
Palm Oil

Greenpeace activists try to sabotage Indonesian economy

The Jakarta Post: But Bill Wirtz, a policy analyst for the Consumer Choice Center (CCC), cited in a recent article the findings of studies by the School of Medical Science and Technology of the Indian Institute of Technology in 2009 and the World Journal of Cardiology, that palm oil’s effect on blood cholesterol is relatively neutral […]

Mythen über Palmöl

NOVO ARGUMENTE: Produkte werden damit beworben, kein Palmöl zu enthalten. Dabei besteht kein Anlass für Gesundheitsbedenken und sein Anbau ist vergleichsweise effizient.

The palm oil debate is ridden with misperceptions

COMMENT CENTRAL: The debate surrounding palm oil has become warped and distorted. Policy makers have rushed to pass judgment on an industry based upon erroneous evidence and claims. Ultimately, it should be up to consumers which types of fats they consume, says Bill Wirtz.

Soyons raisonnables avec l’huile de palme

LA CHRONIQUE AGORA: Les labels alimentaires se multiplient dans nos supermarchés, allant du commerce équitable aux normes environnementales. Mais est-ce pour le profit du consommateur ?

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