
Day: February 16, 2018

Scandale des sèche-mains électriques: une photo sur Facebook n’est pas une preuve scientifique

CAFE BABEL: Après un post sur Facebook, la discussion sur l’hygiène des sèche-mains électriques est de revenue dans le débat public. Petite récapitulation des faits.

Protectionist lobby in full swing for EU-Mercosur negotiations

INSTITUTE FOR FREE TRADE: The EU is currently negotiating a trade agreement with the four founding members of Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). It should come to nobody’s surprise that the opposition to such a trade deal is already in the making. But who are these campaigners who so vehemently reject the idea of intercontinental […]

Congressional oversight weeds out corrupt international junk science

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: This may be the year when Congress finally cracks down on the corrupt World Health Organization. The last straw may be not what WHO did, but what it didn’t do.

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