
Press Release

European Parliament has inexplicable double standard on GMOs

Brussels, BE – The European Parliament has recently authorised a temporary derogation from rules on genetic engineering, in order to allow COVID-19 vaccine development to benefit from GMO technology. In a statement, the Parliament said that “The derogation will facilitate the development, authorisation and consequently availability of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments”. The Consumer Choice Center’s Senior Policy Analyst Bill Wirtz says he’s puzzled by the change of heart of Members of the Parliament :

source http://meltwater.pressify.io/publication/5f100b49f90fab00042a9bdc/5aa837df2542970e001981f6

Revealed: Latin America’s most Passenger-Friendly Airports

The index is the first of its kind in Latin America and should be used to inform both consumers and administrators as to who is doing the best job accomodating passengers. We hope that, in light of travel disruptions due to COVID-19, this index will help travelers to pick destinations and connecting points. 

source http://meltwater.pressify.io/publication/5efdfd8df546310004abf6ad/5aa837df2542970e001981f6

Rimuovere i bagagli a mano è una scelta insensata

“Ancora una volta l’Italia ha deciso una linea che non è condivisa da nessun altro stato europeo, e che provocherà solo disservizi e problemi ai viaggiatori. Per quanto lo scopo del provvedimento sia nobile, chiediamo un intervento del governo e degli organi competenti, affinché sia revocato il più presto possibile e venga invece presa una decisione a livello continentale sul modo migliore per gestire i bagagli a mano, promuovendo una linea comune tra gli stati membri dell’Unione Europea” Conclude Bertoletti. 

source http://meltwater.pressify.io/publication/5ef612a4fc36420004da1470/5aa837df2542970e001981f6

[Marketing Medium] CCC’s Maria Chaplia joins the National Reforms Council in Ukraine

“I’m very excited about this opportunity to bring about some lasting impact in my home country of Ukraine. I wholeheartedly believe that economic freedom is crucial to prosperity as it empowers people to live their lives as they wish. Smart economic regulation is, therefore, a key step towards more consumer choice, more individual empowerment, more peace, and more prosperity,” said Chaplia.

source http://meltwater.pressify.io/publication/5ef31886ad78160004a5d810/5aa837df2542970e001981f6

[Marketing Medium] L’interdiction des vols domestiques sera une catastrophe pour la mobilité des consommateurs

Paris, FR – Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, secrétaire d’État aux Transports, a confirmé le souhait du gouvernement d’interdire les vols intérieurs quand une alternative en TGV de moins de 2h30 est disponible. Ceci concerne la majorité des vols domestiques en France métropolitaine. Pour Bill Wirtz, analyste de politiques publiques pour l’Agence pour le choix des consommateurs (Consumer Choice Center), le rail n’est pas une alternative viable pour beaucoup de voyageurs.

source http://meltwater.pressify.io/publication/5ef1a81d07369a0004e6d04f/5aa837df2542970e001981f6

[Marketing Medium] Consumers Deserve Refunds For Their Flights

“If the terms of service on the ticket state that the consumer is entitled to a refund when a service is not provided, then that shouldn’t change because of Covid-19. Yes, airlines are struggling, but so are ordinary consumers. Vouchers for a future flight offer no help for consumers struggling to pay their mortgages. It is problematic that the government is essentially prioritizing airline companies over consumers,” said Clement

source http://meltwater.pressify.io/publication/5eebbc8d5459b60004ccaf52/5aa837df2542970e001981f6

[Marketing Medium] Alberta Is Right To Repeal The Voluntary Blood Donations Act

Edmonton, AB –  Today, Alberta’s NDP sent out a press release stating that the UCP is planning to table a bill that would repeal the Voluntary Blood Donations Act. The act banned blood plasma donors from being financially compensated for their donation. The NDP has stated that MLA Tany Yao is slated to bring the legislation forward.

source http://meltwater.pressify.io/publication/5ee9305aa114e80004c432f5/5aa837df2542970e001981f6

[Marketing Medium] Consumer Freedom in the Post-COVID Era: Live Event with Daniel Lacalle

“Thanks to capitalism, we are going to get out of this crisis of poor prevention and worse management in a record period, if there are no more obstacles for economic recovery. In socialism, we would be forced to choose between misery and more misery, added with repression once the citizens began to show their discontent with the Government,” said Daniel Lacalle. 

source http://meltwater.pressify.io/publication/5ee87f764155c30004e949e3/5aa837df2542970e001981f6

[Marketing Medium] Ukrainian fertiliser quotas: trade with the EU, not domestic vested interests

Brussels, BE – In a letter to EU Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan, EU’s biggest fertiliser companies asked Ukraine to refrain from imposing trade restrictions on EU fertiliser imports. It is argued that “it is clear that the main purpose of this proceeding is to exclude EU fertilisers from the Ukrainian market.”

source http://meltwater.pressify.io/publication/5ee23acebe58d400045ae9ac/5aa837df2542970e001981f6

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