
bill wirtz

What Do “Consumer Rights” Advocates Really Want?

FEE: A large number of NGOs claim to be standing up for consumer rights. Outside of the conventional practice of assisting consumers with misleading labeling or outright safety issues, many of these consumer activists aren’t that much about choices or about rights anymore, but about control. But what exactly are they advocating for?

Scandale des sèche-mains électriques: une photo sur Facebook n’est pas une preuve scientifique

CAFE BABEL: Après un post sur Facebook, la discussion sur l’hygiène des sèche-mains électriques est de revenue dans le débat public. Petite récapitulation des faits.

Protectionist lobby in full swing for EU-Mercosur negotiations

INSTITUTE FOR FREE TRADE: The EU is currently negotiating a trade agreement with the four founding members of Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). It should come to nobody’s surprise that the opposition to such a trade deal is already in the making. But who are these campaigners who so vehemently reject the idea of intercontinental […]

Steuern auf Plastiktüten: Gute Absicht, schlechte Politik

PROMETHEUS INSTITUT: Angesichts des Austritts Großbritanniens aus der Europäischen Union werden die Mitgliedstaaten aufgefordert, ihre Beiträge nach Brüssel zu erhöhen. Von Bill Wirtz, Consumer Choice Center.

Why is the European Parliament treating science with contempt?

VOCAL EUROPE: It seems as if the European Parliament takes the approach questioning scientific results once they don’t happen to confirm its narrative. After all, what are the presumptive expectations for an investigation into the EFSA and ECHA assessment? Are we to investigate a product as long as it fits our policy-based expectations? What would happen […]

Beware the puritanical technopanic

CAPX: Early Facebook investor Roger McNamee has called for social media companies to be regulated in the same way as tobacco and alcohol.  The justification for such action, he argues, is the risk of addiction and their influence on public discourse and democracy.

Einfach krank! Wie Staat und Unternehmen die Sorge um unsere Gesundheit schüren

RUHRBARONE: Politiker und Unternehmen nutzen die Angst vor Gesundheitsrisiken, um ihre eigenen Interessen auf Kosten der Allgemeinheit zu verfolgen. Dabei bleiben Vernunft und Fakten auf der Strecke. Von unserem Gastautor Bill Wirtz.

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