As 2019 wraps up, there is plenty of ample opportunity to discuss what should be the priorities for Congressional lawmakers in 2020.
What is top of mind for many Americans, of course, is healthcare.
It’s as much about the cost as it is about services and the ability to choose what works best for you and your family.
On the Democratic side, many presidential candidates are endorsing Medicare For All as an answer. We’d be inclined to disagree.
Others have focused just on repealing Obamacare (The Affordable Care Act). A challenge to its constitutionality is once more making its way through the courts.
Here’s a quick breakdown that we believe would empower consumer choice, affordability, and make people better off today.
Allow health professionals to practice in every state (reciprocity)
Reduce barriers to entry for health professionals, and create more streamlined license recognition for immigrants
Promote price of care transparency
Keep pharma competitive and protect IP to offer the best treatments
Digitize records to upgrade our systems
Emphasize the role of catastrophic insurance
Allow portability of insurance between employers
Allow additional tax benefits for those who save money for health costs (HSAs, etc.) and let them use where necessary
Allow insurance companies to offer plans and compete across state lines