
Author: Fred Roeder

Protect consumers from potential black market surge

GREATER enforcement efforts from the authorities and a robust consumer education campaign are critical to stemming the expected increase of black market goods resulting from the increasing cost of essential goods and income crunch faced by Malaysians.

This follows recent news reports that coffee shop operators were forced to increase their prices in tandem with the price increase of essential products like condensed and evaporated milk, sugar and plastic bags which eventually led to the rise in their operation cost.

“The spike in prices of essential items may be indicative of broad-base inflation setting in as a result of the low-interest rate regime,” commented Consumer Choice Centre (CCC) managing director Fred Roeder.

This can be problematic as household incomes have not recovered from the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and income stretched consumers will naturally turn to cheaper alternatives for their everyday goods and services.

“We believe that criminal syndicates will seize this opportunity to bolster the supply of black market products into the Malaysian market, and they would be enabled by the opening of borders between states and very soon, countries,” opined Roeder.

Read the full article here

How Germany’s new coalition could change the fate of the TRIPs waiver

Since South Africa and India proposed a temporary waiver on the intellectual property shielding COVID-19 vaccines and other interventions more than a year ago at the World Trade Organization, they have acquired broad — and sometimes unexpected — support.

Germany remains a steadfast opponent though. And while other nations such as the United Kingdom and Switzerland have also maintained their opposition, Germany’s hostility to the proposal carries outsized weight.

“The German government until today has been really harsh in rejecting this,” Jörg Schaaber, from the civil society group BUKO Pharma-Kampagne, told Devex. “That has a significant influence on the EU position.” Observers said Germany’s stance helps explain why the European Commission remains opposed to the waiver despite a June vote by the European Parliament to start discussions on the Indian and South African proposal.

Read the full article here

Can we please have a debate about policy issues?

Trying to talk policy with confused Le Monde activist journalists

Have you ever attempted to argue with a conspiracy theorist? 

They don’t all wear tinfoil hats and argue about vaccines or government plots. Some earn paychecks from respectable media outlets. Others are funded by billionaire philanthropists to sow doubt and spin narratives.

The Consumer Choice Center recently met with some Michael Bloomberg-funded journalists — a troubling web on its own — supposedly to discuss our campaigns on tobacco harm reduction, an important issue for us and for a billion smokers worldwide. Yesterday they published their “research” after months of inquiry.

We wanted to talk to them about policy issues. But they seemingly weren’t interested in the great work we do on consumer choice and innovative, smart policies across the globe. They did not care about our fight to save the lives of millions of smokers, or our efforts to make ride-sharing available for everyone and reduce drunk driving, or combatting criminals and drug-dealers by endorsing cannabis legalization. We advocate for innovative solutions to tackle the world’s problems — from hunger to pandemics — but they had a different narrative to sell.

Cynical activist-journalists don’t seem to care about the life-saving potential of vaping but instead aim to slander people that endorse and use it. Where is the alternative solution provided by these intrepid journalists? They also don’t care about us and our volunteers being actual consumers — this makes me look forward to displaying hundreds of video testimonials of vapers in the upcoming weeks across Europe. Nearly 70 million smokers (that’s 1% of world population and about 200-times more people than Le Monde readers) have been able to quit thanks to vaping. This is likely the largest public health victory since the invention of the Polio vaccine! 

Instead, the big story they wanted to target is that the CCC receives money from for-profit corporations. This is true, and it shouldn’t be a surprise. It’s clearly stated on our website, and we’ve answered these questions a hundred times. If it takes three “journalists” months to figure this out, then Michael Bloomberg and those who run his foundation, who funded their research, should probably consider the return on their investment. 

Despite their ambiguous claims, CCC has ZERO ties to the Koch family, their companies, or their money, and though this was made very clear to the intrepid reporters, they devoted the vast majority of their screed to trying to force a link that doesn’t exist. This is neither honest journalism nor fact-based reporting, but it fits the illiberal and moralizing worldview of a sect of journalists, and their contrived sense of right and wrong. 

They believe that fighting for consumer choice and evidence-based policies is a fringe pursuit and lonely endeavor, which no one would dare try unless funded by various incarnations of the devil. We disagree. 

I devoted more than an hour to talking with these journalists in person, and provided responses to all of their follow-up questions, in good faith. The same can be said for my colleagues who provided answers to them in the months prior. Their suggestion that I was evasive just doesn’t match the facts. We are open and proud of the work that we do. 

There’s a massive need to raise and amplify the voice of consumers that want access to innovative products, that want to decide for themselves, and that don’t want to be lectured to by activist-journalists with an ideological axe to grind. 

The Consumer Choice Center is proud of its accomplishments in our years of existence, and that my colleagues and our volunteers work hard hours every day to bring evidence and consumer choice to the public debate. I am very thankful for all the support we have received in the past and we look forward to growing our efforts for 21st century consumer policies! 

P.S.: The story that consumers and ex-smokers (like me) fight for the right to vape seemed to be such a non-story that the writers decided it was appropriate to comment on the fashion choices of myself and Michael. When they go low, we’ll go high, so we won’t respond in kind. But I would like to say that I proudly bought my Burberry trench coat in a second hand market. But this wouldn’t fit their narrative. 

P.P.S.: All I want for Christmas is for Michael Bloomberg and the World Health Organization to realize that vaping can save millions of lives. Santa, can you help with this?

P.P.P.S: If you want to read through the result of the aforementioned 3-month-long research you can have some entertainment here.

Addition: This thread by Michelle Minton at the Competitive Enterprise Institute shows the undeclared conflicts of interest of some of the authors of the references ‘research’.


Fred Roeder ist Managing Director des Consumer Choice Center. Er ist ein Sprachrohr für die Rechte und Bedürfnisse von Konsumenten. Roeder war auch in führenden Rollen bei den Students for Liberty aktiv.

Was heißt Freiheit für Sie?

Was mich wirklich motiviert ist die Freiheit zu haben, Dinge auszuprobieren – sowohl als Verbraucher als auch als Innovator. Viel zu oft mischt sich der Staat bei neuen Technologien und Dienstleistungen ein. Neue Dinge werden in alte sklerotische Regelwerke gepresst. Gutes Beispiel dafuer sind zum Beispiel Apps wie Uber oder Deliveroo. Wir haben hier ein ganz neues Ökosystem für Dienstleistungen, Kunden lieben es, aber Regulierer wollen es kaputt machen. Das nervt und schränkt Innovation und Wahlfreiheit ein. Das motiviert mich, aufzustehen und für Wahlfreiheit zu kämpfen.

Welches Buch (oder Bücher) haben Sie bisher am meisten verschenkt? Oder: welche ein bis drei Bücher hatten den größten Einfluss auf Ihr Leben?

Sachbuecher: Capitalism and Freedom von M. Friedman, Human Action von Mises, Fiction: Dune von Frank Herbert, The Expanse Series von James Corey.

Was erwarten Sie in puncto Freiheit vom 21. Jahrhundert?

Ich erhoffe mir viel von neuen Technologien. Kryptowährungen und Blockchain an sich bringen eine ganz neue Dimension in Innovation, Finance und Geldpolitik.  Technologie kann natürlich auch vom Staat gegen Freiheit eingesetzt werden, aber ich bin da optimistisch: Innovation wird immer erst auf der Seite der Freiheit passieren. Ich hoffe auch, dass wir zu mehr Wettbewerb zwischen Städten kommen und verfolge das Konzept der Privatstädte mit hohem Interesse. Bei neuen Lebensmittel- und Biotechverfahren liegen auch Riesenchancen. Von dürreresistenten Getreidesorten dank Genschere bis hin zu Impfstoffen, die binnen Stunden und nicht Jahren entwickelt werden. Das ist schon alles ziemlich cool!

Wo sind für Sie die Grenzen der Freiheit? Wann muss Freiheit eingeschränkt werden?

Also, ich komme ja aus der Verbraucherpolitik: Jemandem wissentlich vergiftetes Essen zu verkaufen oder Kunden aktiv zu täuschen ist nicht ok. Wenn ich als Produzent etwas als gesund bewerbe aber weiss, dass ich viel zu viel Quecksilber in meinem Essen habe, solllte das schon nicht legal sein bzw. kann und sollte von Gerichten geklärt werden. In kurz: Fär sein Handeln muss man haften.

Wie beurteilen Sie die Entwicklung der Freiheit in den letzten 100 Jahren?

Also, ich bin ja kein Historiker… es gab richtig schlimme Ereignisse in den letzten 100 Jahren (Sowjetunion, Nazideutschland, das kommunistische China), aber eben auch deutlich mehr Wohlstand und Frieden in vielen Teilen der Erde.

Welchen Rat würden Sie einem klugen, motivierten Studenten geben, der gerade sein Studium abgeschlossen hat und in die Jobwelt eintritt? Welchen Rat würde Sie ihm raten zu ignorieren?

Mir hat es nach dem Studium wirklich geholfen, erst einmal für eine Zeit in einem grösseren Unternehmen zu arbeiten und einige Tricks and Abgebrühtheit von älteren Kollegen und Vorgesetzten zu lernen.

Lieber eine freie, aber arme Gesellschaft oder eine prosperierende Diktatur?

Antwort C): Eine prosperierende und freie Privatstadt.

Originally published here

Kesempitan hidup sekarang, dorong rakyat pilih barangan seludup

Kehilangan kerja, potongan gaji dan berkurangnya peluang-peluang pekerjaan kini mengakibatkan kesulitan kewangan kepada ramai pengguna di seluruh Malaysia dan keadaan ini akan menyemarakkan perdagangan haram secara besar-besaran, kata kumpulan advokasi pengguna global, Consumer Choice Center (CCC).

Ulasan CCC ini adalah susulan Laporan Jabatan Perangkaan (DoSM) mengenai Gaji dan Ganjaran 2020 yang mendapat median gaji dan ganjaran bulanan mencatat penurunan dua angka sebanyak 15.6% kepada RM2,062. Selain itu, DoSM semalam melaporkan graduan yang gagal memperoleh kerja meningkat sebanyak 22.5% pada 2020.

Read the full article here

Income crunch set to fuel illicit trade

LOSS of jobs, salary cuts and reduced employment opportunities are causing financial difficulties for many consumers throughout Malaysia and this situation is set to fuel illicit trade exponentially, said global consumer advocacy group Consumer Choice Center (CCC) in a statement today.

The comment from CCC came following the recent Department of Statistics Malaysia’s (DOSM) Salaries and Wages Report 2020 that found median monthly salaries and wages recording a double-digit decline of 15.6% to RM2,062. In addition, DOSM also reported that Malaysia’s unemployed graduates rose by 22.5% in 2020.

Read the full article here

消费人陷财困 非法贸易交易剧增


消费人选择中心的“全球消费人权益倡导组织”强调,该组织对大马统计局发布2020年薪酬报告有关月薪中值挫跌15.6% 至2062令吉的数据发文告。

Read the full article here

Income crunch set to fuel illicit cigarette trade

LOSS of jobs, salary cuts and reduced employment opportunities are causing financial difficulties for many consumers throughout Malaysia, with such situation set to fuel illicit trade exponentially.

Global consumer advocacy group Consumer Choice Centre (CCC) derived at the above conclusion following the recent Department of Statistics Malaysia’s (DOSM) Salaries & Wages Report 2020 which found median monthly salaries and wages recording a double-digit decline of 15.6% to RM2,062.

Read the full article here.

Kemelut kewangan cetus peningkatan perdagangan haram

Kehilangan pekerjaan, kurangnya peluang pekerjaan dan gaji pekerja dipotong telah mengakibatkan masyarakat berdepan dengan masalah kesulitan kewangan sekali gus mencetuskan kepada perlakuan perdagangan haram secara besar-besaran.

Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan advokasi pengguna global, Consumer Choice Center (CCC), Fred Roeder berkata, pengguna yang terjejas oleh kekangan kredit biasanya akan mencari kaedah alternatif untuk berjimat dalam perbelanjaan mereka.

Read the full article here.

Kesempitan hidup akan meningkatkan dagangan haram

Kehilangan kerja, potongan gaji dan kurangnya peluang pekerjaan kini mengakibatkan kesulitan kewangan kepada ramai pengguna di seluruh Malaysia dan keadaan ini akan meningkatkan perdagangan haram secara besar-besaran, kata kumpulan advokasi pengguna global, Consumer Choice Center (CCC).

Pengarah Urusan CCC, Fred Roeder berkata, pengguna yang terjejas oleh kekangan kredit biasanya akan mencari cara dan kaedah alternatif untuk berjimat dalam perbelanjaan harian mereka.

Read the full article here

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