

Do you want to save the turtles? Don’t ban plastics – ban littering

Like any good Londoner, I used the fantastic summer weather to kayak from Limehouse to Hackney, discovering that part of the city by water. As a fairly experienced river and sea kayaker, I was taken aback by how full of litter London’s waters are. At around the same time, the national and global debate on […]

CCC: The EU’s plastics strategy should advise on actual effectiveness

The European Parliament’s environment committee approved a report on the Commission’s proposal to reduce the environmental impact of single-use plastic goods. This would now also ban plastic bags, products made of oxodegradable plastics, and takeaway boxes and cups made of styrofoam. Bill Wirtz, Policy Analyst for the Consumer Choice Center (CCC) says that EU lawmakers […]

A ban on single-use plastics would hurt consumers. But would it really save the environment?

California’s already banned them. The European Union isn’t far behind, and the UK seems poised to follow suit. I’m talking, of course, about single-use plastics. To many, this may warrant little fanfare. Who cares if we have to start sipping our gin and tonic through a paper or bamboo straw rather than a plastic one? Or […]

Will a European plastics ban really help the environment

Over the course of this year, it seems as though the debate on environmental protection has greatly shifted to the issue of plastics, namely the effects of ill-disposed of waste on marine life. This is no bad thing; the disastrous consequences of plastic rubbish on the oceans are well-documented, and I’d wager few could see […]

Das Spiel mit Desinformation

Das österreichische Forschungsportal “Addendum” hat im Juli ein Video über die Fakten von genmanipulierten Lebensmitteln veröffentlicht. Genetisch veränderte Lebensmittel stehen weiterhin unter Kritik, besonders von Organisationen wie Greenpeace. Dass Addendum-Video zeigt die unangenehme Realität der Umweltorganisation, die mit Desinformation Spendengelder einfährt. Wer sich der Illusion hingegeben hat, dass Organisationen wie Greenpeace echte Umweltschützer sind, die […]

When environmentalists oppose science

In the era of self-driving cars, big data and increasingly sophisticated bio-medical advances, the age-old question of how regulation can keep up with technology is more relevant than ever. Scientific advances touch every aspect of our lives, often in ways we rarely think about. Today, we live longer, healthier, more productive and more enjoyable lives […]

Earth Day has embraced hysteria and abandoned science

FOX NEWS: Among these advances, we would include ridesharing services, Airbnb, modern genetic engineering applied to agriculture, and state-of-the art agricultural chemicals. All these things enable us to do more with less – but they have been vilified by activists.

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