
Month: July 2017

Ontarians Back Weed Lounges, Private Retail

AM 800 CKLW: A Nanos Research poll shows most Ontarians want legal weed sold in private retail stores instead of at government operations like the LCBO.

Cannabis survey finds buyers want Private Retail

AM 800 CKLW: Cannabis survey from Consumer Choice Center shows that Ontario buyers prefer private retail to government controlled cannabis sales.

Poll Finds 55% Of Ontarians Want Private Cannabis Shops; 48% Want Lounges

CIVILIZED: Most residents of Ontario want legal cannabis sold in private retail stores instead of government operations, according to a new Nanos Research poll.

Statement: When Hypocrites yell ‘Transparency!’

26. July 2017 We were delighted to see that Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) spent a good amount of time studying the activities and finances of the Consumer Choice Center and our parent organization Students For Liberty. We’d like to advise CEO to look a bit more diligently at organizations they write about. Given their interest […]

62% of Canadians “oppose” or “somewhat oppose” banning ridesharing services: poll

CANADIAN UNDERWRITERS: More than six in 10 Canadians (62%) oppose or somewhat oppose banning ridesharing services such as Uber, according to recent polling conducted by Nanos Research.

11 Million Comments and Counting on Proposed Net Neutrality Changes

A JOURNAL OF MUSICAL THINGS: The debate over net neutrality has brought in over 11 million comments. Consumer Choice Center maintains true internet freedom “can only be acquired through a competitive free market.”

Berlin’s Zombie Airport: A Textbook Example of the Sunk-Cost Fallacy

HANDELSBLATT GLOBAL: Germany’s capital has lost billions and decades in a disastrous quest to build a big and modern airport. The only sensible thing to do is to start from scratch, and let private investors do it.

Les Canadiens en faveur du transport d’alcool entre provinces

TVA: Plus de neuf Canadiens sur dix sont en faveur de permettre l’achat d’alcool dans une province et son transport d’une province à l’autre.

Le combat contre le granulé de bois est mauvais pour l’environnement

L’ECHO: Les granulés de bois sont des alliés anti-pollution qui aident l’Europe à respecter ses engagements de réduction des émissions de carbone dans le cadre de la lutte mondiale contre le changement climatique.

New Survey Says the Majority of Ontarians Support the Idea of Buying Alcohol from Private Retailers

Z-103.5 AM: New polling by Nanos Research has found that nearly 60% of Ontarians would have supported or at least “somewhat supported” allowing the sale of liquor and spirits at private retailers if the LCBO had gone on strike back in June.

Most Canadians Oppose Government Banning Sharing Economy Services Like Uber, Airbnb

TECHVIBES: When asked their level of support for banning ride-sharing services such as Uber, more than three in five Canadians say they oppose (41%) or somewhat oppose (21%) this; 9% are unsure.

62 % de Canadiens sont contre l’interdiction des services de covoiturage tels qu’Uber

Ottawa, ON. – Un sondage récent de Nanos Research démontre que 62 % de Canadiens s’opposent à l’interdiction des services comme Uber. Quant à leur niveau de soutien pour interdire les services de covoiturage comme Uber, un peu plus de trois Canadiens sur cinq disent qu’ils sont contre (41%) ou plutôt contre (21%) cela, alors que près […]

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Also from the Consumer Choice Center: ConsumerChamps.EU | FreeTrade4us.org