David Clement
North American Affairs Manager
Consumer Choice Center
Attacking Weedmaps And California Cannabis Dispensaries Is An Attack On Consumers
Sacramento, CA – Last week the Bureau of Cannabis Control issued 900 warning letters to cannabis dispensaries suspected of operating without a license. In addition to that, state regulators have also now gone after Weedmaps, which is a service that connects consumers with producers. Regulators have raised issue with Weedmaps advertising practices.
The Consumer Choice Center condemns the BCC’s heavy-handed approach and urges state regulators to embrace cannabis advertising, not oppose it.
“It is important to realize that advertising and branding are essential tools for consumer awareness, and for consumers to make informed decisions when buying cannabis. Attacking dispensaries is a blow to consumer choice, while over-regulating advertising significantly limits consumer knowledge, and ultimately consumer safety.” David Clement, North American Affairs Manager for the Consumer Choice Center
“When we are talking about advertising for adults, we see no reason why cannabis advertising should be more restricted than alcohol advertising.” David Clement
***CCC North America Affairs Manager David Clement is available to speak with accredited media on consumer regulations and consumer choice issues. Please send media inquiries HERE.***
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