Review: Fun Police Podcast Exposes the Nanny State
Don’t trust the do-gooders campaigning against drinking, smoking, and gambling.
It’s a fairly well-established principle that the state can intervene when an individual harms another person: Your right to swing your fist ends when it hits my face. But what about when someone’s actions harm only themselves?
For some, that’s another opportunity for the government to get involved. They’re the “fun police,” constantly using public policy to nudge, cajole, or outright force you to accept their idea of a healthy, moral lifestyle. In a new limited-run podcast series produced by the Consumer Choice Center, a group that opposes paternalism in various forms, co-hosts Bill Wirtz and Yaël Ossowski turn a skeptical eye toward the do-gooders and nanny-staters who campaign against drinking, smoking, gambling, and more.
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