
Linda Kiguhi

Trade Policy Fellow


Linda is an International Trade and Free Market supporter, an Advocate of the High
Court of Kenya, a Frederic Bastiat Fellow at the Mercatus Center, George Mason
University and an alumnus of the Atlas Network’s Smith Fellowship. She serves as
the Director of Africa Programs at the worlds’ largest youth movement for human
freedom, Students For Liberty International.

Linda has represented Students For Liberty in partner projects including Fostering Issue Based Political Dialogue Towards 2017 General Elections in Kenya, August 2016 to November 2017 with Liberal Alliance Denmark. She also hosted the 10-day Principles of Free Markets Colloquium in Abuja Nigeria, aimed at countering violent extremism, for 90 Fellows brought together by the North East Regional Initiative supported by Creative International in April 2018.

Linda has contributed her views on trade, free markets, property rights and human
freedom published by the Telegraph, Africaliberty.org, Atlas Network’s Freedom
Magazine, the Free Market Foundation and the Young IPA podcast. She has
presented at several free market conferences and fora in Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Malawi, South Africa, Ghana and USA. Linda holds a Masters in International Trade Law (LLM) from the University of Aberdeen, Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law and a Bachelors of Law (LLB) from the University of Nairobi. She is also an alumnus of the Atlas Network’s
Think Tank MBA class of 2018.

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