
Day: February 13, 2019

Cannabis stocks climb ahead of congressional hearing on bank access

Yaël Ossowski, deputy director at the cannabis advocacy group Consumer Choice Center, urged lawmakers to push for banking reform, outlining the risks facing companies forced to operate as cash-only businesses. “Higher risk means cannabis companies face additional costs,” Ossowski said in a statement. “They have to hire security guards for transporting cash and paying local […]

Legal Cannabis Is Here to Stay, and Consumers and Entrepreneurs Deserve Safe Banking Options

On Wednesday, US Rep. Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY) will lead a subcommittee hearing on access to banking services for cannabis-related businesses. For hundreds of millions of Americans across the country, cannabis is no longer the “reefer madness” street drug it once was. Much like alcohol before it, the cannabis plant has evolved from a narcotic […]

Calls for a new EU carbon and aviation tax

The suggestion has not been greeted favourably by the domestic market. Fred Roeder, managing director of the Consumer Choice Center (CCC), says that such a move would limit passenger choice and burden consumers from all over the EU with a new tax. “The Netherlands seem to flip-flop on whether consumers should be burdened with a […]

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Also from the Consumer Choice Center: ConsumerChamps.EU | FreeTrade4us.org