoking, and that association continues to distort perceptions.

The truth is that nicotine is relatively harmless—unlike toxins found in tobacco smoke. According to Yorkshire Cancer Research in England, “Nicotine is not the cause of death from smoking. Nicotine is not a carcinogen; there is no evidence that sustained use of nicotine alone increases cancer risk. Of the three main causes of death from smoking (lung cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and cardiovascular disease), none are caused by nicotine. The harm from smoking comes from the thousands of other chemicals in tobacco smoke.”

Nicotine is also used in nicotine-replacement therapy, which speaks for its harmless qualities. Multiple studies have found that it also enhances cognitive function and reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease.

Giving up on smoking is difficult. And if nicotine is safe, then the goal of tobacco control should be to endorse safer ways of consuming nicotine. Thanks to innovation, there are several ways to do that. Some smokers prefer nicotine pouches and gums, or, as seen in Sweden, forms of smokeless tobacco. For many others—the bulk of 82 million people worldwide at one recent count—e-cigarettes are the best way to quit smoking and the health risks that come with it.

Given all this, how can it be justified to limit the amount of nicotine that vapers may consume? When vapers are overwhelmingly either ex-smokers or smokers in the process of switching, allowing whatever nicotine concentrations best help them to stay off cigarettes is a clear public health imperative.

Vape flavors, which Iceland also proposes to ban, are moreover an essential element in helping many smokers quit. They’re routinely mischaracterized as appealing uniquely to children, but adults prefer them too.

Flavor bans drive vapers—teenagers, too—back to smoking or into the riskier illicit market. A 2020 survey of vapers in Canada, England and the United States found that in response to flavor bans, “28.3% would find a way to get their banned flavor(s), 17.1% would stop vaping and smoke instead.” Does Iceland want to prove the point?

While the architects of the new law may have good intentions, they need a better grasp of these realities. Sensible regulation, including child and consumer protections, can be achieved without removing key options that smokers need to switch. As it stands, the legislation risks counteracting years of Icelandic progress.

Originally published here

Pentingnya Membuat Standarisasi bagi Produk Vape di Indonesia

Saat ini, rokok elektronik atau vape merupakan produk yang sudah digunakan oleh jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. Dengan sangat mudah, kita bisa melihat para pengguna rokok elektornik di berbagai penjuru, terutama di wilayah urban dan kota-kota besar, termasuk di kota-kota di Indonesia.

Karena semakin besar pasar bagi produk-produk vape, saat ini kita juga semakin mudah untuk mendapatkan produk-produk tersebut. Kita bisa dengan sangat cepat bsia membeli produk-produk vape yang dijual di berbagai platform, mulai dari berbagai toko-toko offline yang tersebar di berbagai tempat pusat perbelanjaan, hingga berbagai toko-toko daring yang bisa kita akses melalui berbagai gawai yang kita miliki.

Indonesia sendiri juga mengalami kenaikan tingkat pengguna produk-produk rokok elektronik atau vape tersebut. Pada tahun 2018 lalu misalnya, tercatat ada sekitar 1,2 pengguna rokok elektronik yang ada di Indonesia. Dua tahun kemudian, pada tahun 2020, jumlah tersebut meningkat menjadi 2,2 juta orang (medcom.id, 22/1/2021).

Semakin meningkatnya para pengguna vape di Indonesia juga telah membuka banyak lapangan kerja di negara kita. Pada tahun 2020 lalu misalnya, Asosiasi Personal Vaporizer Indonesia (APVI) memaparkan bahwa sektor rokok elektronik di Indonesia sudah menyerap 50.000 tenaga kerja, dan juga cukai kepada pemerintah sebesar 1 triliun rupiah (ekbis.sindonews.com, 9/7/2020).

Tetapi di sisi lain, semakin meningkatnya pengguna vape juga telah menimbulkan berbagai kelompok yang menunjukkan sikap kontra. Mereka memiliki pandangan bahwa, fenomena semakin banyaknya pengguna vape merupakan salah satu ancaman bagi kesehatan publik, karena vape dianggap sebagai produk yang sama berbahayanya dengan rokok konvensional.

Kelompok-kelompok dan pihak-pihak yang memiliki pandangan sangat kontra terhadap fenomena semakin meningkatnya pengguna vape tersebut umumnya akan mengadvokasi adanya aturan keras yang melarang seluruh kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan produk-produk vape, baik konsumsi, produksi, atau distribusi. Organisasi pegiat anti tembakau internasional, The Union, misalnya, merupakan salah satu organisasi yang mengadvokasi adanya aturan tersebut (baliberkarya.com, 28/5/2020).

Terkait dengan tingkat berbahaya dari produk-produk vape dibandingkan dengan rokok konvensional, sudah dikeluarkan berbagai laporan dari lembaga kesehatan yang memiliki kredibilitas tinggi bahwa pandangan tersebut adalah sesuatu yang sangat keliru. Lembaga kesehatan asal Britania Raya, Public Health England (PHE) misalnya, telah mengeluarkan laporan bahwa vape 95% jauh lebih tidak berbahaya bila dibandingkan dengan rokok konvensional (theguardian.com, 28/12/2018).

Untuk itu, kebijakan pelarangan total vape merupakan kebijakan yang sangat tidak tepat. BIla para pengambil kebijakan memberlakukan kebijakan untuk melarang vape secara penuh, maka para konsumen akan kehilangan kesempatan untuk beralih memilih ke produk lain yang jauh lebih tidak berbahaya.

Di beberapa negara lain, bahkan vape atau rokok elektronik digunakan sebagai salah satu produk untuk membantu para perokok untuk berhenti merokok. Di Britania Raya misalnya, lembaga kesehatan publik National Health Service (NHS) telah merekomendasikan untuk menggunakan vape sebagai salah satu alat untuk membantu para perokok untuk menghentikan kebiasaannya yang sangat berbahaya tersebut (nhs.uk, 29/3/2019).

Maka dari itu, kebijakan yang tepat yang harus dilakukan adalah mengeluarkan regulasi yang sesuai yang dapa menjaga keselamatan konsumen, dan agar konsumen tidak jatuh menggunakan produk vape ilegal yang berpotensi besar sangat berbahaya. Salah satunya adalah melalui kebijakan standarisasi yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah, sebagaimana terhadap produk-produk konsumen lainnya.

Standarisasi sendiri merupakan bentuk kebijakan regulasi yang lumrah diberlakukan oleh pemerintah dalam rangka menjaga konsumen dari produk-produk berbahaya yang beredar di pasar. Kebijakan ini sendiri juga didukung oleh organisasi Asosiasi Personal Vaporizer Indonesia (APVI) untuk diberlakukan pemerintah. Selain itu, pelaku usaha bidang vape di Indonesia juga didominasi oleh para pemilik usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM). Adanya standarisasi yang jelas tentu juga akan sangat membantu para pemilik usaha tersebut (ekbis.sindonews.com, 9/7/2020).

Bahaya dari produk vape ilegal sendiri merupakan hal yang bisa kita saksikan di berbagai negara, salah satunya di Amerika Serikat. Pada tahun 2019 lalu misalnya, di negeri Paman Sam tersebut terjadi penangkapan dua orang bersaudara yang memproduksi produk-produk vape ilegal, yang telah menyebabkan korban jiwa (abcnews.go.com, 13/9/2019). Hal ini tentu merupakan sesuatu yang harus dicegah untuk menjaga keselamatan konsumen.

Berita baiknya adalah, kebijakan standarisasi tersebut saat ini sepertinya akan menemukan titik terang. Pada tahun 2021 lalu, Badan Standarisasi Nasional (BSN), yang memiliki otoritas untuk memberikan standarisasi bagi produk-produk konsumen di Indonesa, menyatakan sudah merumuskan standarisasi bagi produk-produk rokok elektronik (vapemagz.co.id, 3/9/2021).

Dengan adanya standarisasi tersebut, maka diharapkan konsumen akan dapat memilih produk yang aman yang ada di pasar untuk mereka gunakan. Tidak adanya standarisasi sendiri tidak akan mencegah seseorang untuk menggunakan produk vape, dan justru malah akan semakin banyak membuat produk-produk vape ilegal membanjiri pasar, dan hal tersebut akan sangat berbahaya bagi para konsumen.

Originally published here

5 Fakta Nikotin, Benarkah Sebabkan Masalah Kesehatan?

Nikotin kerap dianggap sebagai penyebab utama munculnya berbagai masalah kesehatan yang berkaitan dengan merokok. Lantaran opini tersebut berkembang luas, penggunaan produk tembakau alternatif seperti produk tembakau yang dipanaskan, rokok elektrik, maupun kantung tembakau, seringkali disamakan memiliki risiko yang sama dengan rokok karena mengandung nikotin.

Padahal, berdasarkan hasil kajian ilmiah produk tersebut memiliki risiko yang lebih rendah daripada rokok. Apakah benar jika nikotin dianggap sebagai sumber masalah kesehatan? Berikut penjelasannya lengkapnya.

Read the full article here

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