
Month: January 2018

It’s time to legalize paid plasma donations in Ontario

OUR WINDSOR: In order to meet supply, Canada ends up importing close to 70 per cent of the plasma from the United States, where they have paid plasma donor plans. Thus, Canadian officials end up acquiring plasma from paid donors abroad while prohibiting it here at home

It’s time to legalize paid plasma donations in Ontario

TORONTO STAR: In order to meet supply, Canada ends up importing close to 70 per cent of the plasma from the United States, where they have paid plasma donor plans. Thus, Canadian officials end up acquiring plasma from paid donors abroad while prohibiting it here at home.

FCC’s Incentive Auction May Leave Hundreds of Stations Behind

MORNING CONSULT: Unlike the unhampered free market and innovation that the internet enjoys, local TV and radio broadcasters are facing a life-threatening challenge: business-closing government mandates.

Was die richtige Freiheit ist

PERLENTAUCHER: Die Nase voll von Bevormundungen hat auch Bill Wirtz vom Consumer Choice Center in der Welt

Mythen über Palmöl

NOVO ARGUMENTE: Produkte werden damit beworben, kein Palmöl zu enthalten. Dabei besteht kein Anlass für Gesundheitsbedenken und sein Anbau ist vergleichsweise effizient.

Tabak-Preiserhöhung in Frankreich: Nichts für Deutschland

PEACE LOVE LIBERTY: Muss eine Zigarettenschachtel 10€ kosten, um Menschen vom Rauchen abzuhalten?

Schluss mit der Bevormundung!

DIE WELT: Wir sind Erwachsene, und ja, manchmal treffen wir Entscheidungen, die ungesund sind: Wir trinken Alkohol, essen Tiefkühlpizza, rauchen Zigaretten. Die Antwort kann aber nicht sein, den Verbrauch zu verbieten. Solche Regulierungen widersprechen nicht nur der persönlichen Freiheit.”

Center for Science in the Public Interest wants regulation, not public health

By Jeff Stier, Senior Fellow, Consumer Choice Center Letter to the Editor – Re “They Took On the Food Giants — and Won” (Personal Health, Jan.1): While the Center for Science in the Public Interest (C.S.P.I.) has made important contributions to public-health discourse, Brody’s piece presents both a rosy version of the group’s ideologically-tainted record, as well as gross misrepresentations of his critics. I write as one who has […]

The palm oil debate is ridden with misperceptions

COMMENT CENTRAL: The debate surrounding palm oil has become warped and distorted. Policy makers have rushed to pass judgment on an industry based upon erroneous evidence and claims. Ultimately, it should be up to consumers which types of fats they consume, says Bill Wirtz.

Controverses des “loot box” : ce qu’on ne vous dit pas

L’ECHO: La sortie du nouveau jeu vidéo d’Electronic Arts (EA) “Star Wars: Battlefront 2” a vu naître un nouveau débat sur la régulation des jeux vidéo. La pratique consistant à faire payer les joueurs pour des “loot boxs” a fait l’objet d’une enquête en Belgique, ce qui a poussé plusieurs institutions à plaider en faveur d’une […]

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