
Press Release

[Marketing Medium] Passengers need to be refunded for tickets

“It’s also important to point out the incredible hypocrisy on the part of policy makers. EU policy makers spent most of 2019 lecturing and ridiculing consumers about flights, and are now rigging the rules of commerce for the benefit of airline companies. It is outrageous that airline companies are getting special treatment, when hotel and event bookings are not.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2KQJXCk

[Marketing Medium] Judge tosses parts of expert testimony in J&J talc trial: Is science being upheld?

“Judges are asked to evaluate what constitutes sound science or pass that along for juries to evaluate. Without significant legal reform to better define what basis of scientific data can be presented at court, we are destined for more convoluted trials, which ultimately means less justice for everyone.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2Ygjgir

[Marketing Medium] Il prezzo calmierato per le mascherina è pericolo per la libertà, non solo d’impresa ma anche dei consumatori

Roma, IT – Ieri il Presidente Conte ha dichiarato che il prezzo delle mascherine chirurgiche sarà di 0.50 euro, Luca Bertoletti, European Affairs Manager per il Consumer Choice Center commenta: “quanto avvenuto ieri sera è pericoloso, e infatti ne vediamo già gli effetti. Molte farmacie, che avevano mascherine nei magazzini non le vendono più in quanto non riuscirebbero nemmeno a rientrare dei costi”. 

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2Y5sPRo

[Marketing Medium] Large study debunks ‘insect apocalypse’ narrative

Brussels, BE – A new meta-analysis of insect populations*, representing the largest and most comprehensive assessment to date rectifies some of the misconceptions of the past years. The Consumer Choice Center’s Senior Policy Analyst Bill Wirtz says that this sobering study should put the discussion back into a more reasoned perspective.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2Y6fnNf

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