
Month: September 2018

Sorry Mr. Trump, we’re not “Chinese propaganda” on trade

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to denounce several articles in the Des Moines Register as Chinese “propaganda ads” because of the facts presented on trade and tariffs. Included was an article written by the Consumer Choice Center that revealed the impact of tariffs on communities in North and South Carolina, which could affect up to 150,000 […]

OMS: buone intenzioni, cattive esecuzioni

ATLANTICO: E’ evidente che, nonostante le ottime intenzioni, l’OMS non stia percorrendo la strada giusta per risolvere i problemi legati al tabacco. Come dice Luca Bertoletti, European Affairs Manager del già citato Consumer Choice Center: “L’OMS ha perso la bussola. Deve decidere se continuare sulla cattiva strada e diventare nient’altro che l’ennesima organizzazione burocratica e paternalistica, o tornare sui […]

Pourquoi les institutions européennes ne font-elles pas confiance aux consommateurs ?

Les consommateurs ont beaucoup d’exigences à l’égard des institutions européennes, mais une question clé doit vraiment être posée à ceux qui continuent d’avancer l’idée de la nécessité d’un paternalisme étatique de l’Union européenne. Par Bill Wirtz, analyste de politiques pour le Consumer Choice Center. Il y a ce truisme qui dit que vous ne remarquez […]

Will a European plastics ban really help the environment

Over the course of this year, it seems as though the debate on environmental protection has greatly shifted to the issue of plastics, namely the effects of ill-disposed of waste on marine life. This is no bad thing; the disastrous consequences of plastic rubbish on the oceans are well-documented, and I’d wager few could see […]

Germany is delaying the adoption of the google tax and thats a good thing

While France and Spain are heavily lobbying for the adoption of a “GAFA” tax (Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple), also known as “Google tax”, Germany has chosen a more careful approach. Rightfully so. French finance minister Bruno Le Maire began his move towards what was then known as a “digital tax” (now also called “tax […]

Scrap the Diesel car ban

Bill Wirtz says that rather than tightening restrictions on Diesel cars we should be relaxing them.   A court in Wiesbaden ruled last week that local authorities in Frankfurt must ban older diesel cars as part of efforts to clean up air quality. Much like earlier bans in cities like Stuttgart, the ban is taking […]

Le paquet neutre et l’infantilisation des fumeurs

Le gouvernement belge veut, à son tour, imposer le paquet de cigarettes neutre. Une mesure inutile, coûteuse et infantilisante. Le gouvernement belge a décidé d’imposer un paquet neutre pour les cigarettes, le tabac à rouler et le tabac pour pipe à eau. Selon le communiqué récent de la ministre de la Santé Maggie De Block : C’est […]

Delta Airlines increases its fee for checked baggage

CONSUMER AFFAIRS: “With more competition among airlines for routes and flyers, consumers, on the whole, are seeing a great trend in cheaper tickets,” Yaël Ossowski, deputy director of the Consumer Choice Center, a consumer advocacy group based in Washington, D.C., told ConsumerAffairs. “But that means airlines are having to bump up prices for checked luggage […]

L’activisme écologique et anti-science dévoilé

Loin de défendre l’écologie, Greenpeace s’oppose à des avancées dans le domaine de la biotechnologie relatives à la santé humaine et à la nutrition Le portail de recherche autrichien Addendum a publié récemment une vidéo (1) sur les faits, les chiffres et les positions concernant les aliments génétiquement modifiés, connus sous le nom d’ »OGM ». Pour […]

British taxpayers ‘should not subsidise scaremongering anti-vaping laws’

EXPRESS: Jeff Stier, of the Consumer Choice Centre, a US consumer watchdog, said: “Both the US and UK are financing an organisation which for years has had problems with corruption and transparency, and the biggest part with transparency issues is the FCT. “Its policies show that the WHO is fighting vaping in an unscientific way.According […]

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