
Making Ontario’s Legal System More Consumer Friendly

In Ontario, it was previously prohibited for legal documents to be virtually commissioned, or notarized online. At the end of 2019, the Ontario Government asked for consultation on the allowance of both virtual commissioning, and online notarization. In January of 2020, the Province announced changes to the Notaries Act, specifically legalizing both changes to Ontario’s legal system. In the announcement, Ontario’s Attorney General Doug Downey quoted the Consumer Choice Center’s David Clement. Specifically, he quoted the following:

“Allowing for virtual commissioning and notarizing is a positive step for those using legal services. Permitting virtual commissioning and notarizing ultimately makes the system more consumer friendly and more responsive. From a consumer standpoint, this is a welcomed change.”

David Clement, North American Affairs Manager, Consumer Choice Center

The Consumer Choice Center is pleased with Ontario’s commitment to making commissioning and notarization more consumer friendly. 

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