Ontarians Back Weed Lounges, Private Retail
AM 800 CKLW: A Nanos Research poll shows most Ontarians want legal weed sold in private retail stores instead of at government operations like the LCBO.
AM 800 CKLW: A Nanos Research poll shows most Ontarians want legal weed sold in private retail stores instead of at government operations like the LCBO.
AM 800 CKLW: Cannabis survey from Consumer Choice Center shows that Ontario buyers prefer private retail to government controlled cannabis sales.
CIVILIZED: Most residents of Ontario want legal cannabis sold in private retail stores instead of government operations, according to a new Nanos Research poll.
26. July 2017 We were delighted to see that Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) spent a good amount of time studying the activities and finances of the Consumer Choice Center and our parent organization Students For Liberty. We’d like to advise CEO to look a bit more diligently at organizations they write about. Given their interest […]
CANADIAN UNDERWRITERS: More than six in 10 Canadians (62%) oppose or somewhat oppose banning ridesharing services such as Uber, according to recent polling conducted by Nanos Research.
A JOURNAL OF MUSICAL THINGS: The debate over net neutrality has brought in over 11 million comments. Consumer Choice Center maintains true internet freedom “can only be acquired through a competitive free market.”
HANDELSBLATT GLOBAL: Germany’s capital has lost billions and decades in a disastrous quest to build a big and modern airport. The only sensible thing to do is to start from scratch, and let private investors do it.
TVA: Plus de neuf Canadiens sur dix sont en faveur de permettre l’achat d’alcool dans une province et son transport d’une province à l’autre.
L’ECHO: Les granulés de bois sont des alliés anti-pollution qui aident l’Europe à respecter ses engagements de réduction des émissions de carbone dans le cadre de la lutte mondiale contre le changement climatique.
Z-103.5 AM: New polling by Nanos Research has found that nearly 60% of Ontarians would have supported or at least “somewhat supported” allowing the sale of liquor and spirits at private retailers if the LCBO had gone on strike back in June.
TECHVIBES: When asked their level of support for banning ride-sharing services such as Uber, more than three in five Canadians say they oppose (41%) or somewhat oppose (21%) this; 9% are unsure.
Ottawa, ON. – Un sondage récent de Nanos Research démontre que 62 % de Canadiens s’opposent à l’interdiction des services comme Uber. Quant à leur niveau de soutien pour interdire les services de covoiturage comme Uber, un peu plus de trois Canadiens sur cinq disent qu’ils sont contre (41%) ou plutôt contre (21%) cela, alors que près […]