
Day: March 21, 2018

Le protectionnisme de Trump relève de l’illettrisme économique

LA LIBRE: A long terme, les mesures protectionnistes se répercutent sur les prix et les salaires. Au bout de la chaîne, ce seront les consommateurs qui seront touchés, y compris les moins aisés économiquement, écrit Bill Wirtz du Consumer Choice Center.

Response to DG Trade’s list of countermeasure to Trump’s Tariffs: Trade provocations do not require any response!

Your views and information regarding the EU economic interests in steel and aluminium products originating in the EU that might be affected by a tariff increase, announced by the United States of America on 8 March 2018 and applicable as from 23 March 2018:  Potential tariffs imposed by the US government on steel and aluminium imports […]

Irish tax on alcohol is enough to drive everyone to drink

TIMES OF LONDON: Consumer Choice Center’s Bill Wirtz is published in the London Times: “We need to recognise that consumers have the right to make choices. This implies that they make the choice to drink because they are allowed to enjoy themselves. Or at least while they are still allowed.”

Proposed marijuana packaging rules threaten choice and safety

DIGITAL JOURNAL: According to David Clement, the North American affairs manager at Washington, D.C.-based lobby group, Consumer Choice Center, Health Canada’s proposed packaging guidelines could threaten the choice and safety of consumers because they make it more difficult to make an informed decision.

Winston-Salem Journal Editorial Quotes Consumer Choice Center

WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL: Plus, “The FDA concedes that a ban on today’s cigarettes could have significant unintended consequences, leading to compensatory smoking, where smokers inhale more dangerous chemicals in an effort to get the nicotine they crave,” according to Jeff Stier, senior fellow with the advocacy group Consumer Choice Center.

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