
Press Release

[Marketing Medium] Interactive World Vaping Map: 200 million smokers could switch to vaping

Brussels, BE: The liberalization of vaping has enormous potential and could help millions of people switch from traditional tobacco smoking to vaping – a safer and less harmful way of consumption of nicotine. The Consumer Choice Center examined 61 countries and assessed how smart tobacco harm reduction policies could make the switch easier.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/3eDu7bt

[Marketing Medium] The EU should not introduce harmonised excise taxes for vaping

Brussels, BE – According to Euractiv.com, the European Council will ask the European Commission this week to place novel tobacco products under the Tobacco Excise Directive, thus harmonising its excise levels across the single market. Bill Wirtz, Senior Policy Analyst for the Consumer Choice Center, said that this would undermine the public health objectives of the European Union:

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/3d7RU2C

[Marketing Medium] Economie de partage: Luxembourg en dernière place d’un nouvel classement

Les dix premières villes selon le classement sont Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Moscou, Saint-Pétersbourg, Varsovie, Kiev, São Paulo, Tbilissi et Helsinki. Luxembourg-Ville se positionne en dernière place, ensemble avec Athènes et La Haye. La capitale luxembourgeoise n’a pas de VTC (Uber, Bolt, Heetch et autres), et pas d’e-scooters pour se déplacer.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2X1GpnJ

[Marketing Medium] Economie de partage: Paris au milieu d’un nouvel classement

Les dix premières villes selon le classement sont Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Moscou, Saint-Pétersbourg, Varsovie, Kiev, São Paulo, Tbilissi et Helsinki. En revanche, Prague. Dublin, Amsterdam, Bratislava, Ljubljana, Sofia, Tokyo, La Haye, Luxembourg-ville et Athènes se trouvent tout en bas de la liste. Paris se positionne sur la 23e place, avec une bonne performance pour les VTC, mais un manque de points en vue des réglementations sur les services comme Airbnb et les e-scooters. 

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2M5i4XP

[Marketing Medium] Київ ввійшов в топ-10 найкращих міст за рівнем розвитку економіки спільного користування

“Економіка спільного використання трансформувала наше життя різними способами. Забронювати житло для відпочинку за допомогою платформ для оренди житла на відпочинку або замовити таксі через онлайн-додаток коли ми спізнюємось на зустріч – звичка багатьох з нас. Але часто ці платформи топляться під впливом надмірних регуляцій та податків,” – сказала Чапля.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2ZIQyYx

[Marketing Medium] Il Consumer Choice Center rilascia il sharing economy Index.

“Soprattutto in un momento come questo c’è bisogno di una forte spinta innovativa che faccia ripartire l’economia. Chiediamo al governo di far ripartire l’economia con una forte propulsione alla sharing economy, l’alternativa è togliere ancora una volta la possibilità agli Italiani di innovare” conclude Bertoletti

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2B2MGXY

[Marketing Medium] Ravelado Ranking das Economias Compartilhadas: São Paulo em 2˚ Lugar!

Para responder essa pergunta, o Centro de Escolha do Consumidor (CESCO), está lançando hoje sua edição 2020 do Sharing Economy Index. O índice ilustra as diferenças existentes na regulamentação de cada país e elenca as cidades onde os serviços e bens voltados à Economia Compartilhada são permitidas e incentivadas. O índice analisou mais de 50 cidades e as dez primeiras colocadas são Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Moscou, São Petersburgo, Varsóvia, Kiev, São Paulo, Tbilisi e Helsinque. Cidades como Dublin, Amsterdã, Bratislava, Liubliana, Sofia, Tóquio, Haia, Cidade do Luxemburgo e Atenas encontram-se no final da lista.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2AcbmfX

[Marketing Medium] Enthüllt: Die Top 10 der Sharing Economy-freundlichsten Städte der Welt – Baltikum Spitze – Deutsche Großstädte nur im Mittelfeld.

Die Top 10 Städte laut Index sind Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Moskau, St. Petersburg, Warschau, Kiew, São Paulo, Tiflis und Helsinki. München kommt als erste deutsche Stadt auf einen repsektablen 13ten Platz. Berlin liegt im Mittelfeld auf Platz 21. Ganz unten auf der Liste standen Dublin, Amsterdam, Bratislava, Ljubljana, Sofia, Tokio, Den Haag, Luxemburg und Athen.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/3d2YgAx

[Marketing Medium] Revealed World’s Top 10 Sharing Economy Friendly Cities

The top 10 cities according to the index are Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Warsaw, Kyiv, São Paulo, Tbilisi, and Helsinki. On the other hand, Prague. Dublin, Amsterdam, Bratislava, Ljubljana, Sofia, Tokyo, The Hague, Luxembourg City, and Athens found themselves at the very bottom of the list.Maria Chaplia, European Affairs Associate at the Consumer Choice Center, said the ranking demonstrates the availability of sharing economy services along with ease of access to users. The cities that score lowest have chosen excessive regulation over the interest of consumers thereby significantly limiting their consumer choice.

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2LZH42N

[Marketing Medium] Stockton Shouldn’t Use A Soda Tax To Fund Covid-19 Relief

Stockton, CA –  The City of Stockton is considering a call to overturn California’s ban on local soda taxes, which could open the door for a Stockton soda tax. Supporters of the tax say the funds generated would be used to support Covid-19 relief. David Clement, North American Affairs Manager for the DC based Consumer Choice Center (CCC), said “A soda tax to fund Covid-19 relief would be incredibly regressive, with low income residents bearing most of the burden. 

from Consumer Choice Center https://ift.tt/2WZrT01

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