

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The First Amendment is a back-to-back champ. In an opinion delivered on Monday, the nation’s highest court sent back two separate cases brought by industry association NetChoice...

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Late last week, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered another magnanimous opinion in a lawsuit concerning the rights of citizens subject to enforcement action by federal agencies. In...

Washington, D.C. – The Consumer Choice Center (CCC) celebrates today’s Supreme Court decision overturning the 1984 ‘Chevron‘ doctrine, an outdated ruling that exploded the power of the federal government to...

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Brussels, BE – According to Euractiv.com, the European Council will ask the European Commission this week to place novel tobacco products under the Tobacco Excise Directive, thus harmonising its excise...

Les dix premières villes selon le classement sont Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Moscou, Saint-Pétersbourg, Varsovie, Kiev, São Paulo, Tbilissi et Helsinki. Luxembourg-Ville se positionne en dernière place, ensemble avec Athènes et...

Les dix premières villes selon le classement sont Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Moscou, Saint-Pétersbourg, Varsovie, Kiev, São Paulo, Tbilissi et Helsinki. En revanche, Prague. Dublin, Amsterdam, Bratislava, Ljubljana, Sofia, Tokyo, La...

“Економіка спільного використання трансформувала наше життя різними способами. Забронювати житло для відпочинку за допомогою платформ для оренди житла на відпочинку або замовити таксі через онлайн-додаток коли ми спізнюємось на зустріч...

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