
Day: May 25, 2018

Ban-the-straw push panned as latest left-wing effort

ONE NEWS NOW: McDonald’s is being lobbied to drop plastic straws from its restaurants but a consumer advocate says straws are just the newest target of overzealous environmentalists. “Plastics are the new evil and this is part of that political campaign,” says Jeff Stier, senior fellow at the Consumer Choice Center. A shareholder proposal this week will […]

Sucked into Eco-Activism: McDonald’s May Ban the Plastic Straw

LIFEZETTE: “I don’t know where you’re going to get these bamboo straws,” Jeff Stier, senior fellow at the Consumer Choice Center in Washington, D.C., told LifeZette. “I don’t know what planet they’re on by saying we’re going to save the oceans by switching to some of these outlandish alternatives.”

« L’OMS préfère le tabac à Ebola »

LE MONDE DU TABAC : Alors que le virus Ebola refait son apparition en Afrique, Bill Wirtz (analyste pour le Consumer Choice Center) « descend » littéralement l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé dans une tribune sur le site Agora.  

Das sinnlose Snus-Verbot

THE EUROPEAN: Letzten Monat hat der führende schwedische Snushersteller Swedish Match das Snusverbot der EU vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH) in Frage gestellt, in der Hoffnung, sein Produkt über Schweden hinaus zu vermarkten.

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